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Anyone studying at night? would like some company :v |
asked by Joy Hindocha (rfdbalboa) 9 years ago |
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Hey guys can any1 define dehydrohalogenation please?? Thank you:) |
asked by Stuti Gaitonde (hermionegranger2) 9 years ago |
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Can we attempt extra questions in section B |
asked by John Jony (examexam) 9 years ago |
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Read instructions carefully and avoid haste.
Stating observation does not mean identifying the substance.
Learn all equations with the relevant conditions. If acids are used, remember to state the concentration.
Pay attention to details during practical work and focus on both observations and inferences.
Learn the various terms, get to know IUPAC Nomenclature well and ensure structural formulae are represented correctly.
Exposure to variety of numericals is essential and habit of step wise working will fetch rich dividends.
Focus on the colours of precipitates and their solubilities in reagents such as NaOH, NH4OH.
Solubilities of salts and properties of salts require special attention to understand the methods of preparation of salts.
Knowledge of various types of oxides essential with relevant examples.
Learn the laws, principles and definitions verbatim.
Learn the tests for identifying the cations and anions and the related observations.
Tabulate Industrial preparations and make a comparative study of the details.
Study alloys in tabulated form highlighting the main component and the other metals and their special properties.
Remember the rules for selective discharge of ions and learn to apply them.
Various roles of different substances used must be understood in metallurgy.
Ensure all aspects of the syllabus are covered and avoid selective study.
Practice solving previous year’s Question Papers to get an insight into the pattern of the papers. More... |
asked by Hirthick Kumaran (hirthick) 9 years ago |
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Currently I am using selina books in chemistry... Will the teacher consider my answer because most of the teachers are checking through viraf?? |
asked by Yash Trivedi (yashtrivedi) 9 years ago |
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Guys read Selina book thoroughly........see the diagrams of preparation...........there is no question dat u will miss which is not there in selina book.......very useful scrutinize it extensively.........nd do solve empirical formulae questions :) |
asked by Sdfg Sdfg
(sdfg) 9 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by sdfg
land is an insulator or good conductor of heat? |
asked by Sdfg Sdfg
(sdfg) 9 years ago |
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Which book does your school prescribe for chem? |
asked by Ishanuj Hazarika (ishanuj99) 9 years ago |
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Is it necessary to write the names of the catalysts while writing all the equations ? |
asked by Kevin Peter (nightfury232) 9 years ago |
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friends, which is the compound which is yellow when hot white when cold? |
asked by Pruthvirajsinh Zala
(pruthviraj99) 9 years ago |
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