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Guys you can check with your maths’ answers. One of them from ryan,bombay has uplodaded.Go check your luck! |
asked by Prateek Mukherjee (prateek172) 7 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by prateek172
Hey guys! Is there any possiblity of getting a step mark in probablity type questions ? |
asked by Prateek Mukherjee (prateek172) 7 years ago |
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Hey guys in our maths there was a question regarding the construction of circumcircle of a triangle...
i drew the triangle perfectly with all mentioned dimensions.....the circumcircle was touching all the three vertices perfectly but the the circle just went "out of the paper" just like 2 or 3 cm. the point D was shown clearly INSIDE the paper and i drew the quad. correctly.
Will i get full marks? |
asked by ⚡The Flash⚡ (devanshu8) 7 years ago |
6 |
Maths paper was LITTT!!!!! |
asked by Vinayak (viper75) 7 years ago |
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So..... which is the next exam for you guys? For me, its Eng. Literature on 5th March |
asked by Cyriac J. (cyriac) 7 years ago |
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Explain how ethics contributes to social and human well being |
asked by Sathyadev Ips (sathyadeva) 7 years ago |
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Guys now forget maths because there's no use of looking back :) |
asked by Vegito SSG (mustafa53) 7 years ago |
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experts, are together with answers accepted in history/CIVICS ICSE?????? |
asked by Mathomania (sankua) 7 years ago |
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What is the answer for matrix question in section B |
asked by Ramesh Babu Palavalli (deepak05092002) 7 years ago |
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Hey! Did you guys notice that there was no question related to VAT? |
asked by Aameya Kulkarni (aameyak) 7 years ago |
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guys how many maks the examiiner will cut if the circum circle did not completely touch i side . Only mised by .5 cm to hae a contact . so will they cut marks |
asked by Rtstud (mdarfath) 7 years ago |
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