The biker made ____ after shooting He passed his property ___ to that trust It is not a new car. It is reliable. [join without and/but/so] We only knew the truth when we read the report. (Begin: Not until) But for his weakness in English, he would have topped the class. [ Begin: Had it ] |
asked by Rg (rikhil32) 5 years ago | |
5 |
We always pray to the lord to abide ——us. Add preposition. |
asked by Sara sidle (sarasidle123) 5 years ago | |
3 | |
Is everyone going to write designation for notice(if specified in the question) even though it does not carry any marks? |
asked by Soumya Mishra (soumya_05) 5 years ago | |
1 |
what is gay lussacs law |
asked by Atharva Ghavate (atharvaghavate) 5 years ago | |
2 |
Can some explain use of No Sooner Was ( i know use of no sooner had/did but where and how to use was) |
asked by Ansh Anand (teleansh) 5 years ago | |
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Will maths and science paper be easy this year 2019 ICSE class 10th? I am listening this by my elders who have passed 10th 2 or 3 years ago |
asked by Sarthak Sharma (sarthak_sharma) 5 years ago | |
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He asked me, " Why do you delay?" (change to reported speech) |
asked by Aditi RK (sciencegeek) 5 years ago | |
2 | |
Can you tell me where I lost so many marks in the letter and what was wrong in the ending? (Image attached) |
asked by Amit Prasad (amitthehero) 5 years ago | |
2 |
Blue bead: Explain what Sibia's achievement was- attacking the crocodile or finding the blue bead (4 marks) |
asked by Deeksha (deeksha9) 5 years ago | |
1 |
Can we attempt extra question(s) in English literature |
asked by Dhruv Singh (dhruv103) 5 years ago | |
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