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2 reasons why inundation canals are being converted into perennial canals |
asked by Ravi Sreedharan (ravisreedharan) 6 years ago |
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Are the uses of tree in natural vegetation chapter in portion |
asked by Anvaya Juvekar (anvaya) 6 years ago |
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If they ask us to write the general settlement of the toposheet do we write scattered settlements or nucleated settlements??
Because individually, most settlements are nucleated.
What are the occupations of towns near river side except trade?
How is a ridge represented on a toposheet? Is it just a few diagonal brown lines or like two conical hills with a separation between them
what is the climate or rainfall that most of the time appears in toposheets (meaning frequently arises in board papers)?? Because for scanty and seasonal rainfall, both generally have similar features as proof, dry streams and so on
I am guessing - climate- dry in areas with white wash and tropical monsoon type in dense forests
Rainfalls- seasonal rainfall More... |
asked by Sankhya Gowda (taankkkkk) 6 years ago |
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Can anybody plz share India maps with exact markings? |
asked by Ayush Agarwal (qwertyuiop12345678901234567890) 6 years ago |
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Is Socio and Agro forestry in portion |
asked by Dhruv Singh (dhruv103) 6 years ago |
asked by Harjas Bajaj (jammy229) 6 years ago |
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Name the corporation which manages air transport in india. Is it AAI |
asked by Annhaliator (laxyone) 6 years ago |
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In topography, how do we prove that a river is seasonal? |
asked by Varun Khadpe (varunkhadpe) 6 years ago |
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difference between Deltaic Alluvium and Inland Alluvium - 2-4 points please... |
asked by Zoe D S (zoeds) 6 years ago |
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