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CEED 2010 Question paper CEED 2010 1 Visual Perception and Design Sensitivity Question 1 (Answer all the questions) 1.1 [15 Marks] [2 Marks] The drawing below shows a closed box made out of cardboard. Next to it are three unfolded (developed) views of the same cardboard box. Two of these options are correct. Select the wrong one by marking X in the box provided below. CEED 2010 2 1.2 [1 Mark] Below are 5 images of Telephones that were used across different time periods, placed in a random order. Write down the correct sequence of the telephones according to the time scale, from past to present, in the box provided below. A B C D E Past > Present 1.3 [1 Mark] Below is an image of a triangle with some pattern on it. This triangle is mirrored four times as shown below. Draw the correct position of the pattern on the last triangle. CEED 2010 3 1.4 [2 Marks] Below are images of different Typefaces belonging to different families. There are two families comprising of four letters each. Identify these letters and write them in the box provided. A C M H I D B Z K Y J N CEED 2010 4 Q F L P Family One: Family Two: 1.5 [4 Marks] Below is an image of a pair of Shoes. Color the shoes to depict the following two expressions Angry on the left shoe and Friendly on the right shoe. Angry Friendly 1.6 CEED 2010 [2 Marks] 5 Below is schematic diagram of a room 2m long, 2m wide and 3m high. An ant is at position A on the ground and a lizard is at position B on the ceiling. Calculate the shortest distance the lizard has to travel to eat the ant. Write the answer in the box provided. B A 1.7 [3 marks] Below is an image of a reflective Steel Tumbler kept on a table cloth with grid pattern. Draw the pattern as reflected on the steel tumbler in the image provided CEED 2010 6 Drawing Abilities and Skills Question 2 [20 Marks] Illustrate in perspective, a composition with a CUP, SAUCER and a SPOON placed on a flat surface. The Cup is made of Rubber, the saucer is made of Glass and the spoon is made of Wood. CEED 2010 7 The drawing needs to be done in Freehand using Black Pencil. (Do not use any drawing instruments) Evaluation criteria: 1. Composition and correctness of perspective [5 marks] 2. Quality of surface representation through shading [5 marks] 3. Quality of lines [5 marks] 4. Correctness of relative proportions [5 marks] Rough Work Final Drawing CEED 2010 8 Creativity I Question 3 [10 Marks] Imagine five distinct uses of discarded Compact Disc (CD). CEED 2010 9 The CD s can be cut, bent, pasted or used in multiples to execute your ideas. Represent your ideas with five neat sketches along with brief notes (if necessary) in the space provided. Evaluation criteria: 1. Originality of ideas Sketch 1 Notes Sketch 2 CEED 2010 10 Notes Sketch 3 Notes Sketch 4 CEED 2010 11 Notes Sketch 5 Notes CEED 2010 12 Problem Identification and Analysis Question 4 [20 Marks] Answer any one of the following questions A or B irrespective of the discipline you wish to pursue. [A] Below is an image of a Pressure Cooker commonly used in the Indian households. Identify five unique problems from the point of view of the users. a. Write these unique problems briefly in the space provided. b. Briefly justify each of these problems in the space provided. c. Illustrate a solution for each of the identified problems with a sketch in the space provided. Evaluation criteria: 1. Identification of unique problems and proper justification [10 marks] 2. Appropriateness of your solutions [10 marks] OR CEED 2010 13 [B] Below is an image of a typical Railway Platform in India. Identify five unique communication design related problems from the point of view of the users. a. Write these unique problems briefly in the space provided. b. Briefly justify each of these problems in the space provided. c. Illustrate a solution for each of the identified problems with a sketch in the space provided. Evaluation criteria: 1. Identification of unique problems and proper justification [10 marks] 2. Appropriateness of your solutions [10 marks] CEED 2010 14 Problem Identification Justification Sketch Problem Identification Justification Sketch CEED 2010 15 Problem Identification Justification Sketch Problem Identification Justification Sketch CEED 2010 16 Problem Identification Justification Sketch CEED 2010 17 Creativity II Question 5 [10 Marks] You have at your disposal the following five objects 1 Cone, 3 Discs and 1 flexible Wire as given below. Imagine five interesting products made out of a combination of all five objects. You can scale the objects to any size or dimension. Represent your ideas with neat sketches, name them along with brief notes (if necessary) in the space provided CEED 2010 18 Evaluation criteria: Originality of Ideas Sketch Name of the Product Brief Note . Sketch CEED 2010 19 Name of the Product .. Brief Note . Sketch Name of the Product .. Brief Note . . Sketch CEED 2010 20 Name of the Product .. Brief Note . Sketch Name of the Product .. Brief Note . . CEED 2010 21 Design Problem Solving Question 6 [25 Marks] Answer any one of the following questions A or B or C irrespective of the discipline you wish to pursue. [A] Problem Area: Product Design / Interaction Design In the world of the Visually Impaired (Fully Blind), there is a need to equip them with special products that will help them carry out their day to day activities with an ease. One such product is a pair of scissors, which can be used for cutting liquid pouches, cloth, paper, etc. Your task here is to Design a new pair of Scissors for the visually impaired. You can make use of new technologies (if needed). a. Identify at least five distinct factors essential for designing a pair of scissors for the blind. Write this briefly in the space provided. b. Generate at least three concepts through pencil sketches based on the factors identified above. Present these pencil sketches along with brief notes (if necessary) in the space provided. c. Synthesize your final concept and present this through drawing, showing the overall form and its construction details, mentioning the materials, in the space provided. Evaluation criteria: 1. Identification of distinct factors [5 marks] 2. Novelty of your alternate concepts [5 marks] 3. Appropriateness of your final solution [10 marks] 4. Quality of your presentation [5 marks] CEED 2010 22 Answer A Five distinct factors 1 2 3 . 4 . 5 . Three Concepts Sketch CEED 2010 23 Brief Note .. . ................................................................................................................................. Sketch Brief Note .. . ................................................................................................................................. Sketch CEED 2010 24 Brief Note .. . ................................................................................................................................. c. Final concept CEED 2010 25 Brief Note .. Material ............................................................................................................................................ [B] Problem Area: Communication Design Influenza-A (H1N1), also known as the Swine Flu virus is a new influenza virus causing illness in people. This virus is contagious and spreads rapidly. Your task here is to Design a new Symbol to capture the essence of this disease. You can make use of Text, Graphics or both. a. Identify at least five distinct factors essential for representing the disease. Write this briefly in the space provided. b. Generate at least three concepts through pencil sketches, taking into consideration the factors identified above. Make these pencil sketches along with brief notes (if necessary) in the space provided. c. Synthesize your final concept and present this through drawing. You may use colours, if necessary. d. Design a poster to create awareness about this disease among school children. You need to make use of your final symbol in the design of the poster. Present this in the space provide along with brief notes (if necessary). Evaluation criteria: 1. Identification of Distinct Factors [5 marks] 2. Novelty of your alternate concepts [5 marks] 3. Appropriateness of your final symbol [5 marks] CEED 2010 26 4. Clarity of your final poster design [10 marks] Answer B Five distinct factors 1 2 3 . 4 . 5 . Three Concepts Sketch CEED 2010 27 Brief Note .. . ................................................................................................................................. Sketch Brief Note .. . ................................................................................................................................. Sketch CEED 2010 28 Brief Note .. . ................................................................................................................................. c. Final Symbol CEED 2010 29 Brief Note .. . ................................................................................................................................. d. Poster Design CEED 2010 30 Brief Note .. . ................................................................................................................................. [C] Problem Area: Animation Design Drought is major problem faced by our country. This is going to effect our agricultural sector badly and would have a negative impact on our national economy. Create a comic strip of five key frames involving a Farmer, Politician and God with the use of text and images. a. Make at least three alternate sketches for each of the characters in the space provided. b. Represent your storyboard in five key frames in the space allotted. If necessary, you can make use of colours. Evaluation criteria: 1. Appropriate portrayal of the characters [10 marks] 2. Originality of your storyboard (text and images) [10 marks] 3. Quality of your presentation [5 marks] CEED 2010 31 Answer C a. Three alternate sketches Character 1.Farmer Character 2. Politician CEED 2010 32 Character 3. God b. Storyboard CEED 2010 33 b. Storyboard CEED 2010 34 b. Storyboard CEED 2010 35 [Rough Work] CEED 2010 36 [Rough Work] CEED 2010 37 [Rough Work] CEED 2010 38 [Rough Work] CEED 2010 39 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: Read these instructions carefully. 1. Write your name, CEED Registration number and the Examination Centre in the space provided on the cover page of this answer book. Make sure that you sign in the space provided on the cover page. CEED 2010 40 Entering your name or registration number anywhere else (other than in the space provided on the cover page) is strictly forbidden. No distinctive mark of any sort is to be put anywhere in the answer book. Violation of these instructions or adoption of malpractices in the examination hall will lead to disqualification. 2. Write your answers ONLY IN ENGLISH. 3. Write or draw your answers only in the space provided for each question. 4. Space for rough work has been provided at the end of this booklet. This should be used for ROUGH WORK ONLY. DO NOT DETACH any of these pages. 5. DO NOT REMOVE ANY SHEET from this answer book. 6. Before leaving the examination hall, submit this question-cum-answer paper to the invigilator. CEED 2010 41

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Tags : CEED Examination solved question papers 2010, previous years Common Entrance Exam for Design question paper, All India Examination, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, IIT Bombay, MHRD, Visual Perception Ability, Drawing skills, logical reasoning, creativity, communication skills, , CEED Examination, Solved Question Papers Previous Years, Common Entrance Exam for Design, All India Examination, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, GATE - JAM Office, IIT Bombay, MHRD, Visual Perception Ability, Drawing skills, logical reasoning, creativity, communication skills, postgraduate programmes in design, Master of Design Programme, IISc Bangalore: M.Des. in Product Design and Engineering, IIT Bombay: M.Des. in Industrial Design, Visual Communication, Animation, Interaction Design, Mobility and Vehicle Design, IIT Delhi: M.Des. in Industrial Design, IIT Guwahati: M.Des. in Design, IIT Kanpur: M.Des. in Industrial Design, IIITDM Jabalpur : M.Des. Programme, Ph.D Programmes in Design in IISc Bangalore and IIT Bombay, India, CEED Exam Question Papers, Free Online Solutions, Answers, Answer Key, IIT, IISc, CEED Exam Syllabus, CEED Study Material, CEED Exam Pattern, ceed exam papers, ceed question papers 2016 - 2017, past ceed papers, ceed papers with answers, ceed entrance exam design, ceed previous years papers, ceed old papers, uceed  

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