Vagina, sperm, uterus, oviduct, cervix Arrange in logical sequence |
asked by Varun Khadpe (varunkhadpe) 5 years ago | |
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Find the odd one out and state the category to which the others belong: Cerebrum, cerebellum, olfactory lobe, diencephalon |
asked by Mackintoshandcheese (mackintoshandcheese) 5 years ago | |
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A problem occured with me even during half yealies. try searching homo habilis/erectus on Google through voice search LinkMaster give me "AASHIRWAAD" Link for quick revision : |
asked by Ansh Anand (teleansh) 5 years ago | |
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cerebrum : diencephelon :: cerebellum : ? |
asked by Tanya (tanyaherondale) 5 years ago | |
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Will diagrams be asked for the exam, and if so, which ones? |
asked by Michael Chandy (michael44) 5 years ago | |
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Is the 1st chapter(cell organelle one) there in syllabus???? |
asked by Aquaman- King of the Seven Seas (shauns) 5 years ago | |
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Heyyy Liinnkk Maaasstteer!!! Could you provide the link for 2019 ICSE Biology Paper??!! (Now don't say you'll do it tomorrow) xD |
asked by Prateek Pradhan (prateek235) 5 years ago | |
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Link master do u have links for all the experiments that are there in plant physiology |
asked by SODA The Ultimate comedy (aniruddha_1) 5 years ago | |
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CAn anyone send pollution and population questions Coz I haven't started with those chips I haven't done the diagrams I m cursed with bio |
asked by Ayush Agarwal (qwertyuiop12345678901234567890) 5 years ago | |
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asked by Annhaliator (laxyone) 5 years ago | |
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