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Name two local Winds that bring rain during summer monsoon!? |
asked by Sathvik Purushotham (sathvikroxxx) 8 years ago |
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I've seen some people on this forum talking about how Tamil Nadu gets rainfall from the retreating SW monsoon winds in October and November and it didn't make sense to me - if TN gets hardly any rain from the SW monsoons in June-September, how can it get rainfall from the same winds when they're retreating? Could someone please explain this? |
asked by 10G (2016_10g) 8 years ago |
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Name the soil found on the summits of eastern ghats |
asked by Eliz (eliz1995) 8 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by eliz1995
Explain in what way retreating monsoon winds are different from north east monsoon winds. |
asked by Eliz (eliz1995) 8 years ago |
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For GR how many points do we have to learn? |
asked by ... (tedgreen) 8 years ago |
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+ 2 more questions by tedgreen
Agro based industry based in a) Ahmedabad b) Mysore |
asked by ... (tedgreen) 8 years ago |
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If we have to write 2 centres and incase if I write 3 but one of them is wrong, will the entire ans be considered wrong? |
asked by ... (tedgreen) 8 years ago |
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the government of india is encouraging small scale industries.why |
asked by Armk (sushilamod) 8 years ago |
2 | + 3 more questions by sushilamod
deforestration has led to advancement of deserts.give reason |
asked by Armk (sushilamod) 8 years ago |
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give two features other than dry water features to indicate seasonal rainfall? |
asked by Armk (sushilamod) 8 years ago |
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in which stage is the river in ? any answers? |
asked by Armk (sushilamod) 8 years ago |
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guys do u have any idea abt from where to get toposheet questions and answrs???:) |
asked by Einstien (ritashetty) 8 years ago |
1 | + 1 more questions by ritashetty
A QUESTION !!!!!! :)
acc to my tb; black soil needs to be ploughed and tilled immediately after a shower else it gets very hard ad difficult to be tilled later
and how is it said to have self ploughing capacity??? :) |
asked by Einstien (ritashetty) 8 years ago |
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Who have done 7 chapters like me? |
asked by Prerak Modia (preee) 8 years ago |
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Do we need to do water harvesting mechanisms? Since they never asked us in the exams... |
asked by Anshika J (anmj) 8 years ago |
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Hi guys. I just wanted to know if social forestry and agro forestry are part of the syllabus. Thanks :) |
asked by Nitya Nair (usgirl) 8 years ago |
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