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ICSE Prelims 2014 : Biology (Delhi Public School (DPS), Newtown, Kolkata)

8 pages, 93 questions, 90 questions with responses, 150 total responses,    0    0
Farazul Haque
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DELH HI PUBLIC SCHOO OL NEW WTOWN KOLK KATA SESSIO ON 2013-2 2014 SEL LECTION N EXAMI INATION N CLAS SS: X SUBJE ECT: BIO OLOGY SET B FULL L MARKS: 80 TIME E: 2 HOU URS Answ wers to this s paper mus st be written n on the pap per provide ed separately ly. You will not n be allow wed to write e during the e first 15 mi inutes. This time is to be sp pent in read ding the que estion pape er. The tim me given at the t head of f this paper is the time allowed for r writing th he answers. This pap per compris ses of Eight t printed pa ages. At ttempt all qu uestions fro om Section I and any four f questio ons from Se ection II. The e intended marks m for questions q or r parts of qu uestions are e given in b brackets [ ]. ______ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ SE ECTION I (40 ( Marks) Att tempt all questions fro om this sect tion Q.1 (a) Name the following: i. The bloo od plasma from f which h fibrinogen n has been removed. ii. A plant with sunke en stomata. . iii. The thr ree conditio ons necessa ary for photosynthesis s to occur. iv. The site e of fertiliza ation in human beings. v.An organ nization tha at looks aft ter materna al and child d welfare c centres. [5] (b) State whether w the e following statements s are true or o false. If f false, rewri ite the correc ct form of th he statemen nt by changing first or o the last w word only. [5] i. Hype erthyroidism m causes Exopthalmi E ic Goitre. ii. Mitos sis is the ty ype of cell division d occ curring in the t cells of injured parts of the bo ody. iii. Photo olysis is the e process of f splitting of o water mo olecules in the presen nce of grana a and temp perature. iv. Dilatio on of the pu upil is brou ught about by the sym mpathetic ne ervous syst tem. v. Chrom mosomes oth her than th he pair of se ex chromos somes are c called allele es. (c c) Choose the t correct answer fro om the four r options gi iven below each statem ment: [5] i. BCG va accine is us sed to build d immunity y against: a Poliomy a. ylitis b. .Tuberculo osis c. Malaria M d. Whooping cou ugh ii. A plant t is kept in a dark cup pboard for about 48 hours h befor re conducti ing any experim ment on Ph hotosynthes sis to: a. Remove e starch fro om the plan nt. b. Ensure that starch h is not tran nslocated from f the lea aves. c. Remove e chlorophy yll from the e leaf of the e plant. d. Remove e starch fro om the experimental leaf. l 1

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