+ 24 more questions by arunmurugan
SHITS bye bye also
stop commenting
91 percent is brilliant
I am simply captivating
Hope all SHITS be succesful in their lives l sdfg adwaya vartika bibi caped aesthetic
Guys thank you for entertaining me I just enjoyed scolding u all and depressEd seeing ur comments
Bye to every1 may you achieve ur dreams be happy and be faithful to your duty.
Don't give stupid comments I am just irritated
Thank you and finally bye. |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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SHITS I am not blocked I am there .I hav already said projects and my silly mathematical errors demolished my aspirations. I am proud I got 91 percent u fools. I don't need respaper anymore
BYE BYE SHITS hence I am quitting to every A$$ hole bye bye sdfg vartika varun adwaya caped aesthetic |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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Are u telugu fellow u aesthetic nilay pradeep u are lanja kodaka ni Akka thoo |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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Be ashamed u are born to such a father u Mfu*Ker. Y are u scolding gathers aren't u happy on scolding ur father |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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Aren't u ashamed of being a pros**ute son's u nilay pradeep aesthetic 31 ur father fu*ks every woman even a beggar u son of bi*ch |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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It is embarrassing arguing with fools and seeing there stupid sarcastic comments just praise me for my alluring marks simply captivating I am simply gr8 st these guys are loathsome they don't have a human perception the look it in a sarcastic way |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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Blocking me is useless fools I am only spending time here in this sarcastic Web page I wish no fool of 2k17 will send abusive comments again
I wish to put an end to this stupid conflict with stupids |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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I just try here to be normal see the abusive comments by aesthetic it angers me a lot I hav a vengeance on these fools just posing stupid comments bibI
If u block me there is no benefit for u or me I hav completed icse with brilliant marks I got 7 rank fools out of 392 student's our topper was 95.6 me 91.1 so I am best and simply engrossing my grades are prepossesing aesthetic is a shit guy just shut up |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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Stop overacting sdfg respaper is not ur home u care it like ur home it's a shit Web pageπππππ with 2k17 fools
U can't block me hahaha.......πππππΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΎπΎπΎππ stop this overactions else u won't improve |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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Tell ur uid in private chat to me u fool caped cruiser u are fearing hahahah my marks are prepossesing unlike urs I am just captivating and great.
Respect me obey my commands else u will shit everywhere to aesthetic also |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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Caped cru sader is absolute shit he lies like his bum he says he got 97 percent also says he does not want to reveal identity he shld hav got very less I guess wat a sarcastic idiot he is who the wreck a$$ hole is aesthetic thulimanati he must be a big bull shit |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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That's the reason also my eng project was given only 13 out of 20 marks so that's y i got less in eng also my maths was loaded with silly errors truly i am from Hyderabad no guy got 88 above in eng truly depressing so my marks are eng 78 mat 86 comp 99 him 90 hcg 92 science 94 uid
6101155 very sad i hoped 97 but my projects have thrown me down also my favourite subject mat was spoiled by silly errors like calculation missing bits else i would be great and best |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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To every respaper fool i scored less s 91 percent in best of 5 because this year our school papers were corrected strictly.our school is always known to manufacture students of high class last year our topper was 98.7 and many crossed 95 last year
But this stupid year no one got above 95 in 2 lang no guy scored above 88 in eng truly speaking and our topper is 95.6 percent only no guy got 100 in maths and highest in computer was 99 even i got 99 in comp see the fortune to me every year our school was keeping its head high but this time its astonishing |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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Don't lie u fool caped crusader tell me ur uid |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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U caped crusader how much did u get 97 tell ur uid if u have dare u |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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the bi***es caped cruser and biibismith shld be fu**k together as there attitude coincides arent u ashamed u have not even completed ur portion u speak as if u got 95
arent u ashamed of ur stupidity it still are u commenting like an a$$ u are shameless fool |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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who the hell caped cruser is a gayish les*ian with lots of SHIT in his bum getting irritated u a$$hole y do u provoke re arent u ashamed |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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dont take seriously to adwaya dont be sensitive just u shld hav kept quiet y do u interrupt in between dont u have common sense just spreading stupid comments dont cry just realize ur mistake
to bibi u are just a fool flee away understand that u are nothing but a foollish interrrupter u hav provoked me a lot wihtout reason
reasonless comments and provoking hurts me
first sdfg provoked i taught him a lesson for interrutping wid saahi
then wen i was teaching sdfg the fools idiots sarcastic guys adwaya bibi and caped cruser have interrupted
this angered me so i wrote a composition regarding this act hope it understands stop being abusive and provoking and commenting again
if it hurts u adwaya i am sorry just sorry analyse ur self
i hav won a brilliant verbal conflict with fools wat a n emphatic victory it was at last good wins not bad i hav conquered every fools foolish flithy empire by a verbal conflict
feeling happy on winning and i hav wrote a very huge compositon on it |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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sdg u are doing a gr8 job by helping every1 how much did u get in boards and in which year plz dont help these fools reply me |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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sdfg plz dont support them they have abused me a lot it is bibismith how can one keep bismuth a name it is an element not a fool s namethey hav provoked me a lot i also tell them not to take to heart i was just kidding but i am very short tempered hope in future they wills shut up |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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my typing has improved a lot i am very quick now typing skills are too high hope
caped crusader understands dont be a victim of my scoldings just shut up and stop provoking me u idiots
bibi i am just enjoying my vacation i shld study later first u study and get 35 percent like adwarya majumdar and be contentful
plz stop abusive language else i will return u also my eng is without punctuations if u dont know where puctuations come then flee away |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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truly lots of energy was wasted in scolding i make spelling errors because i am impatient to correct them also my chat is not an exam so correcting my errors is useless if i wish to correct my errors and punctuation marks it will take hours to type so much long try to understand idiots i am impatient to scold u appilcable to bibi and adwarya also caped
my typing is now faster |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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adwaya or adwarya some sh*t how the hell u can get 95.5 above if u provoke others like this hav common sense dont be sarcastic like bibi
actually marks are not important always it shld be decent knowledge is more significant just shi up ur a*s and stop visiting respaper
there is no one 2k17 batch other than sdfg just go to ur study room and try to get atleast 35 percent |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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i hav typed everthing that came to my mind hope bibi and adwarya understood
i will target every guy who comments on me irrespective of their gender like bibi and adwarya warning to all plz dont provoke or abuse me
i feel satisfied on chiding them
just my hands were paining by typing a lots of matter
how much did truly sdfg get and bibi |
asked by Arun Murugan (arunmurugan) 8 years ago |
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Question in comments (i think this is the question with most pronunciation errors in Concise Mathematics) anyway pls provide the solution. |
asked by Sdfg Sdfg
(sdfg) 8 years ago |
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Question in comments (please answer with steps and proper statements ) |
asked by Sdfg Sdfg
(sdfg) 8 years ago |
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do we need to learn the working of ac generator, dc motor and transformer in electromagnetism |
asked by Ananya (sweet71) 8 years ago |
1 | + 4 more questions by sweet71
have your summer holidays began? |
asked by Ananya (sweet71) 8 years ago |
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where do u all do your comp project in copy or file |
asked by Ananya (sweet71) 8 years ago |
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shylock- sinned against or sinning give your opinions
plz |
asked by Ananya (sweet71) 8 years ago |
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Shylock- sinned against or sinning give your opinions |
asked by Ananya (sweet71) 8 years ago |
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to the students of isc board.how do your teachers tell u to write answers because for a line each person has different interpretation so may be what u r writing may not match up with marking scheme of boards and u may lose marks just for the fact that u had a different interpretation |
asked by Harshit Sharma (harshghghfs) 8 years ago |
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~~@#$%&*!~~ EXAM ADVICE BY CAPED_CRUSADER ~~@#$%&*!~~
-Letter Advice-
1. I personally prefer formal letters. First reason, the pattern carries about a mark extra. Secondly, no need of sentences like "Hope you are fine...Give my greetings to your parents..." etc. In formal letters, its like talk to the point.
2. Body of the letter is short, although its to be written in formal language.
3. Again use $100 words, like instead of using "as soon as possible, use " as expeditiously as possible", etc.
4. Have a great conclusion, Eg: If you are writing to the principal requesting about sending students on an educational tour, end with "With a gesture of confirmation, I on behalf of all the students of standard tenth remain thankful to you." etc.
5. Keep the paragraphs organised, Eg: First paragraph, tell the principal that we students want to go on a tour to lets take for example "Antarctica". ;) In the next paragraph, tell him/her about how its going to help us, eg. we can see the penguins, feel the temperature and see the effects of global warming in the region, etc. In the last one, request him whole heartedly. End with a great conclusion as point no. 4.
6. Plan out addresses well out in advance, both writer's and receiver's. Saves time used up in thinking during exam.
* The Antarctica example was just for humour, don't really write this in you exam! Or you will end up really being sent to the freezing place. :D *
-That's it for today. Letter advice over. Comprehension advice coming soon.-
Thanks. - caped_crusader |
asked by Bruce Wayne (caped_crusader) 8 years ago |
1 | + 3 more questions by caped_crusader
~~@#$%&*!~~ EXAM ADVICE BY CAPED_CRUSADER ~~@#$%&*!~~
(I am regularly going to be posting such advices.)
This is how I PREPARED for English when I was in 10th :
1. Read a dictionary for $100 words.
2. Try to use complex sentences instead of two simple sentences. Eg: Don't use: "I have an uncle. He is a doctor." Use: "I have an uncle who is a doctor." (P.s This is a very basic example...just to make u guys understand...don't judge me!)
3. If you attempt a narrative composition, make it have more action/ adventure than drama. Eg. A story where you are in a bank in the middle of a heist. Don't make some life experience while you were in school and what you learned from it, this makes it boring. Try to keep it heated up.
4. In writing composition, the size of the essay must be like a skirt. Long enough to cover the point but short enough to keep it interesting. ;) (No offense to skirt wearers)
5. Try not to attempt picture composition. Yours and the examiner's opinions may vary. Sometimes this true for arguementative composition too, try and guess the general outlook of it. Pick the side which the mass follows, and hopefully the examiner also must be agreeing that way, and might tend not to cut additional marks.
-That's it for today. I know its long. Esaay advice over. Letter advice coming soon-
Thanks. - caped_crusader |
asked by Bruce Wayne (caped_crusader) 8 years ago |
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Mr. Arun Murugan, this photo is for you....(in the answer) |
asked by Bruce Wayne (caped_crusader) 8 years ago |
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Arun Murugan, isn't your A$$ jealous of the amount of SH!T that just came out your mouth while writing this BULLSH!T ? |
asked by Bruce Wayne (caped_crusader) 8 years ago |
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CAN YOU IMMATURE PEOPLE SHUT UP! 10th Board Marks DO NOT MATTER ANYWHERE other than 11th-12th Admissions and IIMs. Also, most of the people who perform excellent do lose strength in 11-12 especially JEE aspirants- where intelligence is required. So, START IMPROVING YOURSELVES AND IGNORE THE IMMATURE PEOPLE. Thanks and Cheersβ |
asked by Oof. (eash13) 8 years ago |
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@Arun, Atleast I got 98%.
AIR 8. ( 6284545 )
Do you even know how to spell that number idiot?Cant score even 90+ % and u cannot even agree to the fact that u did not study well. Abusing yo school and bragging about the fact that u are 7th out of 345 people in your school.
Even then I do not brag about the fact, while u think that u scoring 90+ % is a big achievement. Maybe u scored that first time in yo life.
#yofather |
asked by Thulluminati (asthetic31) 8 years ago |
4 | + 1 more questions by asthetic31
@Arun, Nowadays, putting up grammatically wrong sentences on social sites and allowing people to correct them has become a social service.
Arun has mastered this art.
#yofather |
asked by Thulluminati (asthetic31) 8 years ago |
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Can we quickly move on to new topic, things are becoming uglier!! |
asked by Raju N (raju201566) 8 years ago |
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