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ICSE Prelims 2014 : Biology (Delhi Public School (DPS), Newtown, Kolkata)

8 pages, 93 questions, 90 questions with responses, 150 total responses,    0    0
Farazul Haque
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DELH HI PUBLIC SCHOO OL NEW WTOWN KOLK KATA SESSIO ON 2013-2 2014 SEL LECTION N EXAMI INATION N CLAS SS: X SUBJE ECT: BIO OLOGY SET B FULL L MARKS: 80 TIME E: 2 HOU URS Answ wers to this s paper mus st be written n on the pap per provide ed separately ly. You will not n be allow wed to write e during the e first 15 mi inutes. This time is to be sp pent in read ding the que estion pape er. The tim me given at the t head of f this paper is the time allowed for r writing th he answers. This pap per compris ses of Eight t printed pa ages. At ttempt all qu uestions fro om Section I and any four f questio ons from Se ection II. The e intended marks m for questions q or r parts of qu uestions are e given in b brackets [ ]. ______ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____ SE ECTION I (40 ( Marks) Att tempt all questions fro om this sect tion Q.1 (a) Name the following: i. The bloo od plasma from f which h fibrinogen n has been removed. ii. A plant with sunke en stomata. . iii. The thr ree conditio ons necessa ary for photosynthesis s to occur. iv. The site e of fertiliza ation in human beings. v.An organ nization tha at looks aft ter materna al and child d welfare c centres. [5] (b) State whether w the e following statements s are true or o false. If f false, rewri ite the correc ct form of th he statemen nt by changing first or o the last w word only. [5] i. Hype erthyroidism m causes Exopthalmi E ic Goitre. ii. Mitos sis is the ty ype of cell division d occ curring in the t cells of injured parts of the bo ody. iii. Photo olysis is the e process of f splitting of o water mo olecules in the presen nce of grana a and temp perature. iv. Dilatio on of the pu upil is brou ught about by the sym mpathetic ne ervous syst tem. v. Chrom mosomes oth her than th he pair of se ex chromos somes are c called allele es. (c c) Choose the t correct answer fro om the four r options gi iven below each statem ment: [5] i. BCG va accine is us sed to build d immunity y against: a Poliomy a. ylitis b. .Tuberculo osis c. Malaria M d. Whooping cou ugh ii. A plant t is kept in a dark cup pboard for about 48 hours h befor re conducti ing any experim ment on Ph hotosynthes sis to: a. Remove e starch fro om the plan nt. b. Ensure that starch h is not tran nslocated from f the lea aves. c. Remove e chlorophy yll from the e leaf of the e plant. d. Remove e starch fro om the experimental leaf. l 1 iii. The part of the human eye where rod cells and cone cells are located is the : a. Retina b. Cornea c. Choroid d. Sclera iv. A reflex arc in man is best described as movement of stimuli from: a. Receptor cell, sensory neuron, relaying neuron, effector muscles. b. Receptor cell, efferent nerve, relaying neuron, muscles of the body. c. Receptor cell, spinal cord, motor neuron, relaying neuron. d. Receptor cell, synapse, motor neuron, relaying neuron. v. NADP is expanded as: a. Nicotinamide, adenosine dinucleotide phosphate. b.Nicotinamide, adenine dinucleotide phosphate. c. Nicotinamide, adenine dinucleous phosphate. d. Nicotinamide, adenosine dinucleous phosphate. (d) Given below are sets of five terms each. In each case rewrite the terms in logical sequence as directed at the end of each statement. An example has been done for you: [5] Example: Cortical cells, root hair, xylem, soil water, endodermis (absorption of water by the plants) Answer: Soil water, root hair, cortical cells, endodermis, xylem i. Active Immunity, antigen, antibody, bacteria, lymphocytes. (Defence mechanisms of the body) ii. Implantation, parturition, ovulation, gestation, fertilization. (Stages leading to formation of foetus and birth) iii. Oval window, tympanum, cochlea, auditory canal, ear ossicles. (Path through which a vibration of sound is transferred in the human ear) iv. Karyokinesis, S-phase, cytokinesis, G1-phase, G2-phase. (Cell cycle) v. Renal vein, renal artery, afferent arteriole, efferent arteriole, glomerulus. (Pathway of blood through glomerulus) (e) Given below is an example of certain structures and their special functional activities. For example: Ear and Hearing and balancing. On a similar pattern complete the following: [5] i. Neurotransmitters:--------------------ii. Guard cells:----------------------------iii. Tropoblast of the zygote:--------------------------iv. Iris of the eye:-----------------------------------------v. Acrosome:----------------------------------(f) Mention the odd one out and give a reason for your answer. i. Glycolysis, photosynthesis, photolysis, CO2 fixation. ii. Typhoid, tuberculosis, measles, cholera. iii. Spleen, thymus, pancreas, tonsil. 2 [5] iv. Stoma, grana, fret, thylakoid. v. Basophill, neutrophil, eosinophil, lymphocyte. (g) Explain the significance of the following terms: i. Pollutant ii. Growth rate of a population iii. Plasmolysis iv. Antigens v. Trophic hormone [5] (h) In an experiment, four freshly picked leaves of a china-rose plant were treated as follows: A- Coated with Vaseline on both the surface. B- Coated with Vaseline on lower surface. C- Coated with Vaseline on the upper surface. D- Left uncoated. All the four leaves are left at room temperature for about 24 hours. [5] i. Which leaf dries first? ii. Which leaf dries in the last? iii. Which leaf does not show any change? iv. What precautions are taken for proper results in the experiment? v. What is the aim of the experiment? SECTION II (Attempt any four questions from this section) Question 2. a. A plant is destarched by keeping in dark for 48 hours and then set up as shown below. The conical flask is made completely air-tight by applying Vaseline or wax on the split cork. The apparatus is kept in sunlight. After 7 hours, the leaves are detached from A and B and tested for starch. [5] 3 i. What happens to the leaves present in A and B. ii. Why is KOH kept in flask A. iii. State the aim of the experiment. iv. Why is the conical flask made completely air-tight? v. Define the process being studied here. b. Define the following terms: i. Demography ii. Grana iii. Ovulation iv. Menarch v. Exosmosis Question 3. a. Following is the structure of chromosome. Study the figure and answer the following: [2 +2 ] 4 i. Label the parts from 1-5. ii. Write a short note on the structure 1. Name the discoverer/s of this structure. b. State one difference in each of the following pairs on the basis of what is indicated in the brackets: [5] i. Permeable and Semi permeable membrane ( function) ii. Placenta and umbilical cord (structure) iii. Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nerves (origin) iv. Guttation and bleeding (place of occurrence) v. A red cross and a red-inverted triangle (significance) Question 4. a. Study the diagram below and answer the questions which follow: [5] i. What is the above diagram showing? ii. Name the chemical released by acrosome during the above process. iii. Describe the process briefly. iv. Define Capacitation . b. i. Draw and neat and well- labelled diagram of a portion of leaf epidermis showing one single stoma. ii. Discuss the effect of the rate of transpiration if: a. the outside temperature is higher b. the wind blows over the leaf faster c. there is a lot of humidity in the atmosphere. [2+3] 5 Question 5. a. The diagram below represents a surgical sterilization method in females. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: [5] i. Name the parts marked as 1 to 6. ii. Give the name of the surgical method represented in the diagram. iii. Which part is cut and ligated? iv. Name the corresponding surgical method conducted on males. Which part is cut and ligated in males? b. Give reasons for the following statements: [5] i. We gargle with saline water in case of throat infection. ii. During a hot summer day, sometimes the leaves of a plant remain wilted even if the plant is watered properly. iii. Twins produced may or may not be identical. iv. There is a need to check the present rate of urbanization. v. One feels blind for a short time while coming out of a dark room. 6 Question 6. a. The diagram below shows an experimental set up to demonstrate a physiological process going on in plants. Observe carefully and answer the questions that follow: [5] i. What is this experiment popularly known as? ii. Which physiological process has been shown in the above set up? iii. Name the tissue responsible for the upward movement of water and mineralsalts. iv. Explain the reasons for the observation made in set-up A and set-up B. (b) Mention the significance of following in human body. i. The amniotic fluid in the uterus. ii. Chordae tendinnae in our heart iii. Beta cells of Pancreas. iv. The presence of lachrymal glands in our eyes. v. Wider Afferent Arteriole than efferent Arteriole. 7 [5] Question 7 a. Given below is a scheme of classifying immunity against human diseases. Fill up the types of immunity in the blanks 1-10. [5] IMMUNITY 1.----------------------------------(INBORN/NATURAL) 3. --------------------------------------------( FOR INFECTIONS IN GENERAL) 2.---------------------------------------------------(DEVELOPS DURING LIFE TIME) 4.-----------------------------------------------(FOR PARTICULAR INFECTIONS) 6.-------------------------------------------------------(SUPPLIED FROM OUTSIDE SOURCES) 5.---------------------------------------------(PRODUCED BY ONE S OWN BODY) 7.---------------------------8. ------------------------(BY PREVIOUS INFECTIONS) (BY VACCINATIONS) 9.-------------------------------------(ANTIBODIES RECEIVED BY FOETUS FROM MOTHER S BLOOD) 10.--------------------------------------------(READYMADE ANTIBODIES PRODUCED IN OTHER ANIMALS) b. i. Draw a well labelled diagram of a myelinated neuron and label in it the following parts: [3] 1. Node of Ranvier 2. Nissl Granules 3. Perikaryon 4. Schwann Cells ii. Discuss briefly any four important factors responsible for population explosion in India. [2] 8

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