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Do we have to write the final answer for chemistry in Mole concept?
My teacher said that we will get marks just for writing 6.023 x 10^23 / 4 ,even without simplifying it. Did any of your teachers say the same thing? |
asked by Won't Tell :P (some1) 8 years ago |
2 |
Is Metallurgy really important...cause i am planning to skip dat lssn..i need suggestions! Pls |
asked by Zuber Nawaz (zubernawaz) 8 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by zubernawaz
Guys i am fully tensed.....i am forgetting whatever i studied....pls pls pls i need help..tell me what 2 do pls pls |
asked by Zuber Nawaz (zubernawaz) 8 years ago |
2 |
An oxide which is yellow when hot and white when cold |
asked by Arnav Gupta (aryan1504) 8 years ago |
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can someone upload commercial studies paper 2016 board |
asked by Shania Pais (studywonder) 8 years ago |
0 |
CAN ANYONE TELL THE MOST IMPT CH EXCEPT ORGANIC..............also tell the ch in increasing order of their marks............................PLS PLS |
asked by Ankit Fadia (tanmay_dani) 8 years ago |
1 |
An acidic gas which reacts with a basic gas to liberating a neutral gas? |
asked by Anvesha Mishra (learner67) 8 years ago |
3 |
Correct answer : Acids ionize while Bases dissociate |
asked by Sdfg Sdfg
(sdfg) 8 years ago |
1 |
Hey internet :
Mnemonics for periodic table(If anyone doesnt know)
G1:Group 1- HighLy Nasty Kids Rub Cats Fur
G2:Beer Mugs Can Serve Bar Rats
G17:Grup 17-Fairly Clowns Break Innocent Ants
G18:He Never Arrived,Kale Excited with Rhody
P2:Little Betty Became Charlies Number One Friend and Neighbour
P3:Naughty Maggie Always Sings Perfect Song "Climbing Around"
Note:Capital letters represent the ELEMENT |
asked by Shreyas Js (shreyasj) 8 years ago |
5 |
guys,if i get 90 in science and 70 in math will schools give me science grp ? will low marks in math affects it ? |
asked by Bharath Sanjay (sanjay07) 8 years ago |
3 |
do we need to study hoope's electrolytic process ?? |
asked by Rahul S (rd1233) 8 years ago |
1 |