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,/ i Time: 2 hrs. SAT PAUL MITTALSCHOOL CLASS r0 / PRE-BOARD r (201s_r6) (Science Paper 3) BIOLOGY M.M:80 No. of printed pages: 5 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. Youwill not be allowed ta write of this Paper is the time allowedfor writing ' tie answers, ) * 1:t:!:yt::!ffin A and anyfour questions from Section B. The intended maitrs 7or ;.{1,fle$ions or parts\questions are giuen in broctrcts Attempt IJ. .ff-ffiL ''r hF;-{::q-a' :.-,.::.jt*l*':1;-.1 ..r*d*;*+-,$ :-,".. . '"'-STCTION i." - =O"*6Onq a) Name oTTola/l 7 / thCrfollowing:[5] fi40 Marks) questionirrom this Section . ,t'' 1. The fluid present in the anterior part of tiie eye in,#ont of the eye lens. 2' The process that leads to the division of the cytoplasm followingthe division of the nucleus. 3. The process by which raisins swell up when petridisf, fui of *at"r. irrco;in a 4. The site of light reaction in the ctrtoroptast. ' 5' The modified leaves of a desert plant which help in,minimizing the loss of water from plant. the b) State whetlqer the following statements are tnre or false. If false, write the correct statement by changing only one I5l 1. Meiosis helps in the replacement of old, worn out or dead cells. 2'T\e phenomenon that gives rigidity to thin walled tissues like parenchyma in young leaves is plasmolysis. 3. Maximum umoult oftranspirati-on takes place through lenticels. word. t ",*,.*,ffi#ffi,S;'#;$ffiSfs,i-rys:'Sls ,.: ____ tfrn.H:"ft in columnA with the most appropriateon3s in column B. Rewrite the matching pairs. [51 Column A Column B 1. Clotting of blood A. tetanus 2. BCG vaccine B. SA node 3. Cristae C. Auricle 4. Pacemaker D. Calcium 5. Corpus luteum E. Mitochondrion ") F. Progesterone G. Tuberculosis word/words to complete the 'ry,' 5. Light reaction: photochemical phase: : tight-independenG;ction: x ,-/' lt ,r e) Given below is a set of five terms. Arrange the terms in each set in a proper sequence. I. Fertilisation, owlation, parturition, gestation, implantation. 2. water molecules, oxygen, granq hydrogen and tiydroxyl ions, photons. 3. Spongy cells, upper epidermis, stoma, palisade tissue, substomatal space. 4. Intestine, liver, intestinal artery, hepatic vein, hepatic portal vein. 5. Endodermis, cortex, soil water, xylem, root hair.- I I tsl D study the diagram given and answer the questions based on it: l.Nryr the phenomenon depicted in the diagram. 2. Define the above named phenomenon. 3. Label A and C. 4. Give the composition of D and E. 5. What is the function of B? tsl g) In each of the following sets of terms, identify the odd term and name the category to which the remaining three terms ISI l. Seminal vesicles, prostate gland, epididymis, Cowper,s glands. 2. Carbolic acid, acetic acid, benzoic acid, boric acid. 3. Pituitary gland, thyroid gland, sebaceous gland, pancreas. 4. Prolactin, Thyroid stimllating hormone, Follicle stimulating hormone, Luteinizing hormone. 5. Thinking, talking, cycling, memorizing belong. h) State the exact function of the 1. Organ of Corti 2.Eu following: -{5t;:-.-' ossicles 3. Iris 4. Lenticel 5. Synapse SECTION B (40 Marks) Attempt anyfour questions from this Section {uestion II. a) The diagram given below represents a defect inthehuman eye.Study the same and answer the questions that follow: [51 l.Name the defect. 2. What is the effect of this defect on man? 3. State any two causes of the defect. 4. How can this defect be rectified? 5. Draw a neat-Iabeled diagram to show howthis defect can be rectified. 6. what is the iature of image that falls on the retina of a normal eye? lmqge it Tformed in fiwrr of retins t-ight rry$ oorning ftoodistaflt oboct I V .0, *. figure shows sex determination in humans. study tre same and answer the questions that follow: XX ,/\ ,/\ XY ,4.. [51 l. what are the dght substitutes for the number-s I ad.s? 2' the gender of the individuals represented by ttre numbers 3,4, 5 and 6? 3.rilho is responsible for the gender of the orspring-tale or rr*a"prooir r*vu' Give suitable reason to support your answer. ,,/Qaestion III. a) The diagram below represents an.experiment to study the importance of two factors in photosynthesis. Two healthy plants wi$lariegated leaves pir"roin trre dark for 24 hours. Then they were set up as shown in the figure and left in uright sunlight foi four hours. A leaf was taken from each plant and tested for starch.[5] *or glbra"caei4g $ass casing chemlcal,'lo ,cafbon $el-uo,A 'SEHS l' Name the two factors being studied in this experiment. an example of a chemical that can be in tr* petridish in set up A. ?. 91"r was the plant kept in the dark before irie experiment? 1. Yhy 4. Why was the experimental leaf then kept in t"it rdd""d; _ (i) boiling water 5. Narye the solution used to test Gi; mithylated spirit? forthe presence of starch in the leaf. 6' Give a balanced chemical equation to represent the process of photosynthesis. given below shows one of the stages in the fertilization !)St diagram in --- humans. -'"-" thc stage depicted in the figure. l.Ig"" . 2. Where does phenomenon t5l this taki place? 3' Label the cells X and Y. Name the strucnres that produce X and y respectively. 4' Name the hormones released by the structure that produces Y. Which of ttrese prevent tbe maturation another follicle? 5. At what stage is the embryo implanted in the uterus? 3 of * rv. ' euestion a) In the experimental set up shown below it was observed that after 3 hours, though the colour of the iodine solution remained unchanged, the potato and starch mixture in setup A turned from white to dark blue whereas no change was seen in setup B. t5l St&*si l. Name and define the process that is being depicted through this experiment. 2. il/hy did the potato and starch mixture turn dark blue aftJr 3 hours in set up A while no change was observed in the colour of iodine solution? 3. ryhat can you say about the nature of the material used to make the dialysis bag and the plastic bag? 4. Give an example of a biomembrane that can be compared with the dialysis bagin its functionality. 5. What is the purpose of set up B? 6. What tlpe of solution is the iodine solution in comparison to the potato starch mixture? What will be the state of a plant cell placed in such a solution? b) Give suitable reasons for the following statements: [51 1. It is normally difficult to put the thread in the eye of the needle with one eye closed. 2. Animals owe their existence to chlorophyll. -3. People living in hilly axeas are advised to use iodised salt in the preparation of meals. 4. There will be increased dep6ndence on a source of energy other than coal and petroleum in the future, 5. Pilots suffering from a case of severe cornmon cold are advised not to fly airplanes. /Question V: a) The diagram given is that of a developing human foetus in the womb. Study the same and answer the questions that follow. [51 l. Name the parts labeled (l) to (5). 2. What term is given to the period of development of the foetus in the womb? 3. Mention one function of the part labeled (2) other than its endocrine function. 4. Name the extra embryonic membranes forming parts (l) and (2) respectively. 5. State the function of the part labeled (3). terms: b) Define the following 1. Mutation 2. Power of accommodation 3. Demography 4. Antigen 5. Phagocytosis tsl ' 4 Qu.rtioo Vf. a) Three plants A' 9d c were each placed in a test tube containing coloured water. The water in each test tube was covered with oil' Plant A was kept in with moderate levels of sunlight, the leaves from plant B were removed ano ptant.c "o*J.nuiio*"nt was;-p# to yer sunright. I3l l' In which of the plants- A, B or c- would the water up fastest uii .io*ry -ou, respectively? 2. Give reason in support of your above_mentioned,.rponrr. 3.V/hy is the water covered with oil? ! *gh;;ro*g b) The diagram alongside represents a certain phenomenon that occurs dnring cell division. mr phenomenon. Siate its importance. 1.J{*: 2. In which tlpe of celr division does this phenomenon occur? TTy daughter cells are produced in this rype of cell divisiJi 3. state ttrE importatrc" oith" formation oisuch [31 How * fllll L\tf lnr cells. flm i t- Hll c) write the difference between the following terms on the basis of what is given in the brackets. 1. Indushial waste and Biomedical waste ttio.*urnpi"o 2. Myxedema and Cretinism (Symptoms) 3. Antiseptic and Disinfectant (ineiningf 4. SAN and AMri (location) / Question [41 VII. a) study the diagram given below and anlwer the questions that 1' Name the region in the kidney where rryqqryls pres"nt. Label the parts rI4l and 4. structural difference between I and 4. Howioes this ditrerenr!'n"tp in the tunction of this follow: t'r*:*: tr 3' what is the technical term given to the process occurring in 2 and 3? state the importance of the phenomenon that occurs aftir this process. b) complete the following table by filling in the blank spaces labeled I to 6. tr'unction of the hormone c) Answer the following questions: Ilr2l l. State two functions of the Red Cross. 2. what are antibiotics? state any two uses of antibiotics. 5