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Advantages and Disadvantages of:
1) Well irrigation
2) Canal Irrigation
The ones given in Morning Star are stupid :/
Please give ones that the boards will accept. |
asked by eeshaan17 7 years ago |
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devastating storm occurring in west bengal in summer |
asked by Pranjali Sharma (pranjali2806) 7 years ago |
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do we have to study khadi and handloom industries in agro-based industries? |
asked by Papu Papu (loosu) 7 years ago |
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asked by Prerak Modia (preee) 7 years ago |
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Hey guys his you memorise all tree uses in natural vegetation???? |
asked by Drij Vaghasia (drij5860) 7 years ago |
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Guys if you get 13 as the third digit will you take 7 or 6? in 6 fig grid |
asked by Shriya (psm09) 7 years ago |
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does tamil nadu receives rainfall due to ne monsoon winds or retreating monsoon ?
further ,
what is the cause of winter rain tamil nadu out of them ? |
asked by Ashray Jairath (studious81) 7 years ago |
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How do you know on which coast a station lies ? |
asked by ... (tedgreen) 7 years ago |
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In 6 figure grid if the point lies between an even and an odd number eg 4 and 5, then what should we take into consideration? |
asked by (heisenberg69) 7 years ago |
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Does Punjab fall under the Low Rainfall Region receiving only 50 to 100 cm of rainfall?
And can we write South West Monsoon winds as a source of rainfall in Tamil Nadu,'cause it's written in my book. (Morning star- page 104) |
asked by Anshika J (anmj) 7 years ago |
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