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Why the summer monsoons retreat by October? |
asked by 45Trolaf (olaf) 7 years ago |
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can we omit the first six pages of agro based industries chapter??? |
asked by Shriya (psm09) 7 years ago |
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differentiate between:
a) Afforestation and Re-Afforestation
Give reason: alluvial soil of delta is more fertile than the alluvial soils of coastal regions. |
asked by IceCream Ninja (yoboy) 7 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by yoboy
what is lateritic rocks... |
asked by IceCream Ninja (yoboy) 8 years ago |
0 |
Can anybody give me the link of the marking scheme of the past 10 years questions of ICSE |
asked by SWAGATAM BAZ (icse2017) 7 years ago |
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Why Kerela has a long monsoon season?? |
asked by Ameya Ganore (ameyaganore) 7 years ago |
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Anyone who is going to appear for Punjabi paper |
asked by satwindersingh333 8 years ago |
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With reference to minerals answer-
1.2 States with highest deposits of-
a.Iron ore
e.Mineral oil
2.2 oil refineries on east and west coast off India each
3.2 inland oil refineries
4.Oldest oil field
5.Largest oil field
6.Largest coal field
7.Oldest coal field |
asked by Xyz (san_ika) 8 years ago |
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asked by Prerak Modia (preee) 8 years ago |
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Is the symbol for the Karakoram pass the same as for Nathu La pass? |
asked by Rohit Shabu (rohitshabu1) 8 years ago |
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Can anyone explain about bhopal gas tragedy nd chernobyl tragedy??? |
asked by Lekha Reddy (lekha23) 8 years ago |
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