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Why is coconut water sweet? |
asked by Catlover (catlover) 7 years ago |
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Guys in pollution chapter, 'kabaris' are mentioned, what are these? |
asked by Erick Rajamani (erick312) 7 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by erick312
Hello :)
Can someone send a list of all important locations that are likely to come?
This is the main place where I lose my marks, and any help would be highly appreciated! |
asked by Erick Rajamani (erick312) 7 years ago |
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@myself1002 @sohansr @erick312 YOU WILL FEEL MY WRATH THE WRATH OF SAVITAR |
asked by Gulyaeal (flarrowfan) 7 years ago |
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lysol and phenol are antiseptics or disinfectants |
asked by Steny James (steny) 7 years ago |
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Can someone explain the feed back mechanism?
Thanks:) |
asked by Xyz (san_ika) 7 years ago |
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Are general questions gonna be asked in bio? For ex: what is difference between dicot and monocot leaf? If so someone upload such questions. Ty in advance! |
asked by Amu Arcade (arcade_7) 7 years ago |
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1)In which part of the renal tubule does the maximum water absorption take place?
2)Diff. between myelin sheath and neurolemma(if they are different which i don't think).
3)Why insulin is not given orally?
4)Reflex action is controlled by:-(1)brain (2)spinal cord (3)autonomic (4)peripheral nervous system
5)By closing your eyes and gently pressing them by your palms,you may see some specks of brilliant light .How do you get this sensation while there is no light entering your eyes?
(All doubts from selina)
Thank you in advance for answering. |
asked by Tanisha Vats (catercousin10) 7 years ago |
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The fastract week has begun and days r running......😂😂😁😇 |
asked by Evan Jason (evanjasonhenry) 7 years ago |
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