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Some general questions...
1)What do we actually write when 'sandarbh' is asked?
2)What is the meaning of 'pratipadya'?
3)Do we have to give a title to the essay as we gave in eng lang?
4)(I'm not doing the stories but just out of curiosity)Why is the last story named 'do kalakaar' when there's only one artist.Isn't the other one a social worker.So how a kalakaar? |
asked by Tanisha Vats (catercousin10) 8 years ago |
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I heard that the language papers are set in december-january only. |
asked by Armk (sushilamod) 8 years ago |
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what do you guys do if you get confused between visheshan and bhavvachaak. like visheshan is rashtriya but bav is rashtriyata. they give rashtra so we tend to get confused |
asked by Nishant Shah (nishantshahroxx) 8 years ago |
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Answer please:
( Sanskaar aur bhavna )
Maa kyo kehti hai ki keval vahi avinash ko bacha sakti hai? Kya vah use bacha pati hai?
- Board specimen 2017 |
asked by eeshaan17 8 years ago |
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please explain arravali pahad dialogue in deepdhan......sona ka |
asked by Icse (ajinsumesh) 8 years ago |
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is making lifafa for letter compulsary? plizzz answer fast |
asked by Mehul Sahni (mehul1224) 8 years ago |
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How many lines should we write a 2marks and 3 marks answer in hindi lit !!! |
asked by Rachit Dani (rachitd1212) 8 years ago |
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