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ICSE Class X Podar Mid-term 2024 : Mathematics

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3o6 Lilavatibai Podar High School Summative Assessment 1-2024-25 Subject:Mathematics Grade .ISC Duration:2 hrs 30mins :80 :10 Marks Instructions: Allquestionsare compulsory. The intended marks aregivennext to the questions. The time mentioned above is writing time. Rough work to be on the right hand sideof the same page aspart of the answers. Section A(40 Marks ) Q1. Choose the correct answers from the givenoptions : i)If Sairavideposits x per month in SBI recurring of 2 years and the interest accumulatedis after 2 years is (in b)1800 +2x The common scheme for aperiod 1800, then amountpayableto her ): a)1800+2x ii) deposit (13] difference of c) 24x+ 1800 the A.P:-7,1,5, 11, b)5 a)4 d)3600 x .. : is d)-5 .c)6 .. The cost of a washing machine is 25000and the CGST paid by acustomeris 1250 ;If the customer stays in Borivali (E) and the washing machine is bought from a dealer in Bandra (W), the rate of GST is:: i ) a)5% b)10% d)24% c)12%: and looksup ata 45 . angle to see the top of a flagpole in front of a building as shown in the figure. If she is 40 the height of the ft away from the flgpole, iv) Karen is 5.5 ft tall flagpole from the ground is: a)34.5 ft c)40 ft b)20 ft d)45.5 ft karh v)Ifb is an arithmetic mean between 'a' is correct? a)b?=ac b)2b =a +c ) then which one of the following b = 4ac d)a +c =c+b Page 1 of 5 vi) When +1 is divided by x a)-1 x+1,the b)1 vi) Given:a/z a)4 and vi) d)0 c)2 3 2 : remainder1s 51. b)2 and the valuesof'a and 4 c)2 b'are: d) and 4 and 2 a number n is chosen at random from thenumbers theprobabilityof thenumber If f2,-1,0,1 and that n <2 is: a)1 b)% ix) The mean c)% between 4and 9 is: proportional a)6 b)7 x) If themean of c)8 6,7,11, p, 15 and a)16 2 q is9;then b)15 the valu of c)14 p +qis: ." d)0 xi)Which of the following is the correct. solutionsetfor the given number a){x c){x: -3 s x<3, e R} -3 x>3, x R} xii)The x order of the lin -5.4 -3 ?: : 3K xS3,x eR} d){x:3-> x23,x R} b){X matrices P and Q is 2x 3:-Th product'QP is: a)possiblewith orderof'QP is2x 2 b)not possible 'QP is 3 x3 d)possiblewithorder of 'QP is 2x 3 c)possible with order f xii)The probabilityof winning'an "ipad is twice that of a'beats audio showThe probability,.of winning a 'beatsaudio a) is in a game : c)% d)1 xiv) The interquartile the given graph is b)3.0 c)5.5 d)5.0 Cumulatve frequency a)2.5 12 10 20 22 2a 20os.6 26 38 40 42 nmedion:0pper lower QuBrile quartile. Longth (om) Page 2of5 The common xv)Assertion(A): ratio Reason(R):Common is 2 the G.P: 4h,1,.... first term term+ Second aG.IP. is ratio of of : a)A is true; R is false b)A is false R is true c)Both A and R aretrue are false d)Both A and ; R 02.1)The term,last term and common first of difference an arithmetic [4] are 98,1001 and 7 respectively.Find: b) sum of 'n'terms (n) ofterms a)number i)Kirtan has a recurring deposit accountin abank. He deposits month for 2 years.If he gets 66250 at the time of maturity , b) the rate of interest a)the interest paid by the bank progression n 500 i) Find the mean of the following by Stepdeviation CI. 20-30 30-40 f 10 6 h 40-50 per [4) mnethod 14 50-60 60-70 12 5 7080 1 Q3. i) A child's 10squares gamehas 8 triangles which of Find the probability 6 are beadd t ofewlch rest 3are blue and.restare are red.One pieceis lost at ed,and random; thatt b) squareA)sayjare of blue dhangle of red colour i)A shopkeeper frdm Sanacruz(w) buys ageshant ata discount of 20% from a wholesalerin Bada (B)"The printed, priceis 3200.The shopkeepersells it to a a)triangle customer at thorrinted price atthe rte GSTpaid by theshopkeeper a)the b)fhe Greeeived c)tiaamount at by to the coiou oST2%. Find: cetralgovernment the ceftratovernment which the custoer Boughtthe neckband. thrown i)40 tdents enter fora gane ofshotput competition. The distance in metres is record la bela Distance(2-13 13-14 No. of students Use a)the b)the (4] 3 9 14-1515-16|16-17| 17-18|18-19 12 9 graphpaper to draw an ogive to find: median which number of students who cover a distance 4 2 1 a isabove 15.75 m Page 3of5 Section Q4.1) Find the sum of theG.P.: B(40 Marks) (9) 2 +6+18 +54 +... + 4374. )-B-[: : 3] i)Mrs Pawar deposits 1000 every month in a recurring deposit account tor three years at 8% p.a. Find the maturity value. c-1 Given A Find AB+2C-4D Q5.1) and Solve and graph the solutionset on a number [4] aD-[;]: line : -1s3+4x< 23,x R band c are in continued proportion,prove that: (a+b+c)(a -b+c) a +b2 + iii)Given: x-2 is a factor of 2x-x? -px -2. ii) If a, = ? (4] a)Find the value of 'p' b)With thevalue of p, factorise the above expressioncompletely Q6.i)Sixteencards are labelled and shuffled. A boy is asked to as A, B., draw C...M,N,O,P. They a c rd that the card drawn is: a)a vowel i)A are put in a box (3) from the box ,Whatis the probability b)a consonantc)none of the letters of the word conical cavity MEDIAN' isdrilled out from (3] a solid cylindrical wood of height 12 cm and base radius is cm as shown in 5 -Conlcal the figure. The height and radius of the cone are also the same as that of the cylinder. Find thetot 'surfaceareaof the remairing wood. cav ty 12cm " --Remalning solid If the 6th termof an A.P. is equal to four times its first termand the sum of itsfirst six terms is 75, find the first termn and il) [4) the common difference. Q7)Using the propertiesof proportion,find thevalue of x': x343* 341 3x2+1 91 ii)The weights of 45 childrenin a class were recorded tothe nearest kg as follow:[3] wt(kg) No.of children 46 48 50 52 .53 54 55 7 5 8 12 10 2 1 Find themedian weight. Page 4 of 5 ii) The verical .was an angle of 4 and has a tower of PISA currently leans at tall was the tower when height of 55.86 m (asshown in the figure). How to the nearest metre). built? (Give your answer leaning [4] it originally 55.86mn Page 5of S

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