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ISC Class XII Board Exam 2014 : Accounts (Model Answers, Marking Scheme & Examiner Comments)

33 pages, 52 questions, 10 questions with responses, 14 total responses,    0    0
ISC 12th
Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), New Delhi
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ACCOUNTS A. STATISTICS AT A GLANCE Total number of students taking the examination Highest marks obtained Lowest marks obtained Mean marks obtained 27,748 100 1 63.72 Percentage of candidates according to marks obtained 0-20 Number of candidates Percentage of candidates Cumulative Number Cumulative Percentage Mark Range 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 371 1949 10796 8166 6466 1.34 371 1.34 7.02 2320 8.36 38.91 13116 47.27 29.43 21282 76.70 23.30 27748 100 142 B. ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE SECTION A PART I (20 Marks) Answer all questions. [10 2] Question 1 Answer each of the following questions briefly: (i) Name the two accounts prepared to show the results of a joint venture when each co-venturer records all transactions. (ii) Give any two differences between fixed capital method and fluctuating capital method. (iii) What is the accounting treatment when debentures are issued as a collateral security? (iv) Give any two differences between Revaluation Account and Realization Account. (v) State with reason whether a company can issue a share having a face value of ` 20 at ` 17. (vi) Give the adjusting and closing entry for interest on calls in arrears due from a share holder. (vii) State the provisions of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, regarding charging of interest on drawings from a partner when: (a) The firm has a partnership deed. (b) The firm does not have a partnership deed. (viii) What is meant by number of years purchase in the valuation of a firm s goodwill? (ix) List any four items that may have to be deducted from a deceased partner s capital account while computing the amount payable to his legal representatives. (x) Why is premium received on the issue of debentures considered a capital profit? 143 Comments of Examiners (i) Many of the candidates wrote the accounts according to the separate set of books method- joint venture a/c and joint bank a/c while a few mentioned the memorandum joint venture account. Many candidates were not clear that net profit is the result of all activities of the business while CFO indicates the flow of cash only from its operating activities. (ii) The candidates satisfactorily. (iii) Majority of the candidates wrote this answer satisfactorily. However, a few described the meaning of debentures as a collateral security instead of showing its accounting treatment. (iv) Candidates could answer this question satisfactorily. (v) Many candidates could not connect the answer to a particular provision of Section 79 of the Companies Act which states that shares cannot be issued at a discount of more than 10% of the face value of the share unless sanctioned by the Company Law Board. They ended up writing randomly the other provisions of Section 79. (vi) Majority of the candidates could give the entry for interest due on calls in arrear but could not give the closing entry. (vii) The candidates satisfactorily. could could answer answer this this question question (viii) Majority of the candidates gave a very sketchy answer to this question. It seemed that they had a vague idea of the term but were not absolutely clear. Suggestions for teachers Explain the meaning of separate set of books method and no separate set of books methodwhen each co-venturer records all transactions / only his own transactions . While doing practical sums, the requirements should be worded according to the method followed. In this way the students will be able to connect the method with the accounts prepared in a particular method. Explain the concept along with its accounting treatment. Section 78 and Section 79 of the Companies Act must be explained clearly in the class and their provisions connected to the practical sums otherwise it becomes rote learning. Explain clearly each component of the formulae used to value goodwill. Teachers must clearly bring out the difference between revenue and capital profit. This topic has to be laid stress on in Class XI itself. (ix) Candidates were able to answer this question with ease. (x) Most of the candidates answered this question correctly. However, some simply gave the reason as premium being an extra amount received on the issue of debentures. 144 MARKING SCHEME Question 1. (i) - Joint Venture Account - Other Co-venturers Account / personal A/c/ Co-venturer s A/c (ii) Differences between Fixed Capital Method and Fluctuating Capital Method. Fixed Capital Method Fluctuating Capital Method 1. The capital remains unchanged The capital fluctuates quite frequently from during the life time of the business period to period / changes from time to time. except when capital is introduced or withdrawn permanently. 2. Two accounts are maintained Only one account- Capital Account- is maintained (a) Fixed Capital Account (b) Drawing/Current Account 3. All adjustments for temporary drawings, interest on drawings, interest on capital, salary, share of profit/loss are made in Current Account All adjustments for temporary drawings, interest on drawings, interest on capital, salary, share of profit/loss are made in Capital Account 4. Can never show a debit balance/ Can show a debit balance/ negative balance. negative. 5. It will always show a credit balance It can have a debit/ credit balance. (Any two) (iii) Debenture Suspense A/c Dr To % Debentures A/c Or No entry but an explanation in the Balance Sheet / Notes to Accounts 145 (iv) Differences between Revaluation a/c and Realisation. Revaluation Account Realisation Account 1. Prepared at the time of re-constitution Prepared at the time of dissolution of the of partnership (eg on admission of a firm. new partner, on retirement / death of a partner) 2. Records the effect of revaluation of Records the realization of various assets assets and liabilities/ change in assets and settlement/re- payment of liabilities/ realisation/ sale of assets/ records the sale of assets and payment of liabilities 3. Is prepared to determine the net profit / Is prepared to determine the net loss on revaluation. loss on realisation 4. Even after the preparation of The firm revaluation a/c, the firm continues to operations. function, though with a changed relationship among the partners discontinues its profit / business 5. Only the difference between the book Book values of assets and liabilities, the values and revised values of assets and realized values of assets and the actual liabilities is recorded in this account. payment of liabilities is recorded in this account. 6. This account may be prepared many This account is prepared only once during times during the life time of a firm. the life time of a firm. (v) A company cannot issue a ` 20 share at ` 17 as the discount is more than 10% of its face value. A company can issue shares at a maximum discount of 10% of its face value unless in special circumstances it is sanctioned by the Company Law Tribunal / Board Or Yes a company can issue a ` 20 share at ` 17 if it has got the sanction of the Company Law Tribunal / Board to issue shares at a discount of more than 10% of their face value. (vi) Share holder a/c Dr To interest on calls in arrears a/c Interest on calls in arrears a/c Dr. To Statement of P / L (vii) If there is a deed any rate If there is no deed no interest on drawings to be charged. 146 (viii) (ix) (x) Number of years purchase is a notional figure, an estimate made by the owner of the business as to how long would his business continue to earn the calculated average profits. The logic behind the no. of years purchase concept is that the new partner, would for some years earn profits due to the old partner s goodwill / effort before his own efforts begin to get due recognition. As such the new partner compensates the old partners for the few years profits which he gets because of their efforts. Or Time required by the new business to reach the position of the old business. (a) Share of purchased goodwill written off. (b) Share of loss from the date of the last Balance Sheet up to the date of his death. (c) Share of Accumulated losses. (d) Share of loss in Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities. (e) Drawings up to the date of death. (f) Interest on drawings charged in the year of death. (g) Debit balance of his Current account. (h) Deferred Revenue Expenditure written off. (i) Loan advance taken by a partner (j) IOL due by the partner (Any four) It is considered as a capital profit because it is not an income arising from the normal course of business activities. / non-operating revenue / non- recurring profit / revenue arising from capital transactions. PART II (40 Marks) Answer any four questions. Question 2 [10] Ronnie and Annie entered into a Joint Venture to sell coal, sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 1:1. Annie purchased 100 tonnes of coal @ ` 5,400 per tonne and paid ` 30,000 as freight for sending the coal to Ronnie to be sold on joint account. During transit, 10 tonnes of coal was lost due to breaking in bulk (normal loss). Ronnie received the remaining tonnes of coal and paid ` 6,000 as landing charges. He accepted a bill drawn by Annie for ` 2,00,000. Ronnie then sold 60% of the coal received by him for ` 4,21,200. His selling expenses amounted to ` 12,000. The remaining stock, valued at original cost plus proportionate direct expenses, was shared equally by both the co-venturers. They settled their accounts by means of a bank draft. You are required to prepare: (i) Memorandum Joint Venture Account. (ii) Ronnie s Account in the books of Annie. 147 Comments of Examiners Majority of the candidates could not apply the concept of normal loss inflating the value of unsold stock while calculating the value of closing stock. They treated normal loss like abnormal loss. Some candidates made mistakes while preparing the personal account of the co-venturer. Suggestions for teachers Explain the difference between normal loss and abnormal loss and their treatment while calculating the value of unsold stock and give adequate practice to students. Give adequate practice with explanation / reasons of the types of accounts to be maintained under each method of Joint Venture MARKING SCHEME Question 2. Memorandum Joint Venture A/C Particulars To Annie: Purchases 5,40,000 Freight 30,000 To Ronnie: Landing charges 6,000 Selling expenses 12,000 To Profit Ronnie 31,800 Annie 31,800 Amt.-Dr ` Particulars By Annie: Purchases Amt.-Cr ` 1,15,200 5,70,000 By Ronnie: Sales Purchases 18,000 63,600 6,51,600 4,21,200 1,15,200 5,36,400 6,51,600 In the books of Annie Joint Venture with Ronnie Particulars To Cash (Purchases) To Cash (Freight) To Profit Amt.-Dr ` 5,40,000 30,000 31,800 6,44,400 Particulars By Bills Receivable By Purchases (Stock) By Bank 148 Amt.-Cr ` 2,00,000 1,15,200 2,86,600 6,44,400 In the books of Ronnie Joint Venture with Annie Working Note 1. Particulars Amt.-Dr Particulars ` 6,000 By Cash (Sales) 2,00,000 By Purchases (Stock) 12,000 31,800 2,86,600 5,36,400 To Cash (Landing charges) To Bills payable To Cash selling expenses) To profit To Bank Amt.-Cr ` 4,21,200 1,15,200 5,36,400 Working Note 2. Purchases Freight Units 100 Original cost ` 5,40,000 100 (10) 90 5,40,000 --5,40,000 90 (54) 36 5,40,000 Normal loss Received by Ronnie landing charges Sold Unsold stock Original cost+ expenses ` 5,40,000 30,000 5,70,000 --5,70,000 6,000 5,76,000 2,30,400 Question 3 [10] Mitra Ltd. invited applications from the public for the issue of 60,000 shares of `10 each, at a discount of 10%, payable as: ` 3 per share on application. ` 5 per share on allotment. Balance on call. The public subscribed for 50,000 shares. ` 2,49,000 were received by the company on allotment and ` 49,400 on call. The company forfeited those shares on which both, allotment and call money was not received. 70% of the forfeited shares were reissued at ` 7 per share, fully called up. The company had ` 45,000 in its Security Premium Reserve Account which it used to write off any miscellaneous expenditure incurred during the year. You are required to pass the necessary journal entries to record the above transactions. 149 Comments of Examiners Candidates made errors in journal entry for recording issue of shares at a discount. Majority of the candidates did not take into consideration that only 70% of the forfeited shares were reissued. Many candidates were unable to write off the miscellaneous expenditure (discount on issue of shares) from the securities premium reserve. Some candidates did not open calls-in arrears a/c. Suggestions for teachers Explain to students the logic behind debiting discount on issue of shares at the time of allotting the shares. Adequate practice must be given regarding partial reissue of the forfeited shares. Theory of the chapter issue of shares needs to be done thoroughly. Only then will the students be able to identify the miscellaneous expenditure (discount on issue of shares) and connect its writing off from the securities premium reserve (Section 78 of the Companies Act). For any instalment not received, it is mandatory to open calls-inarrears a/c MARKING SCHEME Question 3. Particulars LF Bank A/c To share application a/c (Being share application received.) Dr Dr. ` 1,50,000 Cr ` 1,50,000 Share Application a/c Dr To share capital (Being share application transferred to share capital account 1,50,000 Share allotment a/c Discount on issue of shares a/c To share capital (Being share allotment due) Dr Dr. 2,50,000 50,000 Bank a/c Calls-in-arrears a/c Dr. Dr. 1,50,000 3,00,000 150 2,49,000 1,000 To share allotment a/c (Being share allotment received.) 2,50,000 Share 1st and final call a/c To share capital (Being final call due) Dr Bank a/c Calls-in-arrears a/c To share 1st and final call (Being share call due) Dr. Dr. Share capital a/c To discount on issue of share a/c To share forfeiture a/c To Calls-in-arrears a/c (Being 200 shares forfeited) Dr. Bank a/c/ Share forfeited a/c Discount on issue of shares a/c To share capital (Being shares issued) Dr. Dr. Dr. Shares forfeited a/c To Capital Reserve (Being gain on reissue transferred to capital reserve.) Dr. Securities Premium Reserve Account Statement of P/L To discount on issue of shares Dr. Dr. 50,000 50,000 49,400 600 50,000 2,000 200 600 1,200 980 280 140 1,400 140 140 45,000 4,940 49,940 151 Question 4 [10] Angad, Kunal and Nitin were partners sharing profits and losses in the proportion of 2:2:1 respectively. The Balance Sheet of their firm as on 31st March, 2013, stood as follows: Liabilities Amount ` Capital Accounts: Assets Amount ` 12,500 Stock Angad 12,500 Machinery 17,500 Kunal 15,000 Motor Van 4,000 Nitin 20,000 Creditors 47,500 Buildings 22,500 10,000 Bank 1,250 Bills payable 2,000 Debtors 8,000 General Reserve 6,000 Less provision for doubtful debts (250) 65,500 7,750 65,500 Kunal retires on 1st April, 2013, subject to the following adjustments: (a) Provision for bad and doubtful debts to be increased by ` 975. (b) Stock to be appreciated by 20% and Building by 10%. (c) Machinery to be depreciated by 10% and Motor Van by 15%. (d) Goodwill of the firm to be valued at ` 9,000. (e) The capitals of the continuing partners are to be adjusted according to the new profit sharing ratio which is agreed between Angad and Nitin as 3:2 respectively. (f) Excess or shortfall in Angad s and Nitin s Capital Accounts to be transferred to their respective Current Accounts. You are required to prepare: (i) Revaluation Account. (ii) Partners Capital Accounts. (iii) Balance Sheet of the reconstituted firm. 152 Comments of Examiners Majority of the candidates were able to attempt this question Suggestions for teachers satisfactorily. However, some common errors observed Give adequate practice to were: students in the three types of The date of the Balance Sheet of the reconstituted firm was capital adjustments. either missing or was incorrect. Treatment of goodwill only A few candidates could not adjust the capitals of the through capital adjustment remaining partners in the new profit sharing ratio. should be taught. Some candidates closed the retiring partner s capital Mentioning the date of the accounts either by paying him off or by bringing down its Balance Sheet must be stressed balance instead of transferring it to his Loan a/c. upon. Some candidates paid off / received cash from the remaining Explain the treatment of closing partners instead of transferring the surplus / deficit to their the retiring partner s capital current accounts as per the requirements of the question. account in the absence of any A few candidates did not transfer the Current a/c balances of information. the remaining partners to the Balance Sheet of the reconstituted firm. Several candidates showed the treatment of goodwill by raising and writing it off. MARKING SCHEME Question 4. Revaluation Account ` To Machinery 1,750 To Motor Van 600 To Prov. for D/D ` By Stock 2,500 By Buildings 2,250 975 To Capital A/cs Angad 570 Kunal 570 Nitin 285 1,425 ____ 4,750 4,750 153 Partners Capital Account Particulars Angad Kunal Nitin To Kunal s Capital 1,800 -- To Kunal s Loan A/c -- 21,570 To Nitins current A/c -- -- To Balance c/d -- 20,013 Particulars 1,800 By Balance b/d -- Angad Kunal 12,500 15,000 By Reserve 2,400 1,200 6,343 By Revaluation A/c 570 570 285 -- 1,800 -- -- 1,800 -- 13,342 By Angad s Capital By Angad s Current 6,343 -_____ ______ ______ _____ 21,570 21,485 21,283 21,570 Balance Sheet of Angad and Nitin as on 1st April, 2013 Liabilities Creditors ` 10,000 B/P 2,000 Kunal s Loan 21,570 Capitals: Assets Bank ` 1,250 Debtors 8,000 (-) Pro. for BDD 1,225 6,775 Stock 15,000 Machinery 15,750 33,355 Motor Van 3,400 6,343 Building Angad 20,013 Kunal 13,342 Nitin s Current A/c 20,000 2,400 By Nitin s Capital _____ 21,813 Nitin Angad s Current A/c 73,268 24,750 6,343 73,268 Workings: Calculation of Partners Capital: Total Capital of Angad and Nitin = 13,670 + 19,685 = Rs. 33,355 Angad s Capital = 33,355 x 3/5 = Rs. 20,013 Nitin s Capital = 33,355 x 2/5 = Rs. 13,342. Gaining ratio : 1 : 1 154 -______ 21,485 [10] Question 5 Rahim and Sudesh, the two partners of a business firm, agreed to appropriate the profits of their firm on the following terms: (a) Interest is payable on capital @ 5% per annum. (b) Rahim will be entitled to a salary of ` 500 per month. (c) Interest on loan to be given by the firm to the partners @ 10% per annum. (d) Interest on drawings to be charged from the partners @ 5% per annum. (e) Sudesh will get commission @ 1% on the sales made during the year. Rahim is entitled to a rent of ` 25,000 per annum for allowing the firm to carry on the business in his premises. The net profit of the firm for the year ended 31st March, 2013, was ` 1,80,000 before taking into account any of the above terms. Rahim Sudesh ` ` st Capital Balances on 1 April, 2012 1,50,000 1,40,000 (f) Loan advanced on 1st October, 2012 Drawings made during the year 40,000 1,00,000 30,000 During the year 2012-13, sales of the firm amounted to ` 7,00,000. From the above information, prepare: (a) Profit and Loss Appropriation Account. (b) Partners Capital Accounts. Comments of Examiners Most of the candidates could answer this question satisfactorily. Some common errors were: A few candidates could not calculate the interest on drawings charged from the partners. They did not take into account the average time period. Some candidates treated interest on loan and rent due to the partner as an appropriation of profit and not as a charge against profits. Several candidates did not transfer the rent due to the partner to his capital account. Instead of debiting the P/L Appropriation a/c with the appropriation a/c, a few candidates debited the partner s capital account, resulting in incorrect particulars. 155 Suggestions for teachers Give adequate practice to students in calculating interest on drawings. Distinction between appropriation of profit and charge against profit must be explained along with its treatment in the books of accounts. MARKING SCHEME Question 5. Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the year ended 31st March 2013 Particulars ` To interest on capital Rahim s cap Sudesh s cap To salary Rahim s cap To commission Sudesh s cap To Profit Rahim Sudesh 62,125 62,125 7,500 7,000 6,000 7,000 Particulars ` By P/L /NP b/d Less int. on loan Less rent By interest drawing Rahim s cap Sudesh cap 1,80,000 5,000 _25,000 1,50,000 1,000 750 1,750 on 1,24,250 1,51,750 _______ 1,51,750 Partners Capital Accounts Particulars To drawings To interest on drawings To balance c/d Rahim ` Sudesh ` Particulars 40,000 30,000 By Bal b/d 1,000 750 By Interest on capital 2,09,625 1,85,375 By salary By commission By rent By P/L appropriation 2,50,625 2,16,125 156 Rahim ` Sudesh ` 1,50,000 1,40,000 7,500 7,000 6,000 -25,000 62,125 -7,000 -62,125 2,50,625 2,16,125 Question 6 You are required to pass journal entries for the issue of debentures in the following conditions: (a) Ben Ltd. issued 5,000, 12% Debentures of ` 100 each at par, redeemable at 5% premium after five years. (b) Rex Ltd. issued ` 2,00,000, 12% Debentures of ` 100 each at a discount of 2%, redeemable at a premium of 5% after 10 years. (c) Josh Ltd. issued 6000, 12% Debentures of ` 100 each at a premium of 5%, redeemable at a premium of 10% after 6 years. (d) Oxygen Ltd. issued ` 30,000, 7% debentures of ` 100 each to a Creditor for ` 25,000 in full satisfaction of his claim. The company had purchased machinery from him. [10] Comments of Examiners (a) Most of the candidates attempted this part of the Suggestions for teachers question satisfactorily. However, a few candidates The meaning of Loss on Issue of combined the due and issue entries while a few wrote Debentures a/c needs to be issue of shares instead of issue of debentures explained and considerable (b) Most of the candidates attempted this part of the practice given to calculate it. question satisfactorily. A few candidates combined the Distinction between Premium due and issue entries while a few wrote issue of on redemption of Debentures shares instead of issue of debentures . Some and Securities Premium candidates were unable to calculate the amount of loss Reserve must be made clear. on issue of debentures. Adequate practice should be (c) Most of the candidates were able to attempt this part given in sums dealing with issue correctly. Some candidates combined the due and issue of debentures for consideration entries. Some could not distinguish between Premium other than cash. on redemption of Debentures and Securities Premium Reserve . (d) Most of the candidates attempted this part well. However a few candidates debited the Sundry Assets a/c instead of Fixed Assets / Machinery a/c . MARKING SCHEME Question 6. ` (a) Bank To Deb app & allot a/c (Being application and allotment money received) Deb app & allotment a/c Loss on issue of debentures To 12% Debentures To Premium on Redemption (Being 5000 debentures issued) 157 Dr ` 5,00,000 5,00,000 Dr Dr 5,00,000 25,000 5,00,000 25,000 (b) (c) Bank a/c To Deb app & allot a/c (Being application and allotment money received) Deb app & allotment a/c Loss on issue of debentures To 12% Debentures To Premium on Redemption (Being 2000 debentures issued) Bank a/c Dr 1,96,000 1,96,000 Dr 1,96,000 14,000 2,00,000 10,000 Dr 6,30,000 To Deb app & allot a/c (Being application and allotment money received) Deb app & allotment a/c Loss on issue of debentures To 12% Debentures To Premium on Redemption To Security Premium Reserve (Being 6000 debentures issued) (d) 6,30,000 Dr 6,30,000 60,000 6,00,000 60,000 30,000 Machine a/c Dr 25,000 To Vender / Creditor (Being machinery purchased) (e) 25,000 Vender / Creditor a/c Dr Discount on issue of debentures a/c 25,000 5,000 To 7% debentures (Being 3000 debentures issued to vendor) 30,000 Question 7 (a) Sharp Ltd. was formed on 1st December, 2013, with a capital of ` 5,00,000 divided into shares of ` 10 each. It offered 80% of the shares to the public. The issue price was payable as follows: 30% of the face value per share was payable with application. 20% of the face value per share was payable with allotment. The balance as and when required. The company did not call for the balance during the year. 158 [5] All the shares offered by the company were subscribed for. The company did not receive the allotment money on 3000 shares. You are required to: (i) (ii) (b) Show the Share Capital in the Balance Sheet of the Company (prepared as per Revised Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956) at the end of the financial year. Prepare Notes to Accounts. Under which heads and sub heads will the following items appear in the Balance Sheet of a company as per Revised Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956: (i) Bills Receivable (ii) [5] Interest accrued and due on debentures (iii) Trade Creditors (iv) Provision for Taxation (v) Stores and spares Comments of Examiners (a) Few candidates attempted this question. Among those who attempted, majority gave the correct solution. However, common errors made by candidates were: incorrect headings and sub headings; incorrect date of the Balance Sheet. (b) Majority of the candidates answered this question satisfactorily. 159 Suggestion for teachers Refer to the guidelines issued by the Council regarding the preparation of the Balance Sheet as per the Revised Schedule VI and the type of problems to be done in the class from this topic. MARKING SCHEME Question 7. (a) Balance Sheet of Sharp Ltd. As at 31st March, 2014 (an extract) Particulars Note No. 31-3-2014 1. 2 3 I. EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1. Shareholders Funds Share Capital 1 1,94,000 31-3-2013 4. Notes to Accounts: 1. Particulars (a) Share Capital Authorised Capital 50,000 shares of ` 10 each Amount (`) 5,00,000 Issued Capital 40,000 shares of ` 10 each 4,00,000 Subscribed Capital Subscribed but not fully paid up 40,000. Shares of ` 10 each, ` 5 Called up Less calls in- arrear 2,00,000 (6,000) TOTAL (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Item Bills Receivable Interest accrued and due on debentures Trade Creditors Provision for Taxation Stores and Spares Head Current Asset Current Liabilities Current Liabilities Current Liabilities Current Assets 160 1,94,000 1,94,000 Sub head Trade Receivable Other Current Liabilities Trade Payables Short Term Provision Inventories Question 8 Aman and Harsh were partners in a firm. They decided to dissolve their firm. Pass necessary journal entries for the following after various assets (other than Cash and Bank) and third party liabilities have been transferred to Realisation A/c. (a) There was furniture worth ` 50,000. Aman took over 50% of the furniture at 10% discount and the remaining furniture was sold at 30% profit on book value. (b) Profit and Loss Account was showing a credit balance of ` 15,000 which was distributed between the partners. (c) Harsh s loan of ` 6,000 was discharged at ` 6,200. (d) (e) (f) (g) [10] The firm paid realization expenses amounting to ` 5,000 on behalf of Harsh who had to bear these expenses. There was a bill for ` 1,200 under discount. The bill was received from Soham who proved insolvent and a first and final dividend of 25% was received from his estate. Creditors, to whom the firm owed ` 6,000, accepted stock of ` 5,000 at a discount of 5% and the balance in cash. The loss on dissolution was ` 8,000. Comments of Examiners (a) Majority of the candidates answered this question Suggestion for teachers satisfactorily. Adequate practice needs to be (b) Instead of debiting P/L a/c, many candidates credited it. given in passing journal entries in (c) Several candidates did not take into account the interest the chapter Dissolution of on the partner s loan. Partnership firm . (d) A number of candidates did not debit the partner s capital account. (e) Many candidates answered this question satisfactorily. (f) Several candidates seemed unaware that there is no accounting treatment when a creditor is paid off by giving him an asset. (g) This part was answered well by most of the candidates. MARKING SCHEME Question 8. (a) Aman s Capital a/c Dr 22,500 Cash/Bank a/c Dr 32,500 To Realisation a/c -55,000 (Being furniture sold) (b) Profit & Loss a/c Dr 15,000 To Aman s Capital a/c 7,500 To Harsh s Capital a/c (Being P/L distributed) 7,500 161 (c) (e) (f) (g) Dr Dr Harsh s Capital a/c To Cash/Bank a/c (Being realization expenses made by firm) Dr Cash/Bank a/c To Realization a/c (Being first and final dividend of 25% received from Soham) Dr Realization a/c To Bank/Cash a/c (Being payment made to bankers) (d) Harsh s loan a/c Realisation To Cash/Bank a/c (Being Harsh s loan discharged Dr Realisation a/c To Cash/Bank a/c (Being payment made to creditors) Dr Aman s Capital a/c Harsh s Capital a/c To Realization ac (Being loss on realization written off) Dr Dr 6,000 200 6,200 5,000 5,000 300 300 1,200 1,200 1,250 1,250 4,000 4,000 8,000 SECTION B Answer any two questions. Question 9 (a) How does the quality of Ratio Analysis of a business depend upon the accuracy of its financial statements? [2] (b) From the following information, calculate Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio: [2] Particulars Credit Revenue from Operations ` 9,60,000 Gross Debtors ` 1,90,000 Bills Receivable ` 50,000 Provision for Doubtful Debts ` 10,000 162 (c) From the following information, calculate the following ratios (up to two decimal places): (i) Debt-Equity Ratio (ii) [6] Interest Coverage Ratio (iii) Proprietary Ratio Amount ` 2,00,000 Equity Share Capital 5% Preference Share Capital 60,000 General Reserve 1,20,000 Fixed Assets 5,05,000 Current Assets 1,20,000 Current Liabilities 40,000 Loan @ 10% interest 5,00,000 Tax paid during the year 30,000 Profit for the current year after interest and tax (available for the shareholders) 90,000 Comments of Examiners (a) Most candidates could answer this question with ease. (b) A number of candidates could answer this question satisfactorily. However, a few wrote incorrect formula or considered debtors instead of gross debtors. (c) Majority of the candidates did not take profit for the current year as part of Equity. Suggestion for teachers Make students understand the logic behind the formula and accordingly explain to them the components of the ratio. MARKING SCHEME Question 9. (a) Ratios are calculated from the financial statements, so the reliability of ratios is dependent upon the correctness of the financial statements. If the financial statements are not true and fair the analysis will give a false picture of the affairs of the business. E.g. if the closing stock is over- valued, not only will the profitability will be overstated but the financial position will also appear to be better. Thus ratios are as accurate as accounts. (b) Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio Credit Revenue from Operation Average Trade Receivable Trade Receivable Turnover Ratio = 9,60,000 1,90,000 50,000 163 = 4 times (c) (i) Debt to Equity Ratio: Debt / Long Term Debt Equity / Shareholders' Funds = 5,00,000 2,00,000 60,000 1.20,000 90,000 = 5,00,000 / 4,70,000 = 1.06:1 (ii) Interest coverage ratio = Net profit before interest and taxes Interest = = 1,70,000/ 50,000 = (iii) Proprietary Ratio = 90,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 3.4 times Shareholde rs Funds/ Equity Total Assets = 4,70,000 5,05,000(fixed assets) 1,20,000(current assets) = 4,70,000 / 6,25,000 = 0.75:1 OR 4,70,000 4,70,000 (Equity) 5,00,000 (Loan) 40,000 (Current Liabilities) = 4,70,000 / 10,10,000 = 0.47:1 164 Question 10 [10] From the following data, prepare a Common Size Balance Sheet of Teak Wood Ltd: (Note: Current year s figures appear in the first column and the previous year s figures are in the second column.) Particulars 31.03.2013 ` 3,00,000 80,000 1,00,000 1,90,000 40,000 2,90,000 80,000 10,000 1,01,000 9,000 Share Capital Reserves and Surplus Trade Payables Trade Receivables Short Term Provision Fixed Assets Long Term Provision Current Investments Inventory Cash and Cash Equivalents 31.03.2012 ` 2,40,000 70,000 1,10,000 1,80,000 15,000 2,30,000 65,000 8,000 72,000 10,000 Comments of Examiners Most candidates could answer this question satisfactorily. Suggestion for teachers However, a few candidates did not write the dates of the Teachers need to give adequate Balance Sheets. practice to students Some candidates lost marks in this question as they ended up preparing the Comparative Balance Sheet instead of the Common Size Balance Sheet. A few candidates took the Fixed Assets and Share Capital as the base instead of Total Assets and Total Liabilities. 165 MARKING SCHEME Question 10. Common Size Balance Sheet of Teak Wood Ltd. as at 31st March 2013 and 2012 Note No. Particulars Absolute Amount % of Balance Sheet Total 2012-13 2011-12 2012-13 I. EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Shareholders Funds (a) Share Capital (b) Reserves and Surplus 3,00,000 80,000 2,40,000 70,000 65,000 Non- Current Liabilities Long Term Provision 50.00 13.33 2011-12 48.00 14.00 13.33 13.00 80,000 1,10,000 15,000 16.67 6.67 6,00,000 5,00,000 100 2,90,000 Current Liabilities (a) Trade payable (b)Short term provision 2,30,000 1,00,000 40,000 TOTAL II. ASSETS Non- Current Assets Fixed Assets 22.00 3.00 100 46.00 48.33 Current Assets (a) Current Investments (b) Inventories (c) Trade Receivables (d) Cash and cash equivalents 10,000 1,01,000 1,90,000 9,000 6,00,000 TOTAL 8,000 72,000 1,80,000 10,000 5,00,000 1.67 16.83 31.67 1.50 100 1.60 14.40 36.00 2.00 100 Question 11 (a) State with reason whether the following would result in inflow, outflow or no flow of cash: (i) Charging depreciation on furniture. (ii) Cash withdrawn for bank for office use. 166 [2] (b) From the following extracts of a company s Balance Sheets, calculate for the year ending 31st March, 2013: (i) Cash from investing activities. (ii) [8] Cash from financing activities. (Note: Current year s figures appear in the first column and the previous year s figures are in the second column.) Particulars 2012-13 ` 13,00,000 60,000 20,000 1,70,000 (24,000) 1,46,000 Non-current investments Land (at cost) Goodwill 1,40,000 (40,500) 99,500 1,00,000 5,00,000 30,000 Equity Share Capital Long Term Borrowing (10% Bank Loan) Proposed Dividend Fixed assets: Plant and Machinery Less Accumulated Depreciation 2011-12 ` 12,00,000 1,00,000 21,000 20,000 7,00,000 40,000 Additional information: (i) The Loan instalment and interest on loan was paid at the end of the financial year. (ii) During the year 2012-13: (a) Dividend of ` 17,000 was proposed. (b) The company provided depreciation on Plant and Machinery amounting to ` 13,500. (c) The company sold 70% of its non-current investments which it held at the beginning of the year, at a profit of 20% on its book value. Comments of Examiners (a) A number of candidates could answer this question satisfactorily (b) While many candidates could answer this question satisfactorily, a few candidates did not seem to know the treatment of accumulated depreciation. Some candidates were not clear with the concept of machine discarded. 167 Suggestions for teachers Give sufficient practice to students in calculating the amount spent on purchase of a fixed asset from its net value / gross value. The scope of the syllabus must be referred to. MARKING SCHEME Question 11. (a) (i) No flow. It does not involve cash as it is a non-cash expense / book entry. (ii) No flow. It represents movement between items of cash / cash and cash equivalent (b) Working Note: 1 Particulars To Balance b/d To Cash Plant & Machinery a/c Amount (`) Particulars 1,40,000 By acc.depreciation 60,000 By Balance c/d 2,00,000 Amount (`) 30,000 1,70,000 2,00,000 Accumulated Depreciation a/c Amount (`) Particulars 30,000 By Balance b/d Amount (`) 40,500 Working Note: 2 Particulars To P/M( dep on asset discarded) bal figure To Balance c/d 24,000 By St of P/L 54,000 13,500 54,000 Working Note: 3 Particulars To Balance b/d To gain on sale of Inv. To Cash Investments a/c Amount (`) Particulars 20,000 By cash 2,800 By Balance c/d 94,000 1,16,800 Amount (`) 16,800 1,00,000 1,16,800 Working Note: 4 Particulars To Cash To Balance cd Proposed Dividend a/c Amount (`) Particulars 18,000 By Balance b/d 20,000 By St of P/L 38,000 Amount (`) 21,000 17,000 38,000 Solution: ` Cash from Investing Activities Purchase of P/M Sale of Land Sale of Investments Purchase of Investments Cash flow from Investing Activities ` (60,000) 2,00,000 16,800 (94,000) 62,800 Cash from Financing activities Issue of Share Capital Repayment of Bank Loan Interest paid on Bank Loan 1,00,000 (40,000) (10,000) 168 Dividend paid Cash flow from Financing activities (18,000) 32,000 SECTION C Answer any two questions Question 12 (a) Mention any two demerits of using electronic spreadsheets. (b) Write a formula in spreadsheet for calculating the Take Home Pay under the given condition: Salary is more than `50,000 then the Take Home Pay is 80%. (c) How would you create a filter for data stored in a column in a spreadsheet? (d) State the steps involved in merging two cells in a spreadsheet. (e) [10] What is the difference between the functions AVERAGEA ( ) and AVERAGEIFS ( )? Comments of Examiners Very few candidates attempted this question. Many of those who did make an attempt, could not answer it correctly. Suggestion for teachers Teachers need to be well versed with the Excel and DBMS to teach the topics included in the scope of the syllabus. MARKING SCHEME Question 12. (a) Demerits of using Electronic Spreadsheets: Sometimes, it is difficult to apply very complex models and the layouts become difficult to understand. In case of hardware/software failures, the spread-sheet cannot be used. (b) If an error is made in a formula, every single calculation done where that formula is used on that spread sheet will be incorrect. System is dependent on a working hardware and spreadsheet software Formatting/printing of an electronic spread-sheet needs to be learnt. = IF(A2>50000, A2*80/100,A2) = IF(A2>50000, A2-20%*A2,A2) = IF(A2>50000, A2-0.2*A2,A2) = IF(A2>50000, A2*0.8,A2) = IF(A2>50000, A2*80%,A2) Take Home Pay = IF (Salary >50000,Salary*0.8,Salary) 169 (c) The candidate can do the filter operation in many ways, such as: (i) Go to the first row of the column. Select the column and click the filter option in the DATA sub-menu. OR (ii) (iii) (d) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Select the Data by the use of keyboard / mouse. Filter by the use of right click button of the mouse or touch pad. Go to the first row of the column. Click on Sort & Filter Option in the HOME sub-menu. Click on filter from the drop down menu. Select the two cells by moving the cursor over both the cells being merged. Click format option from the menu. Select cells under the format drop down menu. Select the option alignment. Click merge cells. Or Select the two cells by moving the cursor over both the cells being merged. Select Format Cells Alignment Merge cells Or (e) Select the two cells by moving the cursor over both the cells being merged. Click on on the HOME sub-menu. AVERAGEA( ) and AVERAGEIFS( ) are both statistical functions. AVERAGEA( ) is used to include logical values and text representations as part of calculations. AVERAGEIFS( ) is used to calculate the average of only the values that meet the criteria. Question 13 [10] A 1 Particulars 2 SALES OF GOODS 3 SALES OF SERVICES 4 INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES 5 GROSS PROFIT 6 SALARIES 7 RENTS 8 PURCHASES 9 NET PROFIT B 2010 C 2011 D 2012 10,000 1,200 800 15,000 1,280 900 18,000 1,500 1,000 9,000 900 1,100 10,000 1,000 1,200 12,000 1,500 1,400 170 E 2013 (Estimates) (a) (b) (c) (d) Write the expression to calculate GROSS PROFIT & NET PROFIT in the Cells (B5, B9), for the Year 2010. Write the expression to calculate the average GROSS PROFIT for the year 2010, 2011 and 2012. Write a function to select the maximum Value for NET PROFIT for the years 2010, 2011 and 2012. Write a suitable expression to calculate the following for 2013 (Estimates) where: SALES OF GOODS in Cell E2 where SALES OF GOODS have decreased 10% over 2012. (ii) SALES OF SERVICES in Cell E3 where SALES OF SERVICES have increased 10% over 2011. (iii) INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES in Cell E4 where INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES have increased 25% over 2010. (iv) GROSS PROFIT in Cell E5. (i) Comments of Examiners Many of the candidates who attempted this question could not answer it correctly. Suggestion for teachers Give more practice to students in answering similar type of questions. MARKING SCHEME Question 13. (a) Gross profit = B5 = B2 +B3 B8 or B2 B8 or B5 = Sum (B2 : B3) - B8 For Cell B9 Net Profit = (B2 + B3 +B4) (B6 + B7 + B8) or B5 + B4 -B6 - B7 or B5 + B3 + B4 B6 B7 or = Sum (B2 : B4) - Sum (B6 : B8) or = Sum (B4 : B5) - Sum (B6 : B7) or = Sum (B3 : B5) - Sum (B6 : B7) (b) Go to another cell, say, F5, and select the function AVG = AVG (B5:D5) Or = Sum (B5:D5) / 3 Or = (B5+C5+D5) /3 171 (c) (d) = MAX (B9 : D9) Or In say F9, chose the function MAX and select the range B9: D9. (i) Go to Row (Sales of goods) of Column E (2013 Estimates) OR Go to Cell E2 Enter = (90/100)*D2 Any one of the following E2 = ( 9)*D2 (ii) E2 = D2*( 9) E2 = D2*(90/100) E2 = D2*90% Go to Row (Sales of services) of Column E (2013 Estimates) OR Go to cell E3 Enter = (110/100)*C3 Any one of the following as correct: E3 = (1 10)*C3 (iii) E3 = C3*(1 10) E3 = C3*(110/100) E3 = C3*110% E3=(10%*C3)+C3 Go to Row (Income from other sources) of Column E (2013 Estimates) OR Go to Cell E4 Enter = (125/100) *E2 Any one of the following as correct: E4 = (1 25)* B4 (iv) E4 = B4*(1 25) E4 = B4*(125/100) E4 = B4*125% E4=(25%*B4)+B4 E5=E2+E3-E8 or E2 E8 or =Sum(E2:E3) E8 172 Question 14 (a) What is the use of Data dictionary in RDBMS? (b) What is SQL? (c) What is a Unique Key? (d) Define SQL update statement. (e) [10] What is meant by normalization of a database system? Comments of Examiners Few candidates attempted this question. Many of those who did make an attempt, could not answer it correctly. Suggestion for teachers Give more practice to students in answering similar type of questions. MARKING SCHEME Question 14. Data Dictionary in RDBMS is a set of tables and the database objects and is stored in a special (a) area of the database and maintained by the kernel. The information in the Data Dictionary helps to provide access to the objects and maps into actual physical storage location. SQL: Structured Query Language / (SQL) is a language designed specifically for (b) communicating with databases. / SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard. (c) Unique key: Unique key is same as primary key and uniquely identifies each row in a table, with difference being the existence of null. Unique key field allows one value as NULL value. (d) SQL update statement: SQL update is used to update data in a row or set of rows specified in the filter condition. The basic format of an SQL UPDATE statement is, Update command followed by table to be updated and SET command followed by column names and their new values followed by filter condition that determines which rows should be updated. Normalization of a database system is the process of analyses of database tables and splitting the (e) table into multiple tables, (based on logical relation between multiple tables) to remove redundant data. There can be first normal form, second normal form and third normal form, when normalization of database is done. 173 GENERAL COMMENTS: (a) Topics found difficult by candidates in the Question Paper: Treatment of normal loss in joint venture Writing off miscellaneous expenditure Calculation of interest on drawings Ratio Analysis- Formulae and calculations Cash Flow Statement- concept of accumulated depreciation. (b) Concepts in which candidates got confused: Methods of Joint Venture Treatment of retiring partner s loan a/c Treatment of interest on loan and rent due to a partner The relevant heads and subheads in the Balance Sheet of a company. Whether to take Gross Debtors or Net Debtors while calculating Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio (c) Suggestions for candidates: Do not neglect the Class XI syllabus Be clear in understanding the concepts. This will help in answering the theory questions. Study the entire syllabus thoroughly Practice sums from at least two text books Do not write short forms in the ratios formulae Always practice sums with proper formats drawn Solve past years question papers Solve the current years and past years Specimen Papers released by the Council 174

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