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Indhu BA
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Formatting page ... Guess Paper 2013 Class XII Subject PHYSICS Paper- I(Theory) (Three hours) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time) ---------------------------------------------------Answer all questions in Part I and six questions from Part II, choosing two questions from each of the Sections A, B and C. All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as, and adjacent to, the rest of the answer. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. (Material to be supplied: Log tables including Trigonometric functions) A list of useful physical constants is given at the end of this paper. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part I (Compulsory) Question 1 A. Choose the correct alternative (a),(b), (c) or (d) for each of the questions given below: (i) [5] Two point charges 17.7 C and -17.7 C, separated by a very small distance, are kept inside a large hollow metallic sphere. Electric flux emanating through the sphere is: (a) 2 106 Vm (ii) (c) Zero (d) 4 106 Vm (c) ohm cm (d) ohm cm2 What are the units of specific resistance? (a) ohm m-2 (iii) (b) -2 106 Vm (b) ohm cm-1 (iii) If the current (I) flowing through a circular coil, its radius (R) and number of turns(N) in it are each doubled, magnetic flux density at its centre becomes: (a) Two times (iv) (b) Four times (c) Eight times (d) Sixteen times A bi convex lens of refractive index n1 is immersed in liquid of refractive index n2. The lens will behave like a concave only if (a) n1> n2 (v) (b) n1< n2 (c) n1 = n2 Ratio of the radius of third Bohr orbit to the radius of second Bohr orbit in hydrogen atom is: (a) 2:3 (b) 4:9 (c) 9:4 (d) 3:2 B. Answer all questions briefly and to the point: (i) (d) not possible [15] A dielectric slab of relative permittivity (i.e. dielectric constant) 6 is introduced between the two plates of an 8 F air capacitor, in order to completely occupy the space between the two plates. Find the new capacitance of the capacitor. (ii) Out of the following, which one cannot be the charge of a body? + 8.0 10-19C, -3.2 10-19C, 2.4 10-19C, or 6.4 10-19C Other Educational Portals | | | | | (iii) Current I flowing through a metallic wire of area of cross-section a is given by the equation I = naevd. What is the meaning of the symbols n and v d ? (iv) State two conditions which must be satisfied in order to apply Tangent law in magnetism. (v) A metallic wire carrying a current is kept in a uniform magnetic field, at different angles. At what angle, is the force acting on it maximum? (vi) What type of wave front is associated with a line source of light? (vii) Calculate the polarizing angle for glass whose refractive index is 1.6. (viii) What is the optical power in dioptre of a concave lens of focal length 50 cm? (ix) What is meant by resolving power of a telescope? (x) How can the defect of short sightedness be corrected? (xi) In a Young s double slit experiment the two waves have amplitude ratio 1:4. Find the ratio of maximum intensity to minimum intensity. (xii) Name the series of lines in the hydrogen spectrum which lies in the infrared region (xiii) Explain the statement: Half life of Polonium is 3.8 days (xiv) How much matter has to be destroyed to create 9 1013J of energy? (xv) In Semi-Conductor Physics, what is LED? Part II Answer six questions in this part, choosing two question from each of the section A, B and C. SECTION - A (Answer any two questions) Question 2 a) Draw a labeled diagram showing an electric dipole making an angle with uniform electric field. Derive an expression for the torque experienced by dipole. [3] b) Two plates of a charged parallel plate capacitor are pulled apart with the help of insulating handles, till their separation is doubled. Compare the new electrostatic potential energy of the capacitor with the old. [3] c) Two bulbs A and B are connected in series with an AC source of emf 200V. The labels on two bulbs read 200V, 60W and 200 V, 100W respectively. Calculate the ratio of (i) Resistance of bulbs R1 / R2 (ii) The power being consumed when connected in series P1 / P2 (iii) The p.d across the bulbs V1 / V2 [3] Question 3 a) Define self inductance and obtain an expression for the self inductance of a solenoid with the help of a diagram b) Draw a labeled diagram of a Wheat stone bridge and obtain the balancing condition for the bridge. [3] [3] c) You are given a bar. How will you identify experimentally whether it is made of a Ferro-magnetic, paramagnetic or a diamagnetic material? [3] Question 4 a) Using Ampere s Circuital Law and with the help of a labeled diagram, show that magnetic flux Other Educational Portals | | | | | density B at a distance r from a long straight conductor is given by: B = oI/2 r, where the terms have their usual meaning. [4] b) Define the unit of coefficient of self induction. What is its SI unit? [2] c) Fig. shows an alternating emf applied across an LCR series circuit. The peak values of alternating voltage developed across the three components are shown in fig. Determine the peak value of the applied emf and the phase difference between the applied emf and the current in the circuit. [3] Section B (Answer any two questions) Question 5 a) With reference to radio wave communication, explain the terms: [2] (i) Amplitude modulation (ii) Frequency modulation b) In Young s double slit experiment, using light of wavelength 600 nm, 10th bright fringe is obtained on a screen, 3 mm from the centre of the pattern. If the screen is120 cm away from the slits, calculate: ` [3] (i) Distance between the two slits (ii) Fringe width, i.e. fringe separation. c) Describe briefly with the help of a diagram, Michelson s method of determination of speed of light. [3] Question 6 a) Radii of curvature of a convex lens are 15 and 20 cm. If refractive index of glass is 1.5 find the focal length of the lens. If the lens is cut into two parts such that we have two plano-convex lenses, what is the focal length of each? [3] b) Draw a neat diagram of simple microscope. Deduce the expression for its magnifying power in terms of focal lengths. c) What is chromatic aberration? How can it be removed? [3] [2] Question 7 a) State and explain the laws of reflection on the basis of Huygens principle. [3] b) Find the distance between the two lenses of a Compound Microscope if the final image formed by the microscope is virtual and lies at a distance of 25 cm to the left of the eye-piece. Magnifying power of the microscope is 30 and focal lengths of objective and eyepiece are 2 cm and 5 cm, respectively. [3] c) You are provided with two convex lenses having focal lengths 4 cm and 80 cm, respectively, to form an astronomical telescope. [2] (i) Which lens would you use as an objective of an astronomical telescope and which one as an eyepiece? (ii) If the telescope is in normal adjustment, what is its: (1) Magnifying power? (2) Length? Other Educational Portals | | | | | Section C (Answer any two questions) Question 8 a) An electron is passed through a potential difference of 400 V. [3] (i) Calculate the speed acquired by the electron. (ii) If it enters a transverse and uniform magnetic field, what is the nature of the path described by the electron ? b) (i) Explain the statement Work function of a certain metal is 2.0 e V [3] (ii) Calculate the maximum wavelength of electro-magnetic radiation which will cause photo emission from this metal. c) What is de Broglie hypothesis? What conclusion can be drawn from Davisson and Germer s experiment? [2] Question 9 a) What is photoelectric effect? Show graphically the variation of frequency on stopping voltage [3] b) What is meant by mass defect of a nucleus? How is it related to its binding energy? [2] c) Starting with the Law of Radioactive Disintegration, show that: N = N o e - t , where the terms have their usual meaning [3] Question 10 a) Calculate the binding energy of an particle in MeV. The masses of proton , neutron and particle are: [3] H1 = 1.00728 u, Mass of 1 Mass of 0 n1 = 1.00867 u, Mass of 2He4 = 4.00277 u b) Draw a labeled circuit diagram of an arrangement used to study characteristic curves of a PNP or an NPN transistor in common emitter mode. [3] c) What is the symbol of a NAND gate? Write its truth table. [2] USEFUL CONSTANTS 1. Speed of light in vacuum : c = 3 108 ms-1 2. Planck s constant : h = 6.6 10-34 Js : 1/4 = 3. Constant of proportionality for Coulomb s Law 9 109 mF-1 4. Bohr radius : a = 5.3 10-11m 5. Charge of a proton : e = 1.6 10-19C : /4 = 6. Constant of proportionality for Biot Savart Law 10-7 Hm-1 Paper Submitted By: Name: P.BALASUBRAMONIAM Email: Phone No. 09843461853 Other Educational Portals | | | | |

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