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Guys ,Chemistry section B what all chapters will they give? |
asked by Shreyas Js (shreyasj) 9 years ago |
3 |
Sdfg, any prediction for Hindi composition? |
asked by Alisha Nongspung (aliceisnotonfire) 9 years ago |
2 |
Someone please upload a picture of formal Hindi letter format!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
asked by Niki (niki_gabi) 9 years ago |
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asked by Akash Divakar (akashdivakar) 9 years ago |
1 |
What is direction of summer monsoon in indo gangetic plain? |
asked by Savjot Bains (savjotbains) 9 years ago |
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+ 5 more questions by savjotbains
Deltaic alluvium is more fertile than coastal alluvium Give reason |
asked by Savjot Bains (savjotbains) 9 years ago |
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Soils of western ghats are affected by wind erosion Give reason |
asked by Savjot Bains (savjotbains) 9 years ago |
1 |
How would rural development influence soil conservation? |
asked by Savjot Bains (savjotbains) 9 years ago |
1 |
Name the leading agro based industry in india |
asked by Savjot Bains (savjotbains) 9 years ago |
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Why is sugar industry highly dispersed in india? |
asked by Savjot Bains (savjotbains) 9 years ago |
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In History paper I have written only the causes in question no. 6 (ii & iii) and not explained those points. Total marks was 7 [3 for question 6(ii) and 4 for 6(iii)]. How much marks will I get out of 7 marks. Please reply. I am little worried. |
asked by Chandan Banerjee (durgapurcd644) 9 years ago |
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Sdfg Sdfg any tips for EVS??? |
asked by Surabhi (surabhijain) 9 years ago |
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sdfg can u heip me for Odia papers............... |
asked by Tadasha Tripathy (abhipsa) 9 years ago |
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