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A truck weighing 1000kgf changes speed from 36kmh to 72kmh in 2 mins. Calculate
A) Work done by its engine
B) Its power
A) 1.5 × 10^5J
B) 1.25× 10^3 W |
asked by Aditya Sethi (unbeatables18) 7 years ago |
3 |
Can I get ISC Computer Science 2009 solved paper? |
asked by Jeba Andrew (jebandrew) 7 years ago |
1 |
Are we allowed to quote from the text while answering the question in the Merchant Of Venice? What about prose? |
asked by RaBh (rahulbhardwaj2002) 7 years ago |
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What is the difference between three decimal points and three significant figures? |
asked by Savitar (echeckestudy100) 7 years ago |
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How do even prepare for hindi essay,letter and grammar,basically,the entirety of part a,cause part b is very easy. |
asked by Vedhas Balaji (godking) 7 years ago |
2 |
Guys when they say mark the garo hills should we mark all three or..? |
asked by Jeff mckinley (chende) 7 years ago |
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What is the difference between error and exception |
asked by Acad (acad) 7 years ago |
2 |
for no sooner we use than. what do we use for hardly.....And scarcely?? |
asked by Aniken Skywalker (aniken) 7 years ago |
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