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ISC Class XII Board Exam 2020 : Western Music Paper 1 (Theory)

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ISC 12th
Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), New Delhi
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WESTERN MUSIC PAPER 1 (THEORY) (Maximum Marks: 70) (Time allowed: Three hours) (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Answer five questions in all, choosing two questions from Section A, two from Section B and one from either Section A or B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A (Harmony) Question 1 [14] Either Complete the following melody on a sheet of manuscript paper according to the pattern given below: Or Write a tune for the following words. Indicate tempo and expression Marks. Every syllable must be written under the note or notes to which it is to be sung. These are my Children These are my children, my saving grace, I see my calling in every face These are my children, my family tree, And I thank God, for choosing me, for choosing me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This paper consists of 5 printed pages and 1 blank page. 1220-874A Turn over Copyright reserved. Question 2 [14] Either Add Soprano, Alto and Tenor to the following Bass line on the manuscript paper provided. Or Add Alto, Tenor and Bass to the following melody: Question 3 [14] Two part Harmony. Either Add a lower part to the following melody: Or Add a suitable upper part to the following: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 1220-874A Question 4 Study the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [14] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 1220-874A Turn over (a) Complete the following statements: (i) Largo means (ii) In bar 3 4 there is modulation to the key of .. (iii) The phrase lengths are bars and (iv) The keyboard instrument most likely to have harmonized the figured bass is a . (v) Two differences between bars 13 14 and 15 16 are: 1 .. 2 . (b) Write the flute part for bars 12 and 19 as you think it should be played. (c) State true or false for each of the following statements: (i) The flute and violin I parts are identical. (ii) Apart from the modulation in bars 3 4 the piece is entirely in A major. (iii) In Bar 17, there is imitation between violin II and bass. (iv) There is no supertonic chord with 7th in the extract. (v) The D in bar 18 of the flute part is an unaccented passing note. SECTION B Question 5 [14] Which are the four movements of Beethoven s Symphony No. 2 in D Major? Critically analyse the 4th movement of the symphony bringing out the themes, the instruments, the great depth and its harmonic complexity. Question 6 [14] What do you understand by Sonata form? How does Beethoven employ this form in 1st movement of his Symphony No. 2 in D major? How do the themes of Part one stimulate incredible vigour and joyful fanfare? Question 7 [14] Briefly explain what a prelude is. How is it different from a fugue? What are the elements of a Fugue? Illustrate by close reference to Bach s Prelude and Fugue No. 16 in G minor. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1220-874A Question 8 [14] What is the story of Earlking by F. Schubert? What does Earlking symbolize? Explain the various stages of the journey to its tragic end. Question 9 [14] Caesar Frank s Sonata for Violin and Piano is the first and purest model of the cyclical use of themes in Sonata form. Illustrate the above statement by referring closely to the last movement of the Sonata. Question 10 [14] Write short notes on the life, works and enduring popularity of any two of the following composers: (a) Beethoven (b) J. S. Bach (c) Frank Schubert (d) Caesar Frank -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 1220-874A Turn over

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