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Hi guys I am back with a new account
My older one(Kumari Yamuna) was messed up by that sob vortex.
How many of you are going to write Chemistry the next(not Hindi)? |
asked by MidhunMadhav (midhunmadhav) 8 years ago |
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what chaps are you guys expecting from Short stories and ekanki?? |
asked by आन्टी गोर्मिन्ट की जय! (abhipai) 8 years ago |
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do we need to learn some stuff about writers as well?? |
asked by Nishant Shah (nishantshahroxx) 8 years ago |
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What is envelope in letter.
My teacher hasn't told me. |
asked by Anugrahkapoor24 (anugrahkapoor24) 8 years ago |
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asked by Preetham (preetham21) 8 years ago |
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Do we have to do the [ ] part in ekanki sanchay? Like for sukhi dali , the [. ] Is huge |
asked by eeshaan17 8 years ago |
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हम धरती को स्वर्ग किस प्रकार बना सकते हैं ? |
asked by Sahil Prasad (sahilp007) 8 years ago |
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What is the probability of BADE GHAR KI BETI being asked? |
asked by Prerak Modia (preee) 8 years ago |
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Can someone please explain Charnis lines in Matrabhoomi ka maan?? |
asked by Pranaay (phd16) 8 years ago |
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Is it 'hamein' or 'hamey'? (With dot or without a dot?) |
asked by Renuka Joshi (uttuguttu) 8 years ago |
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