+ 4 more questions by aditya_bandaru
The thing is, when you are teaching, remember that you're learning. Uncle Sam did, but not learn what might be important for NEET, but what might be important for life. This site taught him how it feels like to help people. And remember, not helping is nothing but pulling down a person. That's a reason I comment on this site more than I solve papers.... Now, you might say, "Oh, Aditya! Half your comments are crap no one cares about in studies!" Remember that I am a human, not an answer machine. As much as I try to help others on this site, but I can't help but help myself with a hot serving of entertainment.
Now, since I am self obsessed, I had deviated the topic. Uncle Sam might have gotten better marks in NEET if he hadn't helped people on this site, but he had two choices after 10th standard.
1- Help others and gain more knowledge that is important to life and not important to NEEt.
2- Live with the guilt of not helping others and get a good rank in NEET and work some job.
Few people and think that there is nothing else to school life than marks. There is a lot more to school life. It's the time when you mold yourself to be a good personality, not just get marks.
Humane people like Uncle Sam chose the first choice. I'm sure few people would choose the second one. Now, if you're one of those mark loving job getting people, you have the right of free choice. This is nothing but my opinion.
Lastly, I'd love to ask this.
Isn't taking choice 2 outright selfish?
People need to get a job, but that's not all that life has in store for you.
"Uncle Sam is a legend. He is an identity, not a person."
- Aditya, a person willing to make the Sacrifice Uncle Sam did to help others |
asked by Mr. Mathematics (aditya_bandaru) 6 years ago |
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Ok, now who's voting to become the next Uncle Sam? |
asked by Mr. Mathematics (aditya_bandaru) 6 years ago |
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Hey, guys... does anyone care to come to the hangouts.... I just wanna know, at what time will you be free to come to the hangouts? |
asked by Mr. Mathematics (aditya_bandaru) 6 years ago |
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Now, for the worst face reveal of all time...... |
asked by Mr. Mathematics (aditya_bandaru) 6 years ago |
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This res Q/A page is really a periodic one. Like the sine and cosine functions.. xD
The events unfolded the same manner as they did,last year. The same way this page was flooded with questions and posts, the same kinda friendship between the "Ressers", the same kinda joy eveyone's experiencing after the end of boards, the same way some people are asking others to come back during results, all this, just like last year. AMAZING! And I also believe that after some days or weeks- whatever, there will be predictions by some people of the result date.I'm really glad to see you guys breaking the shackles of boards and now, finally might be able to enjoy freedom. Don't let any kind of "joyspoiler", enter your freebee mind for some weeks. Enjoy life like its gonna end tomorrow( if you want a serious rank in exams like JEE,then you guys might start preparations after some weeks...) And believe me, 11th is gonna be fun too! My joy was of next level, during my time! And it must be! Come on, you guys are over with a really significant public exam of your lives. And now, you carry the experience which you can share with the coming batch of ICSE. You guys worked hard, if not throughout the year, then during boards and it will pay the result proportionally(for now, don't overthink regarding the results). I'm a 2k18 ICSEian and very less do I appear here, since class 11th began. so, many of you might not know me. MY BEST WISHES WITH YOU ALL, STAY HAPPY, STAY BLESSED!! This is a really wonderful phase of your life, you'll understand this next year! Ba-byeeee!! |
asked by Aayush Joshi (aayushjoshi) 6 years ago |
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Please everybody come 1 day before result. |
asked by Bitthal Maheshwari (bitthal04) 6 years ago |
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I'm so glad I got to be a part of this! Thanks to all of y'all for EVERYTHING. I know for a fact that I'm gonna keep returning to this wonderful site. Thank you, the creators of ResPaper for this. I know we all will move on, and few of us might just stay back for a year or two.
I just wanna wish all of y'all BEST OF LUCK in ALL your future endeavours.
And one last thing, Stay Connected! Here are few of my social media IDs-
Instagtam- hxrjxs
Snapchat- harjas_22
Pubg(ya this is random but why not)- HarjasBajaj
Taking leave,
Yours truly,
Harjas Bajaj. |
asked by Harjas Bajaj (jammy229) 6 years ago |
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Chemistry Exam was 1000 times more easier than expected.
Do u agree ?? |
asked by Sarosh Sadaqut (life_is_ajoke) 6 years ago |
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hey all you Res buddies, thanks for being around ...this was great virtual combined study and boards was fun giving it ye all! thanks to all those who took time out to respond to all queries ... hope see ya all around in X! & XIIth too...till then have a great holiday! cheers |
asked by Zoe D S (zoeds) 6 years ago |