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What is dry weight?
Odd one out :- Diphtheria,Cholera,Tetanus,Chicken Pox |
asked by Funny Funny (funnysimgh) 7 years ago |
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Anyone economics students if yes then which book does u prefer |
asked by satwindersingh333 7 years ago |
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Finally good night and all the best for your exam. |
asked by Drij Vaghasia (drij5860) 7 years ago |
6 |
What is the difference in the arrangements of nerves in the brain and the spinal cord??? Please answer Soon...! |
asked by Sathvik Purushotham (sathvikroxxx) 7 years ago |
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Will the aorta an inferior vena cava be colored in question​ paper, if not how to identify renal vein and renal artery(somewhere right renal vein is up and somewhere right renal artery)? |
asked by Satendra singh (skshooda) 7 years ago |
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+ 3 more questions by skshooda
Concise pg 25(answer of question in box). Just curious. |
asked by Satendra singh (skshooda) 7 years ago |
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What is the name of fluid inside semicircular canals? |
asked by Satendra singh (skshooda) 7 years ago |
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In selina pg 86, In atrial systole it is given that dup sound is produced.
But on pg 87 it is given that dup is produced during ventricular diastole.
But ventricular diastole happen after ventricular systole, so how can dup be produced during atrial systole? |
asked by Satendra singh (skshooda) 7 years ago |
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Do brick kilns produce only gaseous pollutants or particulate pollutants also? |
asked by Akash Ashok (akashskyash007) 7 years ago |
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All the BEST guys......Hope that paper is damn easy and no controversies would arise as in Geo |
asked by Prerak Modia (preee) 7 years ago |
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What is feedback mechanism. Provide any logical sequence if any? |
asked by 45Trolaf (olaf) 7 years ago |
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Why do raisins swell up when placed in distilled water? Imbibition or endosmosis? |
asked by 10G (2016_10g) 7 years ago |
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