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plz simlify.. |
asked by Illuminati (xxskullkingxx) 7 years ago |
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Somebody please explain me the Alternate Segment Theorem with an example. Thanks |
asked by Peeyush Mishra (it_is_peeyush) 7 years ago |
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Today MI or SRH |
asked by Anuraj (don751) 7 years ago |
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Suppose if I got the equation of a line as 2y= 3x-24
So should I write x and y terms on the same side or is it right to write it anyway? |
asked by Ashray Jairath (studious81) 7 years ago |
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can anyone give me tips on handling the compass.. cause every time i try to choose a radius say 2.5cm it somehow comes out as a 2.4 cm radius. plss help. |
asked by आन्टी गोर्मिन्ट की जय! (abhipai) 7 years ago |
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Extremely tricky ques:-
(sin²A-sin²A)/(sin²A-sin²A)=2 |
asked by Krishanu Dutta (krishanudutta) 7 years ago |
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It is an odd question to ask, but when is school starting for you guys?
In my school it is the 24th of April...... |
asked by Arjun (yobro57) 7 years ago |
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Can we write short forms(like ASP for angle sum property)?
And is it necessary to mention the details of the questions in the answer? |
asked by Catlover (catlover) 7 years ago |
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