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ICSE Prelims 2014 : LITERATURE IN ENGLISH Paper 2 (Singhania)

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1 SMT. SULOCHANADEVI SINGHANIA SCHOOL, THANE Class Sub. 10 English II ! Exam Date Marks Time Total No. of Printed sides 10.01.2014 80 2 hrs 3 - Prelim Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt five questions in all. You must attempt one question from each of the Sections A, Band C and any two other questions. < ~V Question 1 Section A - Drama Read the following extracts and answer the questions give;z,_~W: Jaques: 1 do not like her name. Orlando: There was no thought of pleasing you when Jaques: Orlando: ' -.'N\ . What stature is she of? _ ~~ristened. ':'~~ ' ~\..' just as high as my heart. Jaques: You are full of pretty arGwe :s. Have you not been acquainted with goldsmith's wives, and conn'd t11em out~s'? t_ " . ") 1. Explain what Jaques mean~ hs_~e says: 'You are full of pretty answers. Have you not been acquainted wit[! ~ l~mith's wives, and conn'd them out of rings? In what tone does he make thi~~ ent? [3] 2. How does Orlando ~~ to Jaques' comment? What opinion do you form of Orlando from~~~--:rsation? [3] afte~~\'at made Rosalind observe that there was no true lover in the fores[\~>..) " [3] 3. Soon 4. ~c~~ ,,_ _) to Rosalind, for whom does time trot, and for whom does it amble? [3] S:~ thad an 'old religious uncle' taught Rosalind? What kind of a life had he led in ,.. -~~youth? What opinion did he have of all women? [4] Question 2 - Orlando: Then in mine own person I die. Rosalind: No, faith, die by attorney. Th e poor world is almost six thousand years old, an in all this time there was not any man died in his own person .... ' 1. What point is Rosalind making by retelling the stories ofTroilus and Leander? What does she say about Troilus? [3) 2 . 2. How does she paint a negative picture of the changes women undergo after getting married? (3] 3. How does Rosalind express the fact that a woman's wit cannot be suppressed?[3] 4. What does Celia say to rebuke Rosalind for her comments on women? [3] 5. Earlier in this scene why had Rosalind accused Jaques of possessing 'rich eyes and poor hands'? [4] Section B(Poetry) Question 3 Read the ext1 act given below and answer the questions that follow:- (. Ifyou can dream -and not make dreams your master; ifyou can think- and not make thoughts your aim; ........ .. ~.~~~ ~~. , ( "'" ~~, lfyou can bear to hear the truth you have spoken Trusted by knaves to make a trap for fools Or watch the things you gave your life to be broken And stoop and build them up with worn- out tools. ~\ f"\.'0 .,.XV r .,\ ""' ,">-' \., '-'.)'"" 1. Explain the first two lines of the extract. 2. Which two inevitable events of life has the ~, . (3] ~-o~~rfJ:i6ned? How should we react to them? - ,~~~~ [3] 3. What are the ' worn out tools' mentio]l(d~t~ e xtract? When do w e need to use ~ them? .. .. ,J . ( '"';\" (3] . [3] .,..., 4 . When would we need to force\our ~rt and nerve and sinew to serve us? . \ 5 . How can we maintain a ~~;~n our life? Wha t adjecti ve has the poet used to describe 'time'? Ho'(~~J it be utilized? [4] ~~ Question 4 Read~ ,. ' f act given below and answer the questions that follow:- 'And every ti~ ~ sic rose,- before f~-'l_ ' sea form sublime, Mine inne~r Thy fo!J!i; r>- e, as in my happy prime Is~ th~ my own loved native clime." 11' ~ ?c;ibe the sublime form of the Casuarina tree? [3] 2.- What memories of the tree does the poet have from her 'happy prime'? [3] 3. What is the mus ic heard by the poet? What is it compared to? [3] 4. Why and how does the poet wish to immortalize the tree? [3] 5. Explain : " ............ and though weak the verse [4] That would thy beauty fain, oh fain rehearse, May Love defend thee from oblivion's curse." 3 Section C- Prose Question 5 'Then a pause ensued in the conversation, during which our eyes wandered round the :-oom. The trout rather fascinated me. It was such a monstrous fish. In fact at first glance, l thought it was a cod.' 1. How much did the fish weigh, according to the old gentleman? What story did he narrate to George and his companions? [3] 2. Where were they at the moment? Where was the fish kept? What conversation were they having earlier? [3] 3. Who was the second person to tell them about the fish? What claims did he_ ~~? ~.'~ )3] 4. Who said 'bringing home that trout had saved him from whacking'?~~i~ any two names taken by him to address the earlier strangers? How ~d this newcomer 'caught' the fish? ~ """"' c~ ~ 5. Explain what happened at the end of the story. What tr~ ~ey learn? [3] [4) ~.,~ .... ) ~,~.....~ ~uestion 5 !l--:.._~ ,. Discuss in detail the Postmaster's way Q,~~apur and the circumstances that led to his resig~ation. Also analys;_Q.L~~onship with Ratan and the trauma she underwent at h1s depart ure. L~ ... <.) " '~ \~ ~" ....) J~._; ~~ ' ' ,, "\~ ~ ~ d~ ~) I( ~ }, ( .~ ~ ******************** [1 6]

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