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Class 10 Exam 2016 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Sat Paul Mittal School, Ludhiana)

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Jasraj Nanda
Sat Paul Mittal School, Ludhiana
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jasraj.nanda c"t 4&!, -L*&,.! ^ -Eag*.*u r.o:d4 *n&i tffi TimeAllowed:-2hrs Sat Paal frtittal School Pre boardtl('r075-16) Class X Subject: English Language Max. Martis: - 80 Answerto this paper must be *. You wil not be ailowed to write durini n" n"rt ii minutes. This tirne is to be spent in reading th-e questio" p"p";. The time given at the head of the paper is the timi altowed for;;i;i.g the answers, *:!q{Gi::"rxH:li[u.*r.n, rhe intend-ed marks are given in the brackets I You are advised to spend not more than 35 minutes'in l. ansro*riog question-l and 20 minutes in answering question 2. Question I: write a composition (350-400 words), on (a) "Private fuitions are a necessary evil." Give you views eitherfor (b) Write an original story entitled: Lost and Found (c) Relate a special incident or experience in your life which you still recall with happine_ss. (d) Labour's Day was celebrated in your school for qhe first time. Write what you pali"ula.ty titea about the celebration' what did you learn from the efforts of those *il;;;iu'i"o una organised the function? How did you express your gratitude to the people for whom the function oNE of the topics given berow: ar 12sl againstthis statement. J was organised? (e) study the picture given below. Write a story or description or an account of what the picture suggests to you' Your composition may be directly about the subject of the picture or may take suggestions from it, but there must be some clear connection between the picture and the composition. Select ONE of the 2: [10] foltowing: r- ^^.. il1 ill and has had to give up has been school your at his/her illness you have heard that one of the teachers are sorry-to hear about you that him/her to him/ier telring Question (a) teaching. write a letter andthatvout,op@Y"";;;"i***r'tothanktheteacherforthehe1p *"tt at school' t.lstte gattF;;-nilt you to the quite dull' write a letter you (b) the Tv seriars are terevision and feei that have been watching kind of p,"TuT-lt-: star pi",, ,ru,ing the .'-ou like to rvatch' and Director programmes, suggestingwaysandmeans.on,ut"thembothinstructiveandenterralnlng. Question3:Readthepassagegivenbelowandanswerthequestionsthatfollow: Bhavan, the do",, :11:"1d r rested for a moment at *o11' i;.* .tt"'ilt I :lj:"I':fl;.1:."+'::.'l;;;;e, it is am blocking your threshold: ffi"'#,'nn'":;q1::Ii,T"'i:?:i'"' tit" ffi If my taiftrails aoiT 't'""t]itrf tresj+?l :*ffi {llT',ffi sat earers at their tabres i}f; ffi ,"ffi ":^PRoad' :'l'i':^TrlTlt'1ff1'ril1,ti::l hugging tne iust want to watch" ;;;' all "" ';:;;,"ii',,y10,q'.*.l:xu##f teem ffi il#.;ffiit't:.;Tjji"':H::;:':;*::; beings who slaughter green Pasture iig"r, .ourr. onri*r.e$ ,lrrv until I feel hungry ufuii. ot hunger " one another without ["'pot* " r."iniunJrti;G;u*un noishesL-ll*"t1';:iliu."'jli"i*g thern. and Tothegreatdelightofchi1dre1.schoo1swerebeinghuniediyc|1'"ffiffii.tT:$:lf;; scrg1mi11ffiqrft'ni^t^*:,t' were running bslter-skelter n*:::l6*ffi"l::l;.,{*}-.ffi *ltlf let ;tg.,;t coming to eat us; us get Dac tUif'T:H5Ti'i';;;;:;rr"n'1b=ried'rhe in rne-$gg!-!9ll ,un up and shut themselves veranda' and walked in' ,!:,u th3i1 schoor gate while r forl0wed rhem throueh the schoo[ saw an op"n ai?, ,,Jp, of securery. I uscendlJ,t " ;i;;i* ;ra J " iir,ffi*op o"*"';.:J'i"1.r-:i1T:*;'tr*i'Jg;*,hi*i3*!F*fri"tr:-':lHi"f?:: *" ilti* "tdt unoiiuuin* tt"n'@r'r.,"l*e. desk - iliil-t"',: gt cool stone fioors d, r rvas alv?re sleep I heard orcautious::n::f *:::'dr:H?ilt'#"f;ffil1ffi #{:t{#({'-* iazzrins'ln hair d"*d;, sleep: or T'"1 *""irnt N\ifi.Ni(*iiii$r. ..._--. s,r\"n. o"nio --:.3 :-1,-:s r: lr.e room being shut and .- locked'i didilt carelNutr\' "to -i.1 : . s ::'. i rear deal of cguJgilop;vgeollg a& - .-= ::r..\. - 1.=:';'; Ilugi ul"gt'itJuj-r through mlmaster' *hi *n';-n'r''ft"6*#ir6-*i--ff,''*.Kg*n*""#*; _..,,.,;;;:-:_:,i:.'.Tijilr:'|#i"*iiSXTHA::ff"d;:*Gli!'-onewal.ermainiai::::-:= -- i: : -: ::--l:.; ::= b'O1 S' :.ffrr-r'i:r^!':'! -' -.'. '-_' -:'.: words coined by humans in their arrogance. The human being thinks all other creatures are ..beasts,,. word! Give the meanings of the following, as nsed in the passage: (4 -/' S ftIt , (W t3l transfixed helter-skelter admonished A.nsy4e (b) following q uestions : u{ ,ynat reassurance did the tiger give the coffee drinkers? ,{ yrnat way are tigers different from human beings? fi{ Wny were the children delighted? 121 I2l I2l What did the headmaster say some days later? I2l tUS--/Wnat was the wag,s response? QA ( ) g /. Ar*frl Izl Which sentences tell us that the tiger's owner had great respect for the tiger? I2l In not more than 60 words, summarize the tiger's activities from the time it followed the children till it stept. ---;nhool ---r-. Igl Give the tifle to your summary and give a reason to justis your choice. Izj Question 4: (a) In the following passage fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct . form of the word given in the brackets. Do-not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank,p"o. I4l Example: 0 were sailing samir' Aditi and Joe (0) in a small boat. To their great -----.- (sail) round the world misfortune, they (l) .(shipwreck) one night. ,it *irt there was an'irtuna nearby,,, (2) .----- (say) samir. At da*n, theywere thrown up on to a desert island. For the next two months they (3) _ (live) on fish, nuts uno r.uit. one day, while (4) (walk) down the shore, they siw a bottle. "I hope it eontains a note or something!,, _ said Aditi. They opened it (5),---::-r-::-- (huny) and.a.genie -pr;;, ,,It's good that you opened the bottle," gasped eeni1, *I @efso grui"r*i,1;u gi.r.-one *irt "eact. Now you b_egin," the genie said, pointing to (? ._ (be) with my family," said Samir. And whoosh, he disappeared. ::l y/ish - And, - said. "Me too," Aditi ,.And, whoosh ofIJ, she (S) __-__ *hut a'fout you?,, the tgo). genie asked (6t------- Joe. "I *'ish to have my friends back with me!,, (b) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate G) The noise preyented us Joe said. words: sleeping. I4l I :; \\-e must c,'npi1 tiii: rir ) i,,.I F{e looi<s forward (vi) How is your son the government's regulations. the visit of his grand children. I i-rnd it difficult to bear violent temDer. evil. You can't even distinguish good ---- getting at school? this ruie. (vii) There is no exception writing good English. (viii) She exceis (c) Connbine the following sentences without using 'and', 'but' or 'so'. l4l Apologize quickly" Yor.r would not be pardoned. (ii) (iii) (iv) (d) He committed a terrible deed. He stole his brother's horse. The coffee isn't strong' It won't keep us arvake. I finished my homework. I sr'r'itched on the television' Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after eaeh. Make other changes that may be necessary; but do not change the meaning of each sentence. t8l On arrival at the godown, the parcels are inspected. I [Begin: When the parcels' (ii) The teacher made the pupil empty his bag. [Begin: The pupil (iii) Although he had bad cold. Buntl'\\'ent to schoci' I [Begin: Inspite I (v) *- It is more than one hundred lears since the cirth I [Begin: Dr. B. R.Ambedkar "l am sorry I gave you the wrong number ''. said Ria to Rohan. I [Begin: Ria apologized (vi) lt was not his intention to - harm you. [Begin: He did not I (vii) l)'b:,\ tu lts nr pL This horse is better trained than yours[Begin: Your (viii) F{er attitude often annoYs me. [Use: annoyance] -] *-+a) ( ',-t $., * rlild

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