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ISC Class XII Board Exam 2019 : Geography

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ISC 12th
Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), New Delhi
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GEOGRAPHY PAPER 1 (THEORY) (Maximum Marks:70) (Time allowed: Three howrs) (Candidates are allowed additional I5 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT stqrt writing during this time.) Answer sections A and B from part I which are compulsory. Answer anyfour questionsfrom port II. Sketch mops and diagrams should be drawn u,herever they serve to illustrate your answer The intended marksfor questions or parts of questions are given in brackets I J. PART I (30 Marks) Answer all questions. SECTION A Questionl [t0x2l (i) Why is the location of India in the Indian Ocean considered to be significant? Give t wo reasons. (ii) With reference to the extent of India, write the angular values of the points marked as (a), (b), (c) and (d) in the map given below: i ( l I I I l2r9-853.4 @ copyright ?. ) (d) L.'r (" \l- * ,'..-> 1" 'c. ! 1. (,T, This Paper consists of 6 printed pages and a map. reservecl. Turn over (iii) (iv) order' Name the-four Indian geological eras in their cluonological of forests in explain any h\,o factors responsible fbr the depletion Briefly India. (v) (ri) the Tarai regions' Mention any two diff'erences between the Bhabar and Briefly explain the following terms: (a) (b) (vii) (viii) PsYchologicalDensitY Conurbation in Bangladesh' State n,o problems affecting the fishing industry Name one miningcentre for each of the following: (a) (b) Mica in Andhra Pradesh Iron ore in Odisha (ix)NamethetwoterminalsoftheEast-Westcorridor. (x) what is an agro-based industry? which is the largest agro-based indqstry in lndia? SECTION B Question t10l 2 On the outline map of India provided: (a)MarkandnamethenorthernmostpointofthelndianUnion' (b) Mark and label the Nilgiri Hills' (c) (d) (e) (0 (g) (h) (i) 0) Shade and label the Gulf of Khambat' Trace the course and label the river Mahanadi' that brings rain over the coast of Show with a single arrow ancl name the wind Tamil Nadu, during r'vinters' Locate with a dot and name the capital city of Rajasthan' Mark and name the Nathula Pass' Mark and name the oldest oil-field of India' Pradesh' Mark with a dot and name the major port of Andhra Mark and label the hinterland of Chennai' should be done on the map sheet only' Note: All the map u;ork, inclut)ing legerul (lndex) 1219-853A PART II (40 Marks) Answer any four questions. Question 3 (a) (b) (c) Briefly explain the geological evolution of the Himalayas. 13I Explain giving any two reasons why the deltas of the river Mahanadi suffer from occasional floods. I2t Study the temperature and rainfall graph of station X given below and answer the questions that follow: t3t 7ocr 600 soo 2r:t r) su F. [l ,JJ fr^ 3'" !- 400 s s. 15 300 I.lJ f, * 4 --r J {tr Z tao 1CI1 fi I ,: ! )1l 100 i ,..Y o MONTHS (i) (ii) Is the location of station X inland or coastal? What is the cause of sudden fall of temperature in July, even though it is a summer month? (iii) (d) Mention one main feature of the climate experienced by the station X. what is Agro-forestry? Mention any two benefits of Agro-forestry. Izl Question 4 (a) (i) (ii) 1219-853A Define index of concentration. How is it useful in the study of population? IU IU Turn over (b) (c) of tzt Explain why sex composition is an important demographic attribute of, the t2t Differentiate between natural growth of population and migratory growth population. population in India. (d) A and B given below show two types of settlement patterns that have developed in India: Figures t2l i/ l,I ., - illt,' .,"' ' iir \. "*'l' "ttt?-.-- g"l:,- -*jiitp -?t"?iJr{i* ,?,.,.r,r) I I icr l3 i'---].rtiru.rr ?/ Figure (i) (ii) (e) (i) (ii) Jt..;ao A -l rurl Figure B Name the settlement patterns in Figures A and B. State one characteristic feature of each of the settlement patterns. What is urbanisation? tu What are the two main components of urbanisation? tll Question 5 (a) Briefly explain any two adverse effects of small and fragmented holdings on t I2t agricultural productivity. increased. (b) State rwo ways in which forest area in our country can be (c) Mention three constraints explaining why cultivable wqste land is not used for cultivation at present. (d) In which two ways are tube-wells better than ordinary wells as a form inigation? 4 1219-853A l2l being t3l of I2l (e) With reference to canal irrigation, name one canal in each of the following IU states: (D (ii) Uttar Pradesh Punjab Question 6 (a) (i) (ii) What is crop rotation? Mention nro reasons why crop rotation is necessary in India. (b) What is the importance of animal husbandry in Indian agriculture? t2t (c) Differentiate betweenpelagic fish and demersal Jish. tzt (d) Name the following: 13I (i) (ii) (iii) A geothermal energy plant in Himachal An offshore oilfield in the country. Pradesh. The nuclear power station in Tamil Nadu. Question 7 (a) (b) Explain fwo factors that affect inland waterways in India. 12l, Give reasons for the following: t3l (i) (ii) (iii) There is a dense network of railways over the North Indian Plains. Peninsular Plateau has a high proportion of metalled roads. A good transport network promotes industrial development. (c) Mention one advantage and one disadvantage of air transport. (d) Differentiate between T e I e c o mmuni (e) State any two ways in which radio can mass comrnunication in remote areas. c at i o n and Ma s s C o mmuni c at still be considered as a io n. powerful means of Question 8 (a) Mention rwo reasons for the development lndustrial Region. (b) Give three reasons to explain the development of sugar industry in Maharashtra. t3l (c) State rwo advantages that mini steel plants have over large integrated steel plants. t2t (d) (i) (ii) 1219-853A of the Bengaluru - Tamil Nadu I2t Define tourism. tu State any two advantages of tourism in India. t2t Turn over -1 I Question 9 (a) (i) What is a planning Region? (ii) Mention any two characteristics of a planning region. (b) Explain giving fito reasons why there is a needfor planned development for a country like India. (c) Mention any two factors which have influenced the development Electronic City of Bengaluru. (d) (i) what is sericulture? (ii) Name tuo maindistricts of silk production in Chhattisgarh. (e) with reference to Hardia port, answer the fo,owing: (i) Where is rhe porr located? (ii) State the need for the development of this port. l2I9-853.4 I2t 6 of I2t the I2t I2t I2t hki a ,,'vr ,a- t. \I Z J.l z --L S?3.... \ ?Z 6 a2. a I O G0r i)= EA a I 0) q) U) t,-,a.-a q) a) (\l CO LZ z 3o z tril 2 U tu F z Iia 4 Eb -A a Ff 'l''.-! ,. ..,_.-.,f \.r.\. \. \ \.. r# \-\ (.' - .'1 '\.-r.- i iV \r .' \. . .j z ?n ta 6I o\ rc Gl 3 N

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