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I believe I can claw into the earth’s belly
Pick up the priceless gems
And adorn myself with them
please explain this stanza |
asked by Shriya (psm09) 7 years ago |
2 |
I'll wallop my in-laws. Who were the in-laws Rahaman was referring to? |
asked by Anshika J (anmj) 7 years ago |
4 |
Which workbook is useful Xavier pinto or selina |
asked by Sangeeth Sahana (sangeethsahana) 7 years ago |
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What was the final verdict announced in the court of Venice? What mercy did Antonio render Shylock and on what conditions? |
asked by Renuka Joshi (uttuguttu) 7 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by uttuguttu
Why does Portia ask Shylock to have by some surgeon? Is there any hidden meaning or aim for making such statement? |
asked by Renuka Joshi (uttuguttu) 7 years ago |
1 |
Let's see whose luck is the best and let's all give one suggestion upon his own thinking that what is the most probable poems pros and the scenes of The Merchant of Venice to come in the exam
I think
Poems- Where The Mind Is Without Fear And The Small Pain In My Chest
Prose- God Lives in the Panch and journey by night
MOV- Act 5 and at 2 Sin 7 and 9 and 1( that is the casket story) |
asked by SWAGATAM BAZ (icse2017) 7 years ago |
6 |
Y did the narrator consider the soldier's smile as the brightest smile he had ever seen?
Small pain in my chest. |
asked by Pranjali Sharma (pranjali2806) 7 years ago |
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hey is compuslory to write in cursive of my friends told me so,but i am not sure ?? |
asked by Turbanator (rishabsaphal) 7 years ago |
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How many of you advice writing the 16 mark summary for prose....? |
asked by Karthik Shivkumar (ktk2911) 7 years ago |
3 |
After this week no studying eng , his/civ or geo what a crucial week!! |
asked by Officer Tenpenny (anurag45) 7 years ago |
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