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ISC Class XII 2017 Marking Scheme : Select

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Analysis of Pupil Performance GEOGRAPHY Research Development and Consultancy Division Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations New Delhi Year 2017 __________________________________________________________________________________ Published by: Research Development and Consultancy Division (RDCD) Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations Plot No. 35-36, Sector VI Pushp Vihar, Saket New Delhi-110017 Tel: (011) 29564831/33/37 E-mail: Copyright, Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations All rights reserved. The copyright to this publication and any part thereof solely vests in the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations. This publication and no part thereof may be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or stored in any manner whatsoever, without the prior written approval of the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations. FOREWORD This document of the Analysis of Pupils Performance at the ISC Year 12 and ICSE Year 10 Examination is one of its kind. It has grown and evolved over the years to provide feedback to schools in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates in handling the examinations. We commend the work of Mrs. Shilpi Gupta (Deputy Head) and the Research Development and Consultancy Division (RDCD) of the Council who have painstakingly prepared this analysis. We are grateful to the examiners who have contributed through their comments on the performance of the candidates under examination as well as for their suggestions to teachers and students for the effective transaction of the syllabus. We hope the schools will find this document useful. We invite comments from schools on its utility and quality. Gerry Arathoon Chief Executive & Secretary November 2017 i PREFACE The Council has been involved in the preparation of the ICSE and ISC Analysis of Pupil Performance documents since the year 1994. Over these years, these documents have facilitated the teaching-learning process by providing subject/ paper wise feedback to teachers regarding performance of students at the ICSE and ISC Examinations. With the aim of ensuring wider accessibility to all stakeholders, from the year 2014, the ICSE and the ISC documents have been made available on the Council s website The document includes a detailed qualitative analysis of the performance of students in different subjects which comprises of examiners comments on common errors made by candidates, topics found difficult or confusing, marking scheme for each answer and suggestions for teachers/ candidates. In addition to a detailed qualitative analysis, the Analysis of Pupil Performance documents for the Examination Year 2017 have a new component of a detailed quantitative analysis. For each subject dealt with in the document, both at the ICSE and the ISC levels, a detailed statistical analysis has been done, which has been presented in a simple user-friendly manner. It is hoped that this document will not only enable teachers to understand how their students have performed with respect to other students who appeared for the ICSE/ISC Year 2017 Examinations, how they have performed within the Region or State, their performance as compared to other Regions or States, etc., it will also help develop a better understanding of the assessment/ evaluation process. This will help them in guiding their students more effectively and comprehensively so that students prepare for the ICSE/ ISC Examinations, with a better understanding of what is required from them. The Analysis of Pupil Performance document for ICSE for the Examination Year 2017 covers the following subjects: English (English Language, Literature in English), Hindi, History, Civics and Geography (History & Civics, Geography), Mathematics, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), Commercial Studies, Economics, Computer Applications, Economics Applications, Commercial Applications. Subjects covered in the ISC Analysis of Pupil Performance document for the Year 2017 include English (English Language and Literature in English), Hindi, Elective English, Physics (Theory and Practical), Chemistry (Theory and Practical), Biology (Theory and Practical), Mathematics, Computer Science, History, Political Science, Geography, Sociology, Psychology, Economics, Commerce, Accounts and Business Studies. I would like to acknowledge the contribution of all the ICSE and the ISC examiners who have been an integral part of this exercise, whose valuable inputs have helped put this document together. I would also like to thank the RDCD team of Dr. Manika Sharma, Dr. M.K. Gandhi, Ms. Mansi Guleria and Mrs. Roshni George, who have done a commendable job in preparing this document. The statistical data pertaining to the ICSE and the ISC Year 2017 Examinations has been provided by the IT section of the Council for which I would like to thank Col. R. Sreejeth (Deputy Secretary - IT), Mr. M.R. Felix, Education Officer (IT) ICSE and Mr. Samir Kumar, Education Officer (IT) - ISC. November 2017 Shilpi Gupta Deputy Head - RDCD CONTENTS Page No. FOREWORD i PREFACE ii INTRODUCTION 1 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS 3 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS 10 This document aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the performance of candidates in the subject. It comprises of two sections, which provide Quantitative and Qualitative analysis results in terms of performance of candidates in the subject for the ISC Year 2017 Examination. The details of the Quantitative and the Qualitative analysis are given below. Quantitative Analysis This section provides a detailed statistical analysis of the following: Overall Performance of candidates in the subject (Statistics at a Glance) State wise Performance of Candidates Gender wise comparison of Overall Performance Region wise comparison of Performance Comparison of Region wise performance on the basis of Gender Comparison of performance in different Mark Ranges and comparison on the basis of Gender for the top and bottom ranges Comparison of performance in different Grade categories and comparison on the basis of Gender for the top and bottom grades The data has been presented in the form of means, frequencies and bar graphs. Understanding the tables Each of the comparison tables shows N (Number of candidates), Mean Marks obtained, Standard Errors and t-values with the level of significance. For t-test, mean values compared with their standard errors indicate whether an observed difference is likely to be a true difference or whether it has occurred by chance. The t-test has been applied using a confidence level of 95%, which means that if a difference is marked as statistically significant (with * mark, refer to t-value column of the table), the probability of the difference occurring by chance is less than 5%. In other words, we are 95% confident that the difference between the two values is true. t-test has been used to observe significant differences in the performance of boys and girls, gender wise differences within regions (North, East, South and West), gender wise differences within marks ranges (Top and bottom ranges) and gender wise differences within grades awarded (Grade 1 and Grade 9) at the ISC Year 2017 Examination. The analysed data has been depicted in a simple and user-friendly manner. 1 Given below is an example showing the comparison tables used in this section and the manner in which they should be interpreted. Comparison on the basis of Gender Gender Girls Boys *Significant at 0.05 level N 2,538 1,051 Mean 66.1 60.1 SE 0.29 0.42 The t-value 11.91* table shows comparison between the performances of boys and girls in a particular subject. The t-value of 11.91 is significant at 0.05 level (mentioned below the table) with a mean of girls as 66.1 and that of boys as 60.1. It means that there is significant difference between the performance of boys and girls in the subject. The probability of this difference occurring by chance is less than 5%. The mean value of girls is higher The results have also been depicted pictographically. In this case, the girls performed significantly better than the than that of boys. It can be interpreted that girls are performing significantly better than boys. boys. This is depicted by the girl with a medal. Qualitative Analysis The purpose of the qualitative analysis is to provide insights into how candidates have performed in individual questions set in the question paper. This section is based on inputs provided by examiners from examination centres across the country. It comprises of question wise feedback on the performance of candidates in the form of Comments of Examiners on the common errors made by candidates along with Suggestions for Teachers to rectify/ reduce these errors. The Marking Scheme for each question has also been provided to help teachers understand the criteria used for marking. Topics in the question paper that were generally found to be difficult or confusing by candidates, have also been listed down, along with general suggestions for candidates on how to prepare for the examination/ perform better in the examination. 2 STATISTICS AT A GLANCE Total Number of Candidates: 3,589 Mean Marks: Highest Marks: 100 64.4 Lowest Marks: 20 3 PERFORMANCE (STATE-WISE) West Bengal 65.1 Uttarakhand 72.4 Uttar Pradesh 63.7 Tripura 46.7 Tamil Nadu 75.8 Sikkim 55.7 Rajasthan 85.7 Punjab 74.7 Manipur 66.8 Meghalaya 52.5 Maharashtra 70.3 Jharkhand 63.3 Himachal Pradesh 74.2 Haryana 76.6 Gujarat 79.4 Goa 58.5 Delhi 65.5 Chattisgarh 64.7 Bihar 65.9 Assam 57.2 Arunachal Pradesh 64.3 Andhra Pradesh 88.9 The States of Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan secured highest mean marks. 4 GENDER-WISE COMPARISON BOYS GIRLS Mean Marks: 66.1 Mean Marks: 60.1 Candidates: 2,538 Candidates: 1,051 Number of Number of Comparison on the basis of Gender Gender Girls Boys N Mean SE t-value 2,538 1,051 66.1 60.1 0.29 0.42 11.91* *Significant at 0.05 level 5 REGION-WISE COMPARISON East North Mean Marks: 63.8 Mean Marks: 67.7 Number of Candidates: 3,189 Number of Candidates: 295 Highest Marks: 100 Lowest Marks: 20 Highest Marks: 97 Lowest Marks: 40 REGION Mean Marks: 80.4 Mean Marks: 71.2 Number of Candidates: 23 Number of Candidates: 82 Highest Marks: 96 Lowest Marks: 56 Highest Marks: 95 Lowest Marks: 40 South West 6 Mean Marks obtained by Boys and Girls-Region wise 80.7 68.0 67.1 North 65.7 79.8 75.6 64.0 59.0 East South West Comparison on the basis of Gender within Region Region North (N) East (E) South (S) West (W) Gender Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys *Significant at 0.05 level N Mean SE 202 93 2,270 919 15 8 51 31 68.0 67.1 65.7 59.0 80.7 79.8 75.6 64.0 1.08 1.34 0.30 0.43 2.35 4.35 1.99 2.68 7 t-value 0.53 12.65* 0.19 3.47* MARK RANGES : COMPARISON GENDER-WISE Comparison on the basis of gender in top and bottom mark ranges Marks Range Top Range (81-100) Bottom Range (0-20) *Significant at 0.05 level Gender Girls Boys Girls Boys N Mean SE 459 84 1 0 86.8 85.5 20.0 0 0.21 0.46 0.00 0.00 Boys Marks Range (81-100) Girls t-value 2.51* - All Candidates 85.5 81 - 100 86.8 86.6 68.7 61 - 80 Marks Range (81-100) 70.1 69.7 52.0 41 - 60 51.9 52.0 38.3 21 - 40 39.5 38.9 0.0 0 - 20 20.0 20.0 8 GRADES AWARDED : COMPARISON GENDER-WISE Comparison on the basis of gender in Grade 1 and Grade 9 Grades Grade 1 Grade 9 Gender Girls Boys Girls Boys N Mean SE 126 11 7 17 92.9 94.1 27.9 30.1 8.21 25.80 9.23 6.92 Boys Girls t-value -0.04 -0.20 All Candidates 94.1 92.9 93.0 1 In Grade 1 and Grade 9 no significant difference was 83.7 83.9 83.9 2 observed between the average performance of girls and boys. 73.7 74.3 74.1 3 64.0 64.6 64.4 4 57.1 57.0 57.1 5 52.0 52.0 52.0 6 47.3 47.2 47.2 7 41.0 41.2 41.1 8 9 9 30.1 27.9 29.5 PART I (30 Marks) Answer all questions. SECTION A Question 1 (i) Name one country each which forms a frontier with India in the: (a) North (b) West (ii) Name any two standard geological eras, along with their duration. (iii) Mention any two differences between the Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats. (iv) State two objectives of social forestry. (v) Define the following terms: (vi) (a) Ribbon settlement (b) Metropolis (vii) What is meant by market gardening? State any one importance of market gardening. Mention any two factors which influence natural vegetation of a place. (viii) What is eco-tourism? How is it promoted in India? (ix) Mention the locational factors which favour the growth of cement industry in India. (x) Name any two states which serve as hinterland for the Haldia port. 10 [10 x 2] Comments of Examiners (i) Many candidates provided answers like Australia, U.K., Bangladesh, Iran, etc. for countries to the (a) north & (b) west. Almost all candidates seemed to be aware of the neighbouring countries but not their direction from India. (ii) Some candidates confused standard geological eras with Indian geological eras. A number of candidates were confused with the duration also. (iii) Most of the candidates were not able to answer this part correctly. Some candidates compared the Eastern & Western Himalayas, while others compared the Eastern & Western coastal plains. (iv) Majority of the candidates were unable to write protection & management of forests. A large number of candidates did not seem to be aware of the objectives and gave general answers, e.g. planting trees, stop deforestation. Many candidates lacked understanding of rural / social / environment development. (v) (a) Most candidates were not able to answer this question correctly. Several candidates confused ribbon settlement with linear pattern or urban sprawl and conurbation while some candidates related it to a star pattern settlement. (b)The most common error made by candidates was in defining a metropolis as a city with above one million population not just one million. A number of candidates wrote one lakh instead of one million, others called them metropolitan cities with no mention of the population. (vi) A number of candidates defined market gardening as horticulture without mentioning for sale in nearby urban markets or profit/commercial or economic gain . Most of the candidates answered only the first part correctly. (vii) Many candidates answered this part well. However, many split climate into two separate points, i.e., temperature and rainfall. 11 Suggestions for teachers Teach India s neighbouring countries with the help of an atlas. Draw a table or a diagrammatic sketch to show the neighbours and the Indian states near borders. Explain the difference between the standard geological eras for the western world and the Indian geological eras created by Indian geologists for India. Explain components of social forestry with the help of key words and phrases. Follow the scope of the syllabus. Teach settlement pattern with sketches and sketch maps. Provide additional text material to students. Provide keywords to the students. Clearly explain the terms - tourism, green tourism, eco-tourism, soft tourism, sustainable tourism and also explain how tourism can be promoted without disturbing the fragile eco-system. Teach locational factors for industries with the help of a chart. Factors must be generalised and related to specific centres. Guide students with the help of a map and then list names of states. (viii)Most of the candidates were unable to draw a difference between tourism and eco-tourism . Several candidates connected eco with economy instead of ecology. Some candidates were unable to answer the second part of the question. A number of candidates did not mention the balance between ecology and tourism while promoting eco-tourism. (ix) Most locational factors were mentioned correctly by candidates, but they failed to mention that the availability of limestone was the main factor. Several candidates merely mentioned important factors , without naming them. (x) Many candidates answered this part correctly. However, a number of candidates named cities and towns instead of states. MARKING SCHEME Question 1 (i) (a) North: China / Nepal / Bhutan (any one) (b) West: Pakistan /Afghanistan (ii) Pre-Cambrian (over 570 million years old) Paleozoic (245 570 million years old) Mesozoic (66 245 million years old) Cenozoic (66 million years old) (iii) Differences between the Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats: Western Ghats Eastern Ghats It runs parallel to the Western Coast in a north-south direction from River Tapi to Kanyakumari. Its average elevation is 900 1100 metres above sea level. It is a continuous wall. It runs in a north-east to south-west direction parallel to the eastern coast from Odisha to Nilgiri hills. Its average elevation is about 600 metres above sea level. It has been divided into several parts by large rivers. It has structural unity Structural unity is lacking in this range. It is the source of many large rivers which No big rivers originate from the Eastern flow in the Peninsular India. Ghats. It is almost perpendicular to the South-West It is almost parallel to the monsoons coming monsoons coming from the Arabian Sea and from the Bay of Bengal and does not cause causes heavy rainfall in the west coastal plain. much rainfall. Its average width is 50-80 km Wider: 100-200 km (any two) 12 (iv) Objectives of social forestry: To reduce pressure on the traditional forest areas. Developing plantations of fire-wood, fodder and grasses. Helping in environmental, social and rural development/employment. Management and protection of forests. Afforestation on barren land. (any two) (v) (a) Ribbon settlement: When suburbs grow along major roads, rivers or railway lines. (b) Metropolis: a large urban city with more than one million population. (vi) Market gardening is the commercial production of fruits, vegetables, flowers and other plants on a large scale for local market. It helps in more income for farmers Efficient land use of small farmers It helps in developing skilled employment for mainly women folk. Many different varieties of crops are grown. Direct sale by farmers to consumers. (any one) (vii) Factors which influence natural vegetation of a place: Climate Soil Drainage Relief (any two) (viii) Eco-tourism: Involves promoting tourism while preserving environment. / Travelling to places of natural beauty and taking care of the environment. Protection of the environment. (any one) Eco-tourism is promoted in India by the development of: National Parks Wild Life Sanctuaries Development of tourist places or areas Restoration of national heritage projects Maximize environmental and social benefits of tourism not forgetting economic development. Awareness of how man and environment can survive beneficially. (any one) (ix) Availability of limestone and other raw materials Cheap transport facility Market 13 (any two) (x) West Bengal Bihar Jharkhand Uttarakhand Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh N.E. States (any two) SECTION B Question 2 On the outline map of India provided: [10] (a) Mark and name the central longitude of India. (b) Mark and name the highest peak of Himalayas in India. (c) Mark and name the longest river of Peninsular India. (d) Shade and label the Meghalaya Plateau. (e) Mark and label Chilika lake. (f) Draw an arrow to show the direction of easterly jet streams over India. (g) Mark with a dot the capital city of Karnataka. (h) Shade and name the state with the largest production of groundnut. (i) Mark with a dot and name the centre for Garden Reach Workshop. (j) Mark with a dot and name the centre for Maruti automobile industry. Note: All the map work, including legend (Index) should be done on the map sheet only. 14 Comments of Examiners (a) A large number of candidates could not mark correctly. The longitude needs to run through the Godavari delta and touch Sri Lanka. The line had to be marked or drawn correctly as well as numbered. (b) Most of the candidates marked Mt K2 instead of Kanchenjunga as the highest peak in the Himalayas in India. Some candidates marked it incorrectly in Sikkim or way north of position while naming it correctly. (c) Godavari was marked correctly by many candidates. Several candidates were confused and marked the River Krishna. A few candidates merely marked a part of the river source. (d) Most of the candidates marked the Chhota Nagpur Plateau in place of the Meghalaya plateau. In some cases, the area of the plateau was extended covering of the north-eastern states or covering the Brahmaputra river. In a few cases, the plateau was extended into Bangladesh. Suggestions for teachers (e) Most candidates identified the correct position but the colouring was incorrect it either went into Odisha or extended far into the Bay of Bengal. (f) Most candidates were not able to mark the Easterly Jet stream correctly. (g) A number of candidates named the city correctly, but the location was incorrect. Some of the candidates even marked it on the coast. (h) Most of the candidates did mark it correctly. However, some candidates selected the wrong state. (i) The dot for marking Kolkata was marked incorrectly by many candidates. At times, the dot shifted into Bangladesh or touched the coast line. (j) Many candidates did not attempt this part. Some candidates marked it incorrectly. Instruct students that the longitude should not be numbered as 82.5 E it is a faulty method. The central meridian of India should be numbered as 82 30E or 82 K. Show students the points through which the longitude runs. Prepare guide maps for students. Tell students that the maps cannot be learnt by looking at maps drawing and practising is a must. Maintain accuracy while pointing out features. Students need to be instructed to shade at least of the area to be shown. Make clear to students that while pointing out Chilka the blue colour used should not be merged into the Bay of Bengal nor should it enter the land. Winds should be marked with the help of latitude Teachers can refer to the internet to find out exact creation. Precise locations of cities must be shown with the help of coordinates drawn from the border or any other reference point. Draw guide maps for students showing borders of State. Location of Kolkata can be taught with reference to the river Hooghly & the coast line. MARKING SCHEME Question 2 Candidates were required to give a correctly labelled map showing the exact location of the regions/places asked for. 15 PART II (40 Marks) Answer any four questions. Question 3 (a) Name any two physical divisions of India and state two characteristic features of each. [4] (b) Explain how the following factors affect India s climate: [2] (c) (i) Southern Oscillation (ii) Northern mountain ranges. Study the climatic data provided in the table below for a city A in India and answer the questions that follow: City A T/R J F M A M J J A S O N D 39 34 28 25 28 24 21 T 20 23 26 32 35 R 14 23 27 42 121 231 300 306 289 160 34 [2] 5 T = Mean monthly temperature in degree Celsius (oC). R = Average monthly rainfall in millimetres (mm). (d) (i) Mention two main features of the climate experienced by station A. (ii) Calculate the annual rainfall for station A. Name the major region for the following: (i) Tropical evergreen forests (ii) Arid forests (iii) Mountain forests (iv) Tropical monsoonal forests [2] 16 Comments of Examiners (a) Some candidates were confused between the Suggestions for teachers characteristics and the importance of the physical The chief characteristic features of divisions. Candidates could not differentiate between each physical region and their characteristic features and significance. importance should be done separately (b) (i) A number of candidates were unable to answer this for clear understanding. part- they were able to explain the alternation of Explain how pressure difference over pressure of the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean oceans bring about many changes in but missed out on the effect on India s climate - i.e. the weather. monsoons are strong/monsoons are weak. Many Separate points on climatic candidates were not conversant with the term significance must be spelt out. southern oscillation . Others were confused with Teach and explain calculation of EI Nino and Southern oscillation. relevant climatic data, such as range (ii) Most of the candidates answered correctly. or average temperature, total & However, many candidates wrote the significance average rainfall. Analysis of a few or the importance of the Himalayas, which was climate graphs needs to be undertaken incorrect. Explain the difference between (c) Most of the candidates were unable to calculate the region, state, area and centre of annual rainfall some calculated average rainfall production or distribution of different instead of simply adding the rainfall of the 12 months. phenomena. Some missed out on the correct units i.e. millimetres. (d) A number of candidates were confused between regions and states. Some candidates named cities instead of regions. MARKING SCHEME Question 3 (a) Physical divisions of India: 1. Himalayan Mt. Complex. 2400 km extent from Indus to Brahmaputra Average width of 160 400 km. Consists of three parallel ranges. Average altitude of 6000 metres from the sea level. 2. Indus-Ganga Brahmaputra Plain: 2400 km from river Satluj to Ganga delta extent. Width of 150 to 300 km. Formed by deposition of alluvium by river Indus, river Ganga and River Brahmaputra. Maximum depth is nearly 2000 metres. 17 3. Peninsular plateau: An irregular triangle with base between Delhi Ridge and Rajmahal hills and apex towards Kanyakumari. Oldest landmass of India. Average height of 600 to 900 metres. It is surrounded by Aravallis, Vindhyas, Rajmahal in the north, Western Ghats in the West and eastern Ghats in the east. 1600 km long in the north-south direction. 1400 km wide in East-West direction It is divided into three parts by the Narmada-Tapi trough. 4. Coastal Plain: They are divided into two parts - Western and Eastern coast of peninsular plateau. West-coast is of average width 64 km, Eastern coast is 80 to 100 km in width. Western coast is between Western Ghats and Arabian sea while Eastern coast is between Eastern Ghats and Bay of Bengal. There are lagoons on the indented Western Coast and deltas on the smooth eastern coast. 5. The Islands: There are two groups of islands, Andaman-Nicobar and the Lakshadweep islands. While Lakshadweep is of coral origin, Andaman-Nicobar is of volcanic origin. Lakshadweep islands are just a couple of square kilometres in area while Andaman Nicobar are of 350 km area. Lakshadweep islands lie in the Arabian Sea while the Andaman and Nicobar islands lie in the Bay of Bengal. (any two physical divisions) (any two features of the two divisions) (b) (c) (i) Southern Oscillation: When air pressure over the Pacific Ocean is high and it is low over Indian ocean, the South-Western monsoons in India tend to be stronger / if it is low pressure over Pacific Ocean and high over Indian ocean, it is most likely to weaken the South Western monsoons over India. (any one) (ii) Northern mountain ranges: They protect India from the bitterly cold and dry winds of Central Asia during winters. They check the rain bearing south west monsoon winds and force them to shed rainfall in India. (any one) (i) Features: Low annual range of temperature January is the coldest month and June is the hottest month. Light rainfall occurs in the hot weather season due to kalbaisakhi. Rain bearing winds give heavy rain during June September months. Tropical cyclones (any two) 18 (ii) (d) Sum of all months = 1552 mm. (i) Western Slopes of Western Ghats N.E. states of India, foothills of Purvanchal/ Eastern High lands (any one) Rajasthan S.W. Punjab S.W. Haryana Some parts of Gujarat OR NW part of India. (iii) Hill ranges of N.E. India. Himalayan region / Himalayan parts of West Bengal, Bihar and Uttarakhand. Peninsular hills (any one) (iv) Western Ghats N.E. parts of Peninsular India Foothills of Himalayas Middle and lower Ganga river valley (ii) (any one) (any one) Question 4 (a) Explain any three factors that influence the spatial distribution of population in India. [3] (b) Define the following terms: [2] (i) Stepwise migration (ii) Urban agglomeration (c) (i) What is meant by pull migration and push migration? [3] (ii) What are the two major differences between rural settlements and urban settlements? (d) Study the given data and answer the following questions: S.No. Name of the State / Union Territory 1 2 3 4 N.C.T. of Delhi Uttar Pradesh Bihar West Bengal (i) (ii) Total Population 2001 2011 1,38,50,507 1,67,53,235 16,61,97,921 19,95,81,477 8,29,98,509 10,38,04,637 8,01,76,197 9,13,47,736 Identify the state with the highest growth rate of population. Calculate the absolute growth of population for the state mentioned by you in (d)(i) above. 19 [2] Comments of Examiners (a) Most candidates wrote reasons for migration under factors that influence the spatial distribution of Suggestions for teachers population in India. Some candidates provided an explanation without naming the factors. Ask students to avoid writing one word answers. (b) (i) This part was answered well by most of the Teach the text thoroughly before candidates. Some candidates explained with the giving extra notes definitions, help of an example, instead of providing a definition. differences etc. (ii) Many candidates were not aware of the meaning Teach using a variety of examples. of agglomeration and were unable to provide a Stress upon the use of key words and complete definition. phrases. (c) (i) Most candidates answered this part well. Many Explain terms, concepts listed out in answered /explained the meaning of push & pull scope and then teach calculations & factors in a generalised manner. Some candidates computations. could not mention that facilities present in cities act as magnets while rural areas lack these facilities . (ii) Many candidates were confused between rural & urban population and compact & dispersed settlements. Key words/phrases were missing in many answers e.g. minimum number of persons 400/sq km. (d) Most of the candidates were unable to calculate the absolute growth rate. MARKING SCHEME Question 4 (a) Factors that influence the spatial distribution of population in India: (b) (i) Terrain plain areas encourage population, mountain regions discourage population concentration. Climate extremes of climate discourage population, moderate climate encourages population concentration. Soil fertile soil supports higher population while infertile soil leads to low population concentration. Water bodies availability of water determines higher population concentration mainly in river valleys. Mineral resources availability of mineral resources acts as an attraction for people to increase in number. Industries they offer massive employment opportunities and result in higher population concentration. Transport developed means of transport influence industrialisation and greater proportion of population in an area. Urbanisation all cities are areas of high population concentration with the number of facilities available. (any three) Stepwise migration: Sometimes, people move from a village to a small town and later to a big city. Such movements are known as stepwise migration. 20 (ii) Urban agglomeration: A continuous urban spread normally consisting of a town and its outgrowth / two or more physically contiguous towns together / with contiguous well, recognised outgrowths. (c) (i) Pull migration and Push migration: Pull migration: when urban centres attract people from other areas due to availability of modern facilities or livelihood. Push migration: when people migrate from an area due to lack of means of livelihood. (ii) Major differences between rural settlements and urban settlements: Rural settlements Urban settlements People are mainly engaged in agriculture People are mainly engaged in secondary and other primary activities. tertiary activities like industry, trade. They are of small size of 2 4 houses or a They are bigger in size. few hundred homes. Density of population is less than 400 Density of population if 400 or more persons per persons per square kilometre. They have population of less than 5000 They have 5000 persons or more. persons Modern facilities are absent in rural areas. They are often equipped with modern facilities. (any two) (d) (i) Uttar Pradesh / Bihar (ii) 19,95,81,477 16,61,97,921 = 33,383,556 Question 5 (a) Mention any two reasons why sufficient land is not available for cultivation in India. [2] (b) (i) [3] Give a reason for small size of cultivable land holdings in India. (ii) Suggest two methods for increasing the size of land holdings. (c) (i) What is meant by tank irrigation? [3] (ii) State one advantage each of the following means of irrigation: (1) Tube wells (2) Tanks (d) Explain the following: (i) [2] Watershed management (ii) Rain water harvesting 21 Comments of Examiners (a) Many candidates provided only one reason for why Suggestions for teachers sufficient land is not available for cultivation in India. Some candidates did not know the difference Stress upon key words/phrases. between barren and fallow . Teaching through examples is always (b) (i) Many candidates did not know the term faulty better. inheritance laws . Whilst teaching sources of irrigation, (ii) A large number of candidates did not attempt this the following format can be observed: part. Many candidates were not familiar with the Definition of the sources of irrigation, two methods i.e. consolidation of land holdings conditions for development, and co-operative farming . leading states, merits/demerits, (c) Quite a few candidates were unable to describe how advantages & disadvantage. a tank is constructed. Many candidates confused the Ask students to learn the complete merits of tanks with other sources. In many cases, definition, conditions, advantages and similar advantages of tanks and tube wells were disadvantages. written by candidates. Instil in students the need to conserve (d) (i) A number of candidates were confused between valuable resources especially water. the definitions of watershed management and rainwater harvesting. Many candidates missed out on the concept of conservation of water. (ii) Most of the candidates failed to state the main objective of rainwater harvesting i.e., recharge of ground water . MARKING SCHEME Question 5 (a) (b) (c) Reasons for land not available for cultivation: Barren / infertile land Non-agricultural use settlements, transport routes Occupied by water resources, rivers, canals, tanks Unfavourable physiography mountains, deserts. (i) Reason for small size of cultivable land holdings in India: Law of inheritance Densely populated area. Poverty (any two) (any one) (ii) Methods for increasing the size of land holdings: Consolidation of land holdings Cooperative farming. (i) Tank irrigation: A reservoir for storing water / a masonry wall built across a stream for storing water. (ii) Advantage of tube wells: It can irrigate 10 hectares of land. 22 Water can be easily lifted from greater depths An independent source of irrigation Several chemicals mixed with tube well water add to the soil fertility. (any one) Advantages of tanks: An independent source of irrigation They are cheap Tanks have longer live span Fishing in tanks adds to farmers income and resources. (d) (any one) (i) Watershed management: It is a process to conserve and improve water resources, increase agricultural production and stop ecological degradation/holistic development of agricultural and allied activities. (ii) Rain water harvesting: It is a technique of increasing the recharge of ground water by capturing and storing rain water locally in a sub-surface water reservoir. Question 6 (a) Briefly discuss any two problems of Indian agriculture and suggest measures to overcome the same. [2] (b) State the geographical conditions favourable for the growth of: [3] (i) Rice (ii) Tea (c) Discuss any two factors which influence growth of fishing industry in Kerala. [2] (d) Name the major state in India and its one centre for the production of the following: [3] (i) Mica (ii) Petroleum 23 Comments of Examiners (a) Most candidates were unable to correlate the problems of Indian agriculture and their solutions. Some of the Suggestions for teachers measures stated were very vague. Many candidates Make students understand various stated poverty as a problem. problems of Indian agriculture and (b) (i) Most of the geographical requirements i.e., their solutions teaching through temperature and rainfall values were incorrect. In columns always helps. many cases, the range was not mentioned. Many Instruct students to express values by candidates wrote tropical monsoon climate as a requirement for rice. Units such as C or cm using the correct units. were left out by many candidates. Stress upon use of key words. (ii) A number of candidates mentioned geographical Stress upon locating factors e.g. hill conditions for tea as, suitable in hilly areas only. slopes for tea, flat land for rice, etc. (c) This part was well answered by most of the candidates. Teach distribution of minerals through However, in some cases, reasons given were tables, charts & maps Two important incomplete and sometimes irrelevant. Key words like centres for each state. indented were omitted. (d) (i) Candidates were not clear about the centres and their states. Many candidates named the correct centre but incorrect state and vice-versa. Many candidates omitted answering this question. (ii) In some cases, candidates named Mumbai as the State as well as the centre. MARKING SCHEME Question 6 (a) Problems of Indian agriculture: Small and fragmented land holdings Low yielding variety seeds Low productivity of soil Unreliable, erratic, seasonal rainfall Huge wastage of human labour with low per capita yield Soil erosion Agricultural marketing by middlemen Inadequate storage facilities Scarcity of capital Measures to overcome the problems: Consolidation of farm or cooperative farming Use of HYV seeds/NS Corporation/State farmers/Co. operatives Use of manures, fertilisers and biocides 24 (b) (i) Irrigation Use of machinery and scientific methods of farming Effective methods of checking soil erosion by tree plantation, etc. Rural cooperative marketing society Central warehousing corporation and state warehouse corporation. FCI /Grid of rural godowns/rural storage centres Rural Cooperative Banks Commercial Banks/credit agencies (any two problems, two measures) Geographical conditions favourable for the growth of Rice: Average 24oC temperature / 22oC - 32oC temperature Average 150 cm rainfall / 150 cm 350 cm rainfall Deep fertile clayey / loamy soil (ii) (c) (d) Geographical conditions favourable for the growth of Tea: 25oC 30oC temperature 200 cm 250 cm well distributed rainfall. Well drained deep friable loam Hill slopes for easy drain of water Plenty of cheap human labour. The factors which influence growth of fishing industry in India: 590 km long continental shelf Indented coast line/lagoons Large number of skilled fishermen Use of mechanised boats Large local market with 60% consumption. Modern processing and storage means. (i) (any three) (any two) Mica: Andhra Pradesh - Nellore district Rajasthan - Bhilwara, Jaipur, Ajmer Bihar - Gaya Jharkhand - Kodarma (ii) Petroleum: Gujarat Ankeshwar / Kalol / Mehsana / Lunej / Cambay / Kutch region. Maharashtra- Mumbai High, Bassein Assam- Digboi, Bongaigaon, Moran, Rudrasagar, Sibsagar, Naharkatiya, Hugrajuli 25 Question 7 (a) (i) How are roads classified in India? [3] (ii) Mention the different types of roads classified in India. (b) (i) In which two fields is remote sensing data important? [2] (ii) Name two satellite systems of India. (c) Mention any three geographical conditions that favour rail transport in the Northern Plains [3] of India. (d) What are the two main items of export from the following sea ports: (i) [2] Mumbai Port (ii) Vishakhapatnam Port Comments of Examiners (a) (i) Most candidates could not understand the Suggestions for teachers difference between types of roads and their classification. Mark the basis and criterion for (ii) The categories of roads were not explained clearly. classification given in the text. A few candidates gave examples of national Differentiate between different types highways as their classification. Some candidates of roads. split points and mentioned N-S and E-W corridor Teach topics through examples. as separate points. Explain the cause/effect relationship between natural or economic factors (b) (i) A number of candidates were not clear about the and the types of transportation used. fields in which remote sensing data is important. Emphasise the difference between Many candidates wrote one field only. cotton and cotton textiles . (ii) Candidates answered with varying degrees of Explain import in terms of need & accuracy. A large number of candidates wrote requirement. Examples need to be about the organisation instead of the satellite given. systems. Many candidates mentioned satellites of the USA instead of India. (c) Most candidates wrote this part correctly. Some candidates could not link terrain conditions with the development of railway lines. Many candidates did not furnish three geographical conditions. (d) (i) Instead of writing cotton textiles , many candidates mentioned cotton as an item of export. A number of candidates mentioned petroleum an item of import not export. (ii) Many candidates were confused between export items and import items and mentioned iron as an item of export instead of iron ore . 26 MARKING SCHEME Question 7 (a) (b) (c) (d) (i) Roads are classified in India on the basis of their importance, maintenance and administration. (ii) Different types of roads classified in India: National highways State highways District roadways Village roads Border roads - Telecommunication - Meteorological observation - Defence - Space technology (ii) - INSAT - IRS Geographical conditions that favour rail transport in the Northern Plains of India: Plain area Developed agricultural area Developed industrialisation and urbanization Dense population (any four) (i) (any two) (any three) (i) Main items of export from Mumbai Port: Cotton textiles, leather, tobacco, manganese, machinery, chemical goods, oil seeds (ii) Main items of export from Vishakhapatnam Port: Iron ore, manganese ore, spices, wood, food. Question 8 (a) Explain any three factors that have led to the growth of industrialisation in India. [3] (b) (i) [3] (ii) Why is cement industry known as a basic industry? Mention two major centres of cement industry in India. (c) Discuss any two factors which have influenced Ahmedabad to develop as the largest centre of cotton textile industry in Gujarat. [2] (d) Name the following: [2] (i) Aluminium plant at Renukoot. (ii) Iron and Steel plant at Paradweep. (iii) HAL centre in south India. (iv) First IPCL centre for Petrochemicals. 27 Comments of Examiners (a) Very few candidates attempted this question. Some candidates mentioned climate as a factor. Some mistook factors for the growth of industrialization with distribution of population . (b) (i) Many candidates were unfamiliar with the term basic/key/core. Some candidate were not able to link or give a proper reason for the importance of the cement industry. (ii) Instead of centres, many candidates gave names of states irrelevant to the industry. Others were confused with the centres of the cement industry or could name only one centre. (c) In this part, most of the candidates wrote vague answers. They were not able to state the source areas. (d) Majority of the candidates were not able to answer this part correctly. Suggestions for teachers Factors responsible for the growth of industries and need for rapid industrialization should be clarified. Explain the importance and significance of all industries Clearly explain classification of industries according to various factors, with their definitions. Teach distribution of industries in different states in different centres in a tabular form. Teach through maps. Insist that specific names for source regions is mandatory. Follow scope of the syllabus Encourage students to do detailed study. Teach in detail abbreviation forms and the location of each iron and steel producing centre Eg. TISCO, POSCO, VISL etc. MARKING SCHEME Question 8 (a) (b) Factors that have led to the growth of industrialisation in India: Sufficient raw materials Sufficient power resources Cheap and efficient transport facilities Cheap and plentiful skilled labour Large domestic and international market Climate Land and water Capital Banking facilities/credit Insurance Government policy Political stability Industrial inertia (any three) (i) Cement industry is known as a basic industry, due to its importance in building and construction work. (ii) Major centres of cement industry in India: 28 Katni Kymore Satna Maihar Jamul Banmore Gopalnagar Durg Mandhar Cement nagar Krishna Vijayawada Karimngar Lakheri Sawai - Madhopur Udaipur (any two centres) (c) Factors which have influenced Ahmedabad to develop as the largest centre of cotton textile industry in Gujarat: It lies near the main cotton belt of India. Humid climate Cheap hydro-electricity is readily available Cheap and skilled labour is readily available Well served by a network of railways and roadways. Cheap land prices Cost of living is low Most of the mills produce cheap cloth with ready market Port facilities of Kandla. (any two) (d) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Aluminium plant at Renukoot: HINDALCO Iron and Steel plant at Paradweep: POSCO HAL centre in south India: Bengaluru Centre for Petrochemicals: Vadodara Question 9 (a) (i) (ii) What is a planning region? [5] Mention two characteristics of a planning region. (iii) Distinguish between multi-level planning and single level planning. (b) Mention any three factors which have led to the emergence of Bengaluru as the electronic capital of India. [3] (c) Name the mineral for which Chhattisgarh is the only producing state in India. [1] (d) Name the city that is located 105 km upstream from Haldia. [1] 29 Comments of Examiners (a) (i) Very few candidates could define planning region correctly. Key words were missing in many answers. (ii) Most of the candidates mentioned characteristics of planning regions correctly. (iii) Many candidates were unable to distinguish between multi-level and single level planning. Key words/phrases such as a variety of regions and centralized were missing in many answers. Some of the candidates were confused with multi-level planning. (b) Many candidates wrote about the electronic goods manufactured in Bengaluru as a factor which is not correct. Several candidates could not describe the transport linkages of Bengaluru with the surrounding important ports and towns. There were several repetitive answers. (c) Few candidates could answer Tin as the mineral for which Chhattisgarh is the only producer. Many named coal, iron ore, dolomite, etc. (d) A few candidates were confused and gave wrong answers for this part. Suggestions for teachers Break up long winded definitions into simple parts to help students learn easily. Help by ticking a few simple characteristics or points of significance which students can memorize easily. Definitions need to be highlighted and explained, so that students can memorize and compare/differentiate in a lucid manner. Explain the difference between geographical or natural factors and non - geographical factors. Clarify terms such as, upstream and downstream. MARKING SCHEME Question 9 (a) (i) Planning region: Planning region is a self-created living organism, having a life time, which not only supports the life in the region, but also radiates unifying forces that enable the region to be a unified regional space so as to facilitate the practice of regional planning. Planning region is a living organism in which the whole is related to parts in the same way as parts are related to the whole. Planning region is an unit of area which is distinguishable from another area by the display of some unifying characteristics of its own- natural or man made Distinguishable unit area due to its own characteristics, yet do not exist in isolation from the spatial whole Planning region is an areal unit which is deemed fit for the purpose or regional planning and is a distinctive area in itself while being a part of the spatial whole. (any one) 30 (ii) Characteristics of a planning region: Its size should be neither too big nor too small. Its boundaries should be flexible Its shape should be contiguous and compact There should be natural cohesion. It should have economic harmony. There should be social harmony. Functional unity Similarity of its problems Regional consciousness Administrative convenience. (any two) (iii) Multilevel planning is planning for a variety of regions which together form a system and subordinate systems/ divided into territorial units. Single level planning is when planning is done at the national level/ planning process is centralised (b) (i) (c) The mineral for which Chhattisgarh is the only producing state in India: Tin (d) The city that is located 105 km upstream from Haldia: Kolkata Incentives by the State and the Central government Strategic location of the city in the middle of the Indian Peninsula Close network of roads and railways/ connectivity Large number of Indian and multi-national companies have invested large sums of money to nourish industries in the city. Unique advantage of being the capital city of Karnataka. (any three) 31 Topics found difficult by candidates Concepts in which candidates got confused Suggestions for candidates Question 2 (f): Marking the direction of the easterly jet stream. Question 1(ii): Standard geological eras & their duration. Question 1(iv): Objectives of social forestry Question 1(vi): Market gardening. Question 2 (c): Calculation and analysis in climate graphs/data. Question 4 (d): Calculation and analysis related to population data. Question 6 (d): Confusion with states centres & region for distribution of minerals, etc. Question 7 (a): Classification of roads. Question 9 (a): Definition of regions and multi-level planning. Single level planning and multilevel planning Eastern & Western Ghats with Eastern & Western coastal plains Ecology and Eco tourism effects Southern Oscillation and El Nino Rain water harvesting Water shed management Rural - Urban settlements and rural-urban population. Cotton & Cotton Textiles as export items from Mumbai port & Iron & Iron Ore as export items from Vishakhapatnam. Classification of roads. Regular study is a must. Go through text thoroughly line by line. Learning key words is essential. As far as possible teaching and studying physical and economic geography must be correlated with maps and atlases. Study tables and maps thoroughly. The scope needs to be followed carefully as some terms may not be there in the book followed. Do not neglect Map work. Learn definitions verbatim Mentioning units (for temperature, rainfall, heights) is a must. Learn from points, tables, charts. Explanation and discussion should be complete & should not be restricted to one word. Read carefully previous year s question paper Avoid selective study. 32

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