o Read all the instructions carefully and especially in section B, you must choose 4 best answers know and if time permits attempt the rest.
o You must not switch over sections again and again i.e. whichever section you began, you should complete it before switching to another section.
• Any question found very easy, kindly read it at least 2 times to ensure that your reading and understanding are Tips to solve the paper-
o matching
• Theory Section (Section A - 40 marks)
o Primitive data types: Memory size, data range, default value of each.
o Operators: Unary, Binary and Ternary: Ternary operator(?:) is more important. Increment and decrement operators along with shorthand operator. Like x += ++x - - x
o Math.functions( )- output & Java Expression
o String functions: .concat(), .substring(), .indexOf(), .startsWith(), .endsWith(), Character.toUpperCase() functions
o User define functions & Constructor, class & object
o Principles of Java: Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Inheritance.
o Output of a nested loop/do-while
o Implicit cast and explicit cast
o Data conversion using .valueOf() or .toString()
o Java token: Keywords, Identifier, Literal, Operator and punctuator
o Errors in Java with reasons
o Non-graphic characters
o Operators precedence
o Write a function prototype.
o Local variables, Instance variables and Static(class) variable
• Programming Section (Section B - 60 mark)
o Functions & Constructor: Always one question on call by reference and call by value - Function overloading
o Switch-case with patters or series
o Array search has good chances in this exam.
o String
o Modulus