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ISC Class XI Board Specimen 2019 : Business Studies

3 pages, 31 questions, 2 questions with responses, 2 total responses,    0    0
ISC 11th
Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), New Delhi
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BUSINESS STUDIES (Maximum Marks: 80) (Time allowed: Three hours) (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Answer Question 1 from Part I (compulsory) and five questions from Part II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART I (20 Marks) Answer all questions Question 1 Answer briefly each of the questions (i) to (x). (i) Why is business environment said to be a relative concept? Explain with the help of an example. (ii) Who are Fabian entrepreneurs? (iii) State any two examples, where government policies may lead to failure in business. (iv) A Manager acts as a disseminator in the organisation. Explain. (v) What is meant by Formal Authority Theory? (vi) Define Responsibility. (vii) What is meant by unfreezing in the process of planned change? [10 2] (viii) State any two limitations of automation at workplaces. (ix) Expand and explain VoIP. (x) Expand the following abbreviations: (a) OTP (b) WiFi -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER CLASS XI - 2019 PART II (60 Marks) Answer any five questions. Question 2 (a) (b) With regard to the understanding of a business environment, how does a business organisation: (i) Keep pace with consumerism. (ii) Get first mover advantage. Explain the following with reference to the setting up of an enterprise: (i) Selecting the line of business. (ii) Deciding the size of the unit. (iii) Locating the appropriate site. (iv) Financing the proposition. [4] [8] Question 3 (a) Briefly explain any four characteristics of Intrapreneurship. [4] (b) Discuss any four stakeholders in a business enterprise. [8] Question 4 (a) Explain any two types of business risks. [4] (b) Discuss the four decisional roles of a manager, as suggested by Mintzberg. [8] Question 5 (a) State any four characteristics of management. [4] (b) Explain any four methods that may be used by a business enterprise to avoid risk. [8] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER CLASS XI - 2019 Question 6 (a) Briefly explain any four differences between authority and power. [4] (b) Define planned change. Explain any three external forces that induce planned change in an organisation. [8] Question 7 (a) Discuss any two organisational resistances to change. [4] (b) Elucidate the importance of delegation of authority. [8] Question 8 (a) Briefly explain any four differences between automation and mechanisation. [4] (b) Explain the following facilities provided by a bank to its customers: [8] (i) Passbook Printing Kiosk (ii) SMS alerts Question 9 (a) Write a short note on biometric system of recording employee attendance. [4] (b) Discuss any four merits of automation of workplaces. [8] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER CLASS XI - 2019

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