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What is meant by provincial interim government?
Plz ans fst |
asked by Abhishek Reddy (abhishek2728) 7 years ago |
2 |
Hi guys here are some tips for ur history and civics
1.firstly go through the analysis of pupil performance ,for sure it will help u a lot...
2.Don't try to grab all the crap in these two days go through the syllabus which is printed at the beginning of ur textbook or at the beginning of every chapter.
3.don't try to study some new topic revise only the one which you know.
4.ur answer is complete with perfect dates and places where things took place(eg: Congress session,world war etc..)
5.coming to civics make sure u know all the powers of President ,prime minister,courts Union legislature and composition and manner of election. more 1 mark questions from ur reference books or from the question papers from the res paper.
7.Don't write vague and lengthy answers be to the point ,don't write the answer so long such that it would test the teachers patience,let the teacher love correcting ur paper rather than feeling it an headache.Teachers correct some hundreds of papers and he won't have the same patience level throughout his course of correction.
8.underline the key words of the answer and try writing in points.
All the best for ur exams...... I am sure if u follow these points I wouldn't guarantee u a centum but guarantee u confidence if u have any queries ur are free to call me
My number 7829783815 or text me on whatsapp |
asked by Anirudh (an12370) 7 years ago |
5 |
is reaction to august declaration there? |
asked by Rockin Rutvij (rutvijminati) 7 years ago |
1 |
Functiond of speaker during the session of parliament? |
asked by ... (tedgreen) 7 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by tedgreen
The speaker is elected by the elected members of LS or all? |
asked by ... (tedgreen) 7 years ago |
1 |
Hi guys hw was ur English literature exam....I feel that it was easy as well as a busy paperπππ
asked by Evan Jason (evanjasonhenry) 7 years ago |
1 |
What is revisory jurisdiction of supreme court and revisory jurisdiction of high court |
asked by Smita Sharma Sharma (vishwa70) 7 years ago |
2 |
maximum period for which ordinary bill can be delayed by rajya sabha?? plz!! |
asked by Sneha Nair (sharanya_niar) 7 years ago |
3 |
What is appealate jurisdiction.I need the explanation with example. |
asked by Ojas Asegaonkar (ojas1234) 7 years ago |
1 |
why did usa join ww2? |
asked by Swarupa (abcdefg29) 7 years ago |
1 |
Predictions for History and Civics
Growth of N, Early Nationalists, Assertives combined
Civil Disobedience movement
Independence nd partition of India
Second world war
Non Aligned Movement ( Great right??)
Rajya Sabha ( more important than lok Sabha)
Prime Minister
High court+ Supreme court combined (lok adalat might also get a long 3 mark Question)
All the best!
Di not focus on indirect questions since now they have stopped asking indirect stuff .. just focys on direct questions
Despite the fact that 2016 had NIS QUESTIONS, ignore them.. let's hope for the best :) |
asked by Sdfg Sdfg
(sdfg) 7 years ago |
8 |