Hello guys I am Tezan Sahu . Upon the request of many friends of 2017 i will be giving tips for board exams this ain't no joke if u want i will upload my solved papers as well google me if u want |
asked by Yolo man (sahutezan) 7 years ago | |
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Can anyone xpln me how catapult is exmpl of clss 1 lvr |
asked by . (myself1002) 7 years ago | |
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thanxxxx to respaper for providing us with such a platform to clarify our doubts and also help other frndzzzzz.......thnxxxx a lot...:-) |
asked by 1013 (junie) 7 years ago | |
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// easier program for pascal's triangle import java.util.*; class Pascal_Triangle { /** * 1 * 1 1 * 1 2 1 * 1 3 3 1 * 1 4 6 4 1 */ public static void main(String args[])throws InputMismatchException { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter n : "); int n = sc.nextInt(); int spaces = n; int i,j,k; long store; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=spaces;j>=1;j--) { System.out.print(" "); } spaces--; store = (long)Math.pow(11,i); long num = store; while(num!=0) { System.out.print((num%10) + " "); num = num/10; } System.out.println(); } } } |
asked by Sdfg Sdfg (sdfg) 7 years ago | |
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Can anyone upload or send the link of the Must known Computer Applications questions for 2016-17 of Chatrabhuj Narsee Monjee School(CNM School),Mumbai. |
asked by Samruddha Somani (samu30) 7 years ago | |
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Plasma protein that constitutes antibodies? |
asked by Ronaldo (techtoicsaf) 7 years ago | |
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Many students are preparing very hard. .But on revising the past 10 years Question did anyone find any difficulty.Then Pls Thumbs up if not then thumbs down. |
asked by Funny Funny (funnysimgh) 7 years ago | |
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how is marking of precis done in gramme.????? Can we get full mks in it...wut is highest marks in letter and essay? Is punctuation important in letter address>? |
asked by Jai Veer Pratap Atomic no. 83 (jai_veer_pratap) 7 years ago | |
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Guys, how many hours are you studying per day? |
asked by An On (anon) 7 years ago | |
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diff between agro forestry and socio-forestry |
asked by Prv1 (prv1) 7 years ago | |
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