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ResFinder - Thousands of Practice Papers
Hey, what's the Snow Rule?? Its not in my book. |
asked by Aayush Joshi (aayushjoshi) 6 years ago |
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Guys u can view papers on res now!!!
I just noticed its exactly two weeks after the 'ban' was imposed!!! |
asked by ⚡The Flash⚡ (devanshu8) 6 years ago |
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Do we need to know:-
1.Experimental proof of Snell's law
2.Experimental determination of the focal length of a convex lens
3.Magnifying power(m=1+D/f)
Please do let me know ASAP. Thank you |3 |
asked by Gargie D'souza (gar_d02) 6 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by gar_d02
Why does a magnifying glass need to have a small focal length? |
asked by Gargie D'souza (gar_d02) 6 years ago |
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what is imp in electromagnetism cause i have only done dc motor ac generator and transformer and most of the papers ask question on these basis should i do anything else in this chp ? |
asked by Somay Vaidh (somay2003) 6 years ago |
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How do you find the direction of deflection of alpha particles and beta rays in a magnetic field with the Fleming's Left Hand Rule? |
asked by RaBh (rahulbhardwaj2002) 6 years ago |
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What to write if si unit of loudness is asked |
asked by Jeff mckinley (chende) 6 years ago |
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should i do the working of DC Motor and AC generator?? |
asked by Tanvi Shah (tanvishah29) 6 years ago |
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i messed up in hindi. need some motivation |
asked by Ayush Shrivastav (killershock) 6 years ago |
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Can someone tell me a trick to remember how the compass needle deflects when kept above/below a current carrying conductor? |
asked by Pavan K Srinivasan (throwaway) 6 years ago |
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What should we study regarding electric bell/gong? |
asked by Leander Vikram (eldiablo0829) 6 years ago |
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