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The following diagram (in comments )shows two coils A and B . When the key is inserted ,adeflection is observed and then it becomes zero .When the key is removed ,the galvanometer`again shows deflection but in opposite direction and then becomes zero .
(1)On the basis of your observations ,give a special name to the coil AandB
(2)Name the principle involved in the given experiment . |
asked by Tanisha Vats (catercousin10) 8 years ago |
2 |
Waste not,Want Not.
Begin:-Of you... |
asked by Funny Funny (funnysimgh) 8 years ago |
7 |
What is the final value of ctr when the iteration process given below executes?
int ctr=0;
for(int i=1;i<=5;i++)
for(int j=1;j<5;j+=2)
++ctr;...............Can anyone pls explain me the working?? |
asked by Disha Ghatak (disha95) 8 years ago |
5 |
What is cancelled in Rise of Dictatorships? Please don't tell me to study according to the scope beacuse there is absolutely nothing in the chapter according to it.Is MOntagu_Chelmsford Reforms and impact of home rule league there in syllabus? |
asked by Hm (hm09) 8 years ago |
1 |
asked by Rahul Jain (rahulhpsbegumpet) 8 years ago |
2 |
are the events of the first war of independence in the portion?? |
asked by Mohammed Malik Sharaf (mmks1234) 8 years ago |
1 |
Find the odd one.
Corpus luteum,antrum,follicle,sertoli cells
(please give the answer with reasons.please) |
asked by . (myself1002) 8 years ago |
2 |
what do you mean by weeping of metals? |
asked by Nishant Shah (nishantshahroxx) 8 years ago |
1 |
Can anyone give me the notes of the following lessons?
1.First World War.
2.Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
3.Non-Aligned Movemet. |
asked by Param Kasliwal (param06092001) 8 years ago |
0 |
Are dates important in History? |
asked by An On (anon) 8 years ago |
3 |