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पतंजलि का महाशक्तिशाली दंत सुरक्षा कवच:
दंत कांति
करोड़ों देशवासियों का भरोसेमन्द हर्बल टूथपेस्ट |
asked by Krishanu Dutta (krishanudutta) 7 years ago |
8 |
Today who RCB or KXIP |
asked by Anuraj (don751) 7 years ago |
6 |
Pls solve these difficult qns
Qn1. If (x-1) is a factor of (2x-1)+(2k-3)^3. Find the value of k.
Qn2. Find the eqn of a line passing through the point (-4, 6) and having the x-intercept of 8 units.
Qn 3. Solve the equation x(x-1)(x+2)(x-3)+8=0
Pls solve |
asked by Harsh (hershey) 7 years ago |
2 |
How can be know the answer of unsolved paper posted.... |
asked by Saurabh Chaudhary (saurabh319) 7 years ago |
1 |
In which type of ques do we have to draw a diagram?? |
asked by Ravi Patole (know_ravi) 7 years ago |
1 |
for how many hours in a day are you guys practicing math? |
asked by आन्टी गोर्मिन्ट की जय! (abhipai) 7 years ago |
4 |
In banking, does "By Cash" mean that the person has opened the account exactly then? And B/F (Brought Forward) mean that the person has opened the account earlier? |
asked by Arjun (yobro57) 7 years ago |
1 |
From the top of a tower, the angles of depression of the top and bottom of a building, are observed to be 30° and 60° respectively. If the height of the building is 45 metres, find the height of the tower.
With working pls :) Thanks |
asked by Erick Rajamani (erick312) 7 years ago |
1 |
For those who are students
For those who want to know about the marking and stuff |
asked by Officer Tenpenny (anurag45) 7 years ago |
1 |
Solve the inequation:----
| 2 |
|--------| >1 ; X not = 4..
| X-4 | |
asked by Sohan_SR (sohansr) 7 years ago |
3 |