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Can someone plss tell me the logic?? |
asked by Ameya Ganore (ameyaganore) 7 years ago |
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Fun challenge for comp students: Write a program to calculate percentage of all subjects as well as best 5 subjects. Print the marks in each subject along with both %s.
PS: Take input for the three sciences as well as both HCG and English subjects separately and then combine them as SCIENCE and HCG, ENGLISH |
asked by Snoop Dogg (sarthakkanyal) 7 years ago |
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i know its late to be asking this and i know that i should be focusing on comp, but i was just wondering that if you attempt extra questions in bio (i attempted the whole paper) will your first four only be counted or the best four. its worrying bc i'm getting mixed opinion, and my bio teacher told me that the first 4 would be counted as she was a board corrector her self and ugh. so does anyone definitively know? |
asked by Failingicse2017 (failingicse2017) 7 years ago |
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Is string a primitive or composite data type? |
asked by Catlover (catlover) 7 years ago |
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if the question is asked to give the output is it necessary to show the working. |
asked by Steny James (steny) 7 years ago |
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sdfg's computer paper predictive q1 answer |
asked by Armk (sushilamod) 7 years ago |
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Is BlueJ in Syllabus? |
asked by Satendra singh (skshooda) 7 years ago |
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Difference between Math.round() and Math.rint() |
asked by Roshan Geo Roy (yoboyyy) 7 years ago |
3 | I used this link to study for Viva last year, should be helpful in covering theory topics. :) |
asked by Samyukta Narasimhan (sam_01) 7 years ago |
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