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ICSE Class X Podar Mid-term 2024 : Chemistry

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Podar High School. ISC Lilavatibai Summative Assessment-1,2024-2025 Subject: Chemistry Duration: Two Hours. Grade: X Marks: 80 Instructions: All Questions are compulsory. The intended marks are given next to the questions. The time mentioned above is writing time. -40 Marks Section Q.1 Choose the answers to the questions from thegivenoptions. correct (Do not copy i. Which of the following option is correct increasing order of [15] the questions, write the correctanswers only.) for the elements, arranged as per Ionisation energy: ) K, Na, Si, S,CI. b)CI, S Si ,K,Na. a) ai Na, K,Si, S,CI. d) K, Na,CI, S,Si. ii. Electron affinity is a) Alkali iii. maxigu n: metals )Halogens Atomic number gb)Alkaline A & B. iv. b))B dB & D. Liquor Amnon is a good cdeansing nio V. Sody by hydroxide using the a) Ferrous c) calcium vi. SO2 anAnmonium solutin b) SOs Calcium oxide ) d) magnesium chloride. with Hydrochloricacid(dil) is: d) COz. c) Hydrogen sodium sulphite reacts is amphotericin Zinc oxide nature: b) d) copper(l)oxide. of the process for manufacturingNitric acid a) contact process ix. hydroxidesolutions can be distinguished o oxidewhich c)Barium oxide vi. The name b) highly volatile b) Ferric sulphate sulphate nitete Identify the metallic a) & D=16. d) emulsifies grease. The gas liberatedywhen a) vii. B-11,C-13 azent becauseit: residuewhen wiped out nature Acidicn gases formacovalent compound? & c) A& a) leaves metals B(C'&Dar A8, Which two elemettswil'combine to a) . d) Inert elementsA, of earth is: b) Ostwald'sprocess d)Haber-Bosch process. Habers process The drying agent used to dry HCl gas is: b)conc.nitric acid a)quick lime c)conc. Sulphuricacid d) calciurm chloride. Page 1 of5 X. Which of the following statementis not a) Metllic atoms have true? large atomic size and low ionisation potential. affinity, more electronegative is the element. of oxygen is more than Boron. b)Greaterthe value of electron )Electronegativity d) Increasein nuclearcharge, electrons. xi. xii. decreasesthe tendencyof an atom A gas that turnsmoist lead acetate paper silvery to accept black is: a)Hydrogen sulphide b)sulphur dioxide c) ammonia d) chlorine. The salt solution which gives dirty green precipitate with sodium solution: a) Iron ()sulphate b) Iron (1l)sulphate ) zincsulphate xiii. d) both 'a' xiv. XV. d)Lead Which conditionis not trueforeven a) low current for a longer time b)an alternating current c)high concentration & b. deposition (dil) b) )acidic property insolution State Catalytic oxidatio Copper (IIsuphat iii. Additiorof silyer iv. Zinc nittecrystals ii solution is lectroly'se nitrate solution are strongly to heated in a test acid. tube. in excess to ()sulph tesluion, Write balanced themi alequationsforthe following. Actionof coteentrated sulphuric acid on [5] carbon. Reactionof zinc oxide with hot conc. potassiumhydroxide solution. Reactionof excess ammonia with chlorine. Action ofhot conc. nitric acid on copper. i. by using copper electrodes. difute hydrochloric iv. 2c. 5] ofmmonia. iii. V. agent dehydrating Amnoum hydroxidekolutionis added drop by drop then Copper i. is: d) drying agent. your obseryationsforthe following. i. 25. sulphurieca id >NaSO4 2H0+2COz a) non-volatile nature V. elecioplatng? of the metal in the eleetrolyte by ii. nitrate, in Incontact processSO3 is not directly dissolvedinwater because: a) dilute acid is formed b)densefog is produced c)acid becomes impure itis insoluble. In the given equation, the propertyshown 2NaHCOs +H SO4 Q2a hydroxide Conversion of oleum to sulphuricacid in contact process. Complete the following by choosing the correct answerfrom the bracket. If an element has one electron in its valence shell, then it is likely to have the, Smallest/ largest/ similar] atomicsize,amongst all the elements in the 5] same period. ii. The ion which could be discharged most [SO /OH/CH. readily during electrolysis is -, Page 2of5 i. Sulphur is oxidised -oxide/sulphur A compound iv. by hot. Conc. nitric acid to give---.(sulphuric acid/ nitric - dioxide.] which contains all bonds three types of ionic, covalent i.e and ammonium chloride/ ammonia.] The moleculeof water combines with a -[hydrogen atom/ proton/ a ion. hydrogen molecule] to form hydronium coordinate V. 2d. i. State the is ----[ sodium [5] term /word forthe following. The gasproduced on The cation present in ii. chloride/ reaction of dilute the salt, HCI with metallic sulphide. which undergoesflametest and produces brick red colour. iii. iv. V. The an electrolyticcell. The drying agentused for drying Ammonia gas in its laboratofy.preparation. Theamount of energy required to remove an electronronthe outermost shell of 2e. oxidising electrode in an isolated gaseousatom. State the relevant reason for each of the following. [5] i. ii. While electroplating, the anode has to be replacea Conc. Nitric acid cannotbe used in place conc. of laboratory preparation iii. solution iv. in aqueous state. Vanadium pentoxideis preferred oxidation of toPatinised asbestos uring catalytic sulphurdioxide, in thelaboratory Nitric acid obtained is slightly yellovishbrownin colour. Section II]- 40 Q3a the sulphuric acid in HCl gas with sodium chloride. covalent compounds,Onduct electricity of and polar Electrovalent periodically. Matks Completethefollovingtable: [41 cath de Anode Reaction at anode. a spoon with Elecftopl tinggf silver ii. iii. (Sodium-silver cyanide the electrolyte, solutionis Elestrolysis of GraphiteGraphite molteng iv. -Lead bromide b. i. Namethe anior'present nfachof the following compounds. Compoundahen, warmedwith conc. sulphuric acid gives a gaswhich and gives dense white fumes with ammonia. When Barium chloride solution is added to a salt solution of compound 'B,a fumes in ii. moist air white precipitate iii. A salt'C' when is formed which is insoluble in dilute nitric acid. heated with dilute sulphuric acid gives a gas that turns lime water milky & turns iv. [4] Compound 'D'on acidified heating KMnO4 solution from pink to clear colourless. with copper turnings and conc. sulphuric acid reddish-browngas. liberatesa C. Draw the electron dot diagram i. Nitrogen molecule. ii Ammonium ion. to show the formationof following: 2] [Atomic no: Nitrogen-=7, Hydrogen-1] Page3of 5 4a. The followingreactions are carried out for preparation of Ammonia. A. Nitrogent metal>Compound X B. X+ warm waterAmmonia+ anothercompound C. Ammonia + metal oxide metal + water +Nitrogen The metal that is used in reaction 'A'is magnesium. forthe compound "X formed. ii. Write the balanced chemicalequation for the reaction [3] i.Write the formula compound ii.Whichproperty of Ammonia 4b. Differentiate Lead i. nitrate is iii. Laboratorypreparation 4c. "P' is P- 'C'? 2e >P2:This process takes The cation P: iii. P reacts with dilute iv. If P2 and correct case. p2 place by oxidation/Reduction. gets reduced/oxidised. [1] [1] Sulphuricacid to liberate sulphurdioxide/ hydrogen gas. Fe migrated towards cathode, which of the two cations get discharged at the cathode mosteasily? 5a. (3] & Ammonia. (nterms of charge separation) Ammonia and HCl gas. (method of collection) an element above Iron in the activity series of metals. Select the answers in each i. reaction between the followingbased on the points given in bracket. solution & zincnitrate solution. (By adding ammonium hydroxide Molecule of carbon tetra chloride i. demonstratedby in excess) solution ii. 'Bwhere 'X is the reacted. [1] [1] The set up shown below is that of the fountain experimentwith hydrogen gas in the flask. The fountain starts when afewdrops of water from chloride the dropper are squeezed in to the flask. Dropgs i. ii. iii. Explain whythe litrius solution gets sucked up when dropper is squeezed? State the colourof the If instead fountainwhen blue of HCl gas, ammonia gas is filled litmus solution enters flask. in the flask from thedropper,what will be your observation? and water is introduced Justify [1] [1] [2] your answer. Page 4 of5 5b. With reference terms of to the periodictable shown below-Answer the followingin alphabets given: Group 1 2nd Li 2 13 14 15 16 17 H M D period A 3rd Mg Si Lperiod i. ii. iii. 5c.i. Identify the most electronegative State thetype of [1] element. bondformed between'A' and 'H. [1] Which element from 3rd period, will have the least ionisation energy? Give the balanced chemicalequationforthe manufactureof Ammonia by Haber's process. Mention the required conditions for the same ii. State the technique and hydrogen used for separating ammonia fromun ombinenitrogen mixture during the process. [1] [1] [1] reactant iii. State the colour 6a. and HCl gas can be preparedin the laboratprybyheating,soium and sodium chloride respectively withcong. Sulphuricacid& Write an equationfor each of these reaction Which property of conc. Sulphuric aid makesit suitable for the preparation of nitric acid and HCl gas? of flame obtained on burningdry amfmoniain oxygen. [1] Nitric acid nitrate i. ii. ii. State your observation 6b. Define the following. i. ii. 6c. i. i. acid is added,to can sugar. [1] [1] [2] Electroplating. Electron affinity. Answer the atit 2] folloaging For the preparation of Fydrochloricacdin the laboratory: 1. ii. when concsuphuric [2] Whysdirect absorption hydragei chloride gas using a delivery tube n wafernotfeasible? .Whtch arangement isdone todissolve hydrogen chloride gas in water? Por theelectrorefining of coppewhat is the cathodemade up of? Writthe chemicl tesftoidentify the gas evolved,when Ammonium chloride reacts with [1] sodiumhydteide. Page 5of5

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