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is contact process there in scope??? |
asked by Einstien (ritashetty) 7 years ago |
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I dont know why r u guys getting irritated by WHOEVEN....there is no compulsion on u to see his posts.... just ignore.....if he likes posting pictures about his mother or maybe his sister , then thats his way... |
asked by Xyz (ckgm1799) 7 years ago |
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electronic configuration of scandium?
This is 2,8,9,2 r8?
coz its given 2,8,8,3 in viraf |
asked by Akash Ashok (akashskyash007) 7 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by akashskyash007
Soln.s of PbNO3 and Sodium are mixed.
Does this mean solution of only PbNO3 or solution of sodium also?
And if it meas soln of sodium also woudnt that actually be sodium hydroxide?
And the observation would be chalky white ppt of lead hydroxide r8? |
asked by Akash Ashok (akashskyash007) 7 years ago |
3 |
Anyone can plz tell me that which has elements has highest and lowest
atomic radius,ip,ea,elctronegativity
And why oxidising power of element increases from left to right |
asked by Manav Mehta (manavm16) 7 years ago |
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Guys instead of responding to his dumbness just ignore.......he is having more fun when we best is to ignore such ppl |
asked by Xyz (san_ika) 7 years ago |
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Guys just ignore these retards they are just wasting out time... dont give in to them by responding .. how long will they go on if we simply ignore them.. lets focus on whats more imp |
asked by ... (tedgreen) 7 years ago |
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Hello, This is urgent.
It's the same bully who had earlier posted p*** pictures and is Bent on troubling me. He creates thousandsof accounts. Beware.
When you all weren't ther he had been doing it before too.
Link: |
asked by Sdfg Sdfg
(sdfg) 7 years ago |
6 |
Hi guys I am here to share some tips for chemistry exam
1.Firstly there's no strategy in setting the chemistry paper so it's better to revise all the chapters...
Secondly don't struggle what to study or don't go on exploring what is important and waste ur valuable time
Instead just do what I say take ur viraf .j. Dalalls textbook open the syllabus which u can just find it before index...the syllabus is so detailed I am sure if u just study what is given in the syllabus I will guarantee u a centum,and not even one question will come out of this boundary..many people study nook and corner of every textbook but they don't know what the syllabus friends make sure u go through the syllabus and not neglect it..
Coming to the chapters
1.Periodic table one of the most easiest chapters in chemistry mainly u should be knowing the trends in the periodic table and elements tilll argon..
2.Chemical bonding know about all the three bonds with an example comparisons and exceptions if any.. acids bases and salts study the basic definition of acids alkali and different types of salts with an example and all laboratory preparation with an example..
4.In mole concept know some basic numericals and some basic definition and when it comes to the laws u need to quote the same thing...and know to find the empirical formula.
5.know the information of different electrolysis given...and the reactions related and what is deposit on cathode anode and reasoning questions related to it...
6.metallurgy one of the lengthiest chapters know the extraction of aluminium and reactions related to it..and alloys their composition...know the differences with the exceptions.
7.coming to the study of compounds,know their preparation and their uses and their reactions with colour changes etc..
8.coming to organic chemistry if it's asked it is asked more or NE or few questions so stress on the iupac names and on the prepations f alkanes alkenes and alkynes and alcohol esterification tests for unsaturation and all the reactions and also have a glance on practical chemistry and know the tests and colour changes for each gas...
1.where u find the colour changes in a reaction note them separately... and finally when u see u would lose marks bcoz of these questions these questions are slightly twisted so u must be accurate and not confused ...
2.Go through analysis of pupil performance..chemistry. And also go through the syllabus keenly...
3.In res paper go through the important points by Tony Stark ...might help u...
If u still have any queries u can feel free to message me I would try to help u to my best........
All the best to all ICSE aspirants........... |
asked by Anirudh (an12370) 7 years ago |
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A moment of silence for those who studied chem from Selina
#nooffense |
asked by Officer Tenpenny (anurag45) 7 years ago |
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