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ISC Class XII Board Specimen 2016 : Western Music Paper 1

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ISC 12th
Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), New Delhi
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WESTERN MUSIC Paper 1 (THEORY) (Three hours) Maximum Marks: 70 (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) .. Answer five questions in all, choosing two questions from Section A, two from Section B and one from either Section A or B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION A (Harmony) Question 1. [14] Either Complete the following melody on a sheet of manuscript paper according to the pattern given below: Or Write a tune for the following words. Indicate tempo and expression marks. Every syllable must be written under the note or notes to which it is to be sung. The sweetest sounds What do I really hear, and what is in the ear of my mind? Which sounds are true and clear, which will never be defined? The sweetest sounds I'll ever hear, are still inside my heart. The kindest words I'll ever know are waiting to be said. 1 ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2016 Question 2. [14] Either Add Soprano, Alto and Tenor to the following Bass line on the manuscript paper provided. Or Add Alto, Tenor and Bass to the following melody: Question 3. [14] Two part Harmony. Either Add a suitable lower part to the following melody: Or Add a suitable upper part to the following: 2 ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2016 Question 4 [14] Study the song given below and answer the questions that follow: (Keyboard Sonata-Kp.481 by Domenico Scarlatti) 3 ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2016 (a) Write in full, as you think it should be played, the right-hand part of bar 2 (complete bar) and bar 23 (last beat). bar 2 (b) bar 23 Trace the key structure of the first 16 bars by completing the following statements: The extract starts in the key of ________________with a(n) ____________ cadence in that key in bars 7-8. In bar 9, the key is ________with a decorated __________ cadence in bars __________. Bars 13-14 modulate to the key of ________________, and bars 15-16 to the key of _____________ (c) Mark clearly on the score, using the appropriate capital letter for identification, one example of each of the following. Also, give the bar numbers of your answers. A B the falling melodic interval of a diminished octave. Bars ________. C a dominant 7th chord in a second inversion (V7c) with a suspended minor 9th above it, in the key of F minor. Bar _________. D (d) a suspension forming a subdominant chord with 7th (iv7) resolving on to the first inversion of a supertonic chord (ii0b) in F minor. Bar _______. a bar not including syncopation between bars 13 and 10. Bar _________. In bar 4, draw a circle round each right-hand note which is unessential to the harmony and give the name of these notes of melodic decoration. SECTION B Question 5 [14] Analyse briefly any two movements of Beethoven's Symphony No. 2. You are expected to cover: (a) structure of the movement (b) instrumentation (c) the moods and emotions these movements evoke in the listener. Question 6 [14] What is a Sonataform? How is this form used in Beethoven's Symphony No.2 in D major? 4 ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2016 Question 7 [14] What is fugue? Critically analyse Bach s Fugue No. 16 in G minor. Question 8 [14] Give a description of Schubert's Earlkonig. Critically analyse its story, its musical content and its overall impact on the l istener. Question 9 [14] Write a critical appreciation of the last movement of Caesar Frank's Violin Sonata in A major. Question 10 [14] Write short essays on any two of the following composers: (a) Beethoven (b) Bach (c) Schubert (d) Caesar Frank You are expected to write briefly on their lives, works and any special contribution they may have made to the music of their time. 5 ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2016

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Tags : ISC Board 2015, Specimen Question Paper 2016 Western Music Paper 1 Theory, solved sample mock guess question paper, cisce isc class XII syllabus, icse class 12 previous years model papers., ISC Board, Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, ISC 2021 - 2022 Examination, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, ISC Solved Specimen Question Papers 2021 - 2022, ISC Solved Mock Guess Exam Papers, ISC Board Model Paper with Answers, Detailed Solutions & Explanations, isc sample question bank, past / old / last year online test papers, syllabus, online coaching.  

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