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Please upload the pic of Pg.135 and Pg.136 of Concise Physics(selina)..little fastly |
asked by Anvesha Mishra (learner67) 8 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by learner67
Do we have to learn the full working(The big whole para) of an A.C Generator and all the 4 diagrams? |
asked by Anvesha Mishra (learner67) 8 years ago |
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What is so SI unit of linear momentum? |
asked by Rinki Lata (alldbesthappy) 8 years ago |
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can somebody define refraction plzzzz |
asked by Kirti (kits) 8 years ago |
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can someone explain me about internal resistance and voltage drop. |
asked by Princess Deev (deevenayerra) 8 years ago |
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Hello folks. I have a question that I want to leave the chapter calorimetry as most of the time I have to spent in it... So can I leave that chapter??? |
asked by Yash Trivedi (yashtrivedi) 8 years ago |
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why is it easier to open the cap of a pen with two fingers than with one finger ? pls answer |
asked by Jenita Maryam Jinu (jenita) 8 years ago |
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is power and magnification in syllabus(lens) |
asked by Zackery Barreto (schoolboy11) 8 years ago |
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please answer this question.... |
asked by Angel k saji (angelksaji) 8 years ago |
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which is best ? cbse or ise for 11th ? r both same syllabus....which will be useful for engineering,technology ? |
asked by Bharath Sanjay (sanjay07) 8 years ago |
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Is maths aLSO compulsary subject or only english is compulsary? |
asked by Savjot Bains (savjotbains) 8 years ago |
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