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When state is the largest producer of mineral oil ( Assam or Maharashtra ) on internet different sources show different results |
asked by Ansh Anand (teleansh) 5 years ago |
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Can anyone plzz take a snap of copper and 3Rs in waste management and post it down here in the response box. These things are not there in my book. |
asked by Sanjay (sanjay673) 5 years ago |
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3 reasons why roadways have developed in north india |
asked by Ravi Sreedharan (ravisreedharan) 5 years ago |
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define eutrofication |
asked by T.M.Devi T.M (pavithran5) 5 years ago |
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which type of coal is used for domestic purposes
because antracite has a higher calorific value but bituminous is found in abundance in india |
asked by Sankhya Gowda (taankkkkk) 5 years ago |
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Differentiate between Perennial Canal and Inundation canal
Proper differences |
asked by SODA The Ultimate comedy (aniruddha_1) 5 years ago |
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Send the map plz |
asked by Ayush Agarwal (qwertyuiop12345678901234567890) 5 years ago |
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How can we define causeway?
Is it a cart track motorable in the dry season? |
asked by Arya Ajith (arya1019) 5 years ago |
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Do we have drawing conventional symbols for toposheet? My teachers gave that one in my first prelims, but there was no mention of "drawing", only "identification" of conventional symbols on the ICSE syllabus sheet for 2019. |
asked by Vignesh Natarajan (vsharp) 5 years ago |
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Syllabus contents for geography below 📩📩 |
asked by Annhaliator (laxyone) 5 years ago |
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