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What is meant by a Fawning Publican? Answer asap |
asked by Desi HipHOP seal (mjkjn) 7 years ago |
3 |
I Don't know what they were arguing _______ but i could hear there angry voices |
asked by Arnab Santra (a_r_n_a_b365) 7 years ago |
5 |
In English paper 1, how many marks would be deducted if in direct speech I have added a comma after "Please" |
asked by Ashutosh Dash (ashutosh_dash) 7 years ago |
0 |
+ 2 more questions by ashutosh_dash
in the solutions to the equation x^2+7x=7, how much marks would be deducted if written 0.88 and -7.88 instead of 0.89 and -7.89(after rounding off)?
how much marks would be deducted for the componendo and dividendo question if written both + and -5/8 instead of only +5/8 |
asked by Ashutosh Dash (ashutosh_dash) 7 years ago |
3 |
is there any issue if the similarity diagram and the circle(value of x) diagram are drawn with pen and not in pencil? |
asked by Ashutosh Dash (ashutosh_dash) 7 years ago |
1 |
Where do I find the renew subscription page? |
asked by Nehal G (nehalg) 7 years ago |
0 |
Guy I DESPERATELY want to know if Hindi is compulsory for percentage calculation, because Im too Damm weak in it and I don't want to lose my percentage over such a trivial subject. |
asked by Leander Vikram (eldiablo0829) 7 years ago |
6 |
What are your favourite line from the Merchant Of Venice?
Mine are from,
Act 2, Scene 5
JESSICA : Farewell; and if my fortune be not crost,
I have a father, you a daughter, lost. |
asked by RaBh (rahulbhardwaj2002) 7 years ago |
3 |
Can someone suggest me good colleges for sciences in Mumbai? |
asked by Mugdha Walawalkar (mugdhahemant) 7 years ago |
1 |
Well in histogram for estimitating mode. I wrote steps that we draw lines from highest rectangle and that on x axis absicca is 4600.However just after this I wrote Median =4600 instead of mode. How many marks would be deducted |
asked by Taha Mustafa (taha_50) 7 years ago |
3 |
Guys, Is half mark reduced for not writing the probablity formula? |
asked by Prateek Mukherjee (prateek172) 7 years ago |
1 |