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Ravi has a recurring deposit amount of RS400 per month at rate 10%per annam. If he gets RS 16220 at maturity time. Find the time for which the account was held? Help!! |
asked by Kbdc (kbdc) 6 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by kbdc
S—> H2SO4
Write a balanced chemical equation ? Please help!! |
asked by Kbdc (kbdc) 6 years ago |
1 |
hey guys what biology pre boards papers are good on respaper?with like interesting questions) |
asked by Sankhya Gowda (taankkkkk) 6 years ago |
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how much chuck does a wood chuck chuck till the wood chuck dies chucking on some chucking wood |
asked by Beena Negi (beenabn) 6 years ago |
5 |
can anybody suggest me a site or frm where can i get physical education 2019 prelim paper?
is jamnabai physical education available anywhere?
if yes plz tell.... |
asked by Sakshi Salunkhe (sakshi8674) 6 years ago |
2 |
If kinetic energy increases by 4 times what is the percentage increase in momentum? |
asked by Naren Rana (naren2rana) 6 years ago |
1 |
hello friends can u solve the environmental engineering gate 2004 final i am stuck to solve find temperature in degree.any one tell the solution plz |
asked by Vishnu Goku (vishnugo) 6 years ago |
0 |
a major port which is not located on the sea coast and is at a distance o 128 km from the coast along the banks of the river |
asked by Tanaya B (btirtha) 6 years ago |
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solution for question 2 b of bombay scittish 2018 prelim paper |
asked by Tanvi Shah (tanvi200387) 6 years ago |
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Hey everyone in res
I am a pupil of 2019.As far as I have noticed if one year the papers are easy then the next one is quite tough.2018 was so damn easy in majority of the subjects.But I am quite confident about my preparations.So do you think 2019 will be tough.
Wat is ur opinion on the thing which I said.... do u notice the same |
asked by Sanjay (sanjay673) 6 years ago |
4 |