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ICSE Prelims 2014 : ENGLISH LANGUAGE Paper 1 (Singhania)

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Indian Certificate Secondary...,  New Delhi 
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/ SMT. SULOCHAJ'JADEVI SINGHAKL\ SCHOOL, THA~E. --- - - -Class Sub. I Exam I 10 l_ _ English I --- JP~elim -- I Date Marks Time Total No. of Printed sides 119.12.2013 80 2 hrs 5 Attempt all four questions. The first 15 minutes is to be spent in reading the question paper The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. The intended marks for questions are given in the brackets [ ] Question 1 Write a composition (350 400 words) on any one of the following: [25] 1. Science and technology have brought many changes to our lives.. ; .._r;iSe a "'~ composition on the wonders of modern science. ~ ,, - -,. ... .... ~ ,; ~ '\ {"~"+.. ,. . 2. You live next to a public park. Describe the activities you see th~re frdm ..morning till . ht mg . _ ... ~ \" ~-\ ~~ .... an4fr~~- ;~an 3. The young people of today are given more money before, and this has an adverse effect on them. Do you agree? Justify(_ :;..-...~ 1 . ~ J . 4. Write a short story which brings out the tl,",utb'<olfue saying - "Leopards cannot change their spots." . ~'~::h r ,_.,.., , '1 . ;"' 5. Study the picture given below. Write, a story or an account of what the picture suggests to you. Your composit~o ~~y be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from l~<ou t"'tnere must be a clear connection between the picture and the compositipn; : ... " "-. t "r J"' ...... ~ ~ ------I have the project to do. !'II do Question 2 Select one of the following: (10) a) You are the General Secretary of the Cultural Club of your school. Write a letter to your Principal asking for permission to hold an interschool cultural meet in your school. b) You are on a three weeks camp from school. Write a letter to your mother telling her about the purpose of the camp and the activities that you are doing there. 2 Question 3 Read carefully the passage given below and answer the questions (a),(b), (c) and (d) that follow: Winter came and went, without so much as drizzle. The hillside was brown all summer and the fields were bare. The old plough that was dragged over the hard ground and Bisnu's lean oxen made hardly any impression. Still, Bisnu kept his seeds ready for sowing. A good monsoon, and there would be plenty of maize and rice to see the family through the next winter. Summer went its scorching way, and few clouds gathered on the south-western horizon. . , ~ ."' "The monsoon is coming." announced Bisnu. does~'t c~ i~on, His sister Puja was at the small stream, washing clothes. "If it the stream will dry up." she said. "See, it's only a trickle this yeaf.> -Remember when there were so many different flowers growing here on tlie banks of the stream? This 11ear rhere isn't one." -.. . _._ -.. .~ ~..,, ,,., .. .) "The winter was dry. It did not even snow." said BisD~t . ' ' ... ~ /. ' .. ,~ ' .., -. ~ .. ~ . "I cannot remember another winter when there wets no snow." said his mother. "The year your father died, there was so much s~ o: the villagers could not light his funeral-pyre for hours ...... And now ther~ ar~ fires everywhere." She pointed to the next mountain, half hidden by"the.s_ mcike from a forest fire . .' At night they sat outside the~r s. alL1wuse, watching the fire spread. A red line stretched right across t~~ mo.tntain. Thousands of Himalayan trees were perishing in the flame ~.~ , ~ ..., Oaks. deodars, maples;-ptne.; trees that had taken hundreds of years to grow. And " r;~less ly by some woodcutters had been ca rried up the now a fire started ca mountain with tlie:help of dry grass and a strong breeze . There was no one to put 'l it out. It would t~e days to die down . "' ...._ "' I ~. \. ''If the rTI-o)1soon arrives tomorrow, the fire will go out." said Bisnu, ever the op,ttmi$t"fie was only n.velve, but he was the man in the hou se; he had to see that '" the e.1t~s enough food for the family and for the oxen, for the big black dog and . 'Jlens. :-. . .?~ .. .... ,_~' "....., There were clouds the next day but they brought only a drizzle. ,. ' ..... ('~ ., - .) ~"' There were clouds t l1e next day but they brought only a drizzle. "It's just the beginning." said Bisnu as he placed a bucket of muddy water on the steps. "It usually starts with " heavy downpour." said his mother. But there were to be no downpours that year. Clouds gathered on the horizon but they were white and puffy and soon disappeared. True monsoon clouds would have been dark and heavy with moisture. They were other signs- or lack of them- that warned of a long dry summer. The birds were silent, or simply absent. The Himalayan barbet. who usually heralded the approach of the monsoon with strident calls from the top of a spruce tree, hadn't been seen or heard. And the cicadas, which played a deafening overture in the oaks at the first hint of rain, seemed to be missing altogether. Puja's apricot :ree usually gave them a ::>asket full of fruit every summer. This year it produced barely a handful of apricots, lacking juice and flavor. The tree looked re<:.dy to die, its leaves curled up in despair. Fortunately there was a store of walnuts, and binful of wheat grain and another of rice stored from the previous year, so they would not be entirely without food, but it looked as though there would be no fresh fruit or vegetables. And there would be nothing to store away for the following winter. Money would be needed to buy supplies in Tehri, some thirty miles distant. And there was no money to be earned in the village. "I will go to Mussoorie ;:md find work," announced Bisnu. "But Mussoorie is a twoday journey by bus," said his mother. "Th ere is no one there who can help you, and you may not get any work.'~, R~e "in Mussoorie there is plenty of work during the summer. Rich up from the plains for their holidays. Jt is full of hotels and sho ps ~")ces where they can spend their money." ~ ~ '-..,) "But they won't spend any money on you." \ C.:~.Se home. I can walk back "There is money to be made there. And if not, I over the Nag Tibba Mountain. It will take ~- the bus fare!" ol\!_~~~ half days and I will save "Don't go, bhai" pleaded Puja. only get sick." "The~~o ~ ~~ 11 one to prepare your food- you will f~~ But Bisnu had made up J:!f~nJ so he put a few belongings in a cloth shoulder bag, while his mothe~~~everal rupee coins out of a cache in the wall of their living room. Puja fa fa spenal breakfast of parathas and an egg scrambled with onions, ing laid just one for the occasion. Bisnu put some of the parathas in~'\~ Then, wavi ng goodbye to his mother and sister, he set off th~ down ~h~~m the village. A~. ee~ ~ng for a mile, he reached the highway where there was hamlet with a ~p~ A number of villagers were waiti ng patiently for a bus. It was an hour ~ l~ut they were used to that. As long as it arrived safely and got them to their ~~estination, they would be contellt. Although Bisnu wasn't quite so patient, he too .... "" . learnt how to wait- for late buses and late monsoons. 'J'" a) Give the meanings of the following words as used in the and short phrases will be accepted. (i) drizzle perishing (ii) (iii) optimi st (iv) heralded passa~e. One word answers [4] b) Answer the following questions briefly: (i) Why was Bisn u the man of the house? What was he responsible for? What were signs that warned of a dry summer? (ii) (Iii) What had led to the forest fire? [2] [2) [2] 4 (iv) What objections did Bisnu face when he decided to find work in Mussoorie[2] What precautions were made for Bisnu's trip to Mussoorie? [2) Pick out the line in the passage which tells us the Lesson Bisnu learnt ve-::,.early in life. [1] (v) (vi) c) In not more than 60 words of your own, narrate the difficulties faced by Bisnu ar.:. other villagers caused by the dry weather. (8] d) Give a suitable title to your summary 3 (c). State a reason to justify your choice. [2] Question 4 a) Complete the followiP..g paragraph with a suitable from of the wor<! ~f!.,J!" brackets. Do not copy the entire paragraph. ~J u~ A few month after his __(l) _ _(arrive), Dr. Cook looked a patien: he_.(2) ___(examine), to sec the usual group of people cr~~l\back nervously. from a couple of panting. half-naked messengers. ~~ "Small-pox", Katherine_(3) ____ (say) quietly. In ~ it_( 4) _ _ (be) a fatal disease. Once it struck a village, it spr1ji( 1 \ gh it like a plague _ _ (5) (destroy) hundreds, blinding ~kjn~uring the rest. It was the custom to put the sick into little huts o~u~t!:he village and abandon therr. _(6)_ (die). The messengers __ (7) ___ (report) in a nearly village. Dr. Cook coulC t~~~ not think what to do: so few supplie .e.~-- (arrive) from the coast. b) Fill in the blanks with apP. (i) The aeroplane w.a ~ ~words: iPg [4] the coluds. (iii) Berna:d{.~ ~-- (iv) The (e~refused to grovel - -- - t h e feet of his master. ~~~y to say this (v~Ythiefrobbed them (v) -:?J was disappointed ~ ~ ~~ii ) George. her face. their possessions. not finding the doctor in his seat. Will you pay by cheque or _ _ _ _ cash? c) join the following pairs of sentences without using 'and', 'but' or 'so' (i) Vikram doesn't collect stamps. Naveen doesn't coltect stamps. (ii) The murder was committed last week. The man has been caught. (iii) You were sleeping soundly. I was working. (iv) I have not heard from Wilsons. They migrated to Australia. [4] 5 d) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instruction given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary but do not change the meaning of each sentence. [8] (i} The selected committee has submitted a report to Parliament. (Begin : A report ..............) (ii) \ The chances are chat he will pass the exams this time. (Rewrite the sentence using 'likely') (iii} If you had not helped me, I would not have survived. (Begin: But ....................} (iv) My mother said to me, one day you'll understand w hy we worry about you now."(lndirect speech) (v) They go to school on Saturdays also. (Add a question tag} (vi) The nur;e said Renu you should take your medicine. sentence) (Pu:::....~ _the ,_'>.,.~ v ~' (vii) He has acquired M.B.A. degree (a fan) (viii) He ought not to have accepted the bribe. (The bribe ..... ~\ . ....................... " ~' F ~)~~ -~~~~ ~~~ <>\ * ~ ~ ~~ &~ ~ ~~ \~ ' '

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