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What happens if my six figure grid reference is slight off compared to the one in the marking scheme? |
asked by Ragini Jain (adityajain1234) 7 years ago |
6 |
asked by Niraj Gupta (solution86) 7 years ago |
3 |
do we need to know uses of trees |
asked by Richa Karki (trishakarki) 7 years ago |
3 |
guys are u all doing all the definitions of topo? |
asked by Somay Vaidh (somay2003) 7 years ago |
3 |
Meghalaya,even though it receives the highest annual rainfall in the world in midst of water scarcity ...why ??? |
asked by CaptainCool07 (radhikagirish) 7 years ago |
3 |
Is it only for me or has respaper become free again? |
asked by Jeff mckinley (chende) 7 years ago |
4 |
guyz one confusion about map work :-
its given on question paper that if map used then attach with answer sheet. What does this mean, does it mean that we can skip map work? does skipping map work provides the ten marks? |
asked by Manas Rungta (rock19) 7 years ago |
5 |
What colour coding do we use for plateaus? |
asked by Darth Vader (aj87) 7 years ago |
1 |
Oh Lord, I'm EXTREMELY scared for tomorrow. I am afraid if they'll ask things which we weren't taught. |
asked by Momo (zenab13) 7 years ago |
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