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Why are the ends of the horse-shoe magnet used in dc motors semi-circular or curved? |
asked by Madhumati.S (madhums511) 7 years ago |
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Can someone please tell the correct formula for Gear Ratio
Is it nA/nB or nB/nA ? |
asked by (sai7) 7 years ago |
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Can rocket's velocity change is mass is constant? |
asked by Prerak Modia (preee) 7 years ago |
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What is the reason for radioactivity??? |
asked by Sathvik Purushotham (sathvikroxxx) 7 years ago |
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MeGA doubt:
speed of sound depends on the density of the medium in which it propagates..
as density decreases speed increases
as we all know water is denser than air..( i think it is)
but the speed of sound is much higher in water than in air? why??? |
asked by Roshan Geo Roy (yoboyyy) 7 years ago |
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Do we need to do derivations in calorimeter chapter |
asked by satwindersingh333 7 years ago |
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Electromagnetic rays for detection of metals?
X or Gamma? |
asked by (heisenberg69) 7 years ago |
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If gravity is attractive then why did the big bang occur and why is the universe expanding?
(Is it dark energy) |
asked by Catlover (catlover) 7 years ago |
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