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Acid used to produce non volatile acid. Is it oleum or concentrated Nitric acid? |
asked by As If (boo_hoo) 9 years ago |
1 |
what is lorentz force? |
asked by Angel k saji (angelksaji) 9 years ago |
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+ 2 more questions by angelksaji
why a climber bends while climbing the hills? -physics- |
asked by Angel k saji (angelksaji) 9 years ago |
1 |
Wat does it mean?
Members of rajya sabha is elected for a period of 'SIX' years
Term of rajya sabha is 'FIVE' years |
asked by Angel k saji (angelksaji) 9 years ago |
2 |
Can someone please upload any commercial studies prelim papers? Thanks. :) |
asked by Sharvin Joshi (swagger1511) 9 years ago |
0 |
asked by Nithin Eiswar
(nithineiswar) 9 years ago |
2 |
I am very poor at history please someone help me !! |
asked by mannan 9 years ago |
4 |
who thinks he/she can top this time??? i think!! :) all the best |
asked by Aaditya Sharma
(ascc008) 9 years ago |
2 |
Wich type of pen is to be used for boards? ? |
asked by raj Ashar (rajashar) 9 years ago |
4 |
i have uploaded monthly test paper of elt .plz solve and answer it |
asked by Vaibhavi Bhanushali (bhanushalir) 9 years ago |
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