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Why is cottage industry important in India? Kindly provide 2-3 points. |
asked by Anvesha Mishra (learner67) 9 years ago |
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+ 4 more questions by learner67
Which is the leading producer of Sugar industry Maharashtra or Peninsular India ? In our book both r written as leading producers. |
asked by Anvesha Mishra (learner67) 9 years ago |
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Any website or link providing topographical maps with questions and solutions? |
asked by Anvesha Mishra (learner67) 9 years ago |
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Leading producer of cotton industry is Maharastra (Mumbai) and Gujrat(Ahmedabad) ? or any one only? |
asked by Anvesha Mishra (learner67) 9 years ago |
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Can we write Increasing competition from powerloom sector or managment problem as a problem of cotton industry besides other problems? |
asked by Anvesha Mishra (learner67) 9 years ago |
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asked by Shreyas Js (shreyasj) 9 years ago |
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Which is the leading cotton producing state in India?
Please tell which places will come for map according to Frank modern certificate geography ( ASAP). |
asked by Siru Thondan (vasudevakrishna) 9 years ago |
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What are factor s leading to the growth of IT industry in India |
asked by Bibekbir Khalsa (bibekbir) 9 years ago |
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in dams/ multi-purpose projects in our reading material there are 6-7 dams; should i remember all of them with river and purpose and state? please tell me which dams to do!! |
asked by Pruthvirajsinh Zala
(pruthviraj99) 9 years ago |
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When we give six figure grid , can it be one point less or more. |
asked by Anubhav Verma (gforce777) 9 years ago |
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do we need to study about river valley projects(or any type projects) in water resources chapter??????????? |
asked by Angel k saji (angelksaji) 9 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by angelksaji
while calculating distance, do we need to write steps for converting cm to km .... |
asked by Angel k saji (angelksaji) 9 years ago |
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Hello Internet, from the chapter of mineral-based industries, exactly what do we have to study from there? |
asked by Alisha Nongspung (aliceisnotonfire) 9 years ago |
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